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Marlon James recommended Dogeaters in Books (curated)

(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"Possible the most brutally, hilariously accurate portrait of post colonial Jamaica I’ve ever read. And it’s a novel about the Philippines."


Entertainment Editor (1988 KP) created a video about HEAVN by Jamila Woods in Music

Nov 12, 2017  

Jamila Woods - Holy (Official Video)

Jamaica: The Crew
Jamaica: The Crew
2017 | Nautical, Pirates, Racing
In the expansion review series, we take a look at a game expansion to discuss whether it is a necessary purchase/addition to one’s collection.

This breakdown is for the expansion for the popular pirate game Jamaica called The Crew. It is sold in a box in similar size to Jamaica’s main box, just a bit thinner.

This expansion will add a bevvy of new pirate characters to the game that can be recruited once a player pays the full amount at a port town (if you are unaware of the Jamaica base rules, read our review here). The red bottle of rum token in The Crew’s box acts as the main recruitment pawn by allowing any pirate adjacent to it to be recruited. The bottle may also be moved by paying one gold doubloon per space moved. Once recruited the pirate will command a space on one of the recruiting player’s ship’s hold and be treated like any other resource. Each recruited crewperson, however, will also furnish the player with special abilities and bonus points at the end of the game (more bonus points for crossing the finish line, less otherwise).
Should all owners of Jamaica run out and also grab The Crew in order to enjoy Jamaica? Maybe. Jamaica may evolve into a game that can become “samey” with many plays. Adding The Crew will inject a whole new aspect of play and various levels of new strategies to be applied. Having another resource to manage during the game may become more stressful, but those same resources, this time in the form of crewpersons, provide bonuses that range from helpful to immediate victory after special conditions are met.

Official recommendation: I love the base game of Jamaica. I never really thought I would NEED an expansion for it. In fact, I only picked this up because it was on sale and I saw many players enjoyed it. When I added it to my game my eyes were opened, and Jamaica became a new beast altogether for us. I say that if your games of Jamaica are becoming less and less enjoyable, then you should definitely grab a copy of The Crew. My only gripe is the box art. Why is it a book now instead of continuing with the treasure chest theme? It’s brown and has the Jamaica logo on it, but that’s where the similarities end. I wish they looked better together, that’s all I am saying.
A Brief History of Seven Killings
A Brief History of Seven Killings
Marlon James | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Requires background context, interesting but slow
No doubt, Marlon James' epic novel is well-researched, capturing the mood of 1970's Jamaica, at the height of the attempted assassination of Bob Marley. However, at times it seemed laborious as there were many distinct voices, some of which appeared unwarranted.

Earlier sections set in Jamaica were stronger as there was more of a sense of purpose and structure. But James's emphasis on dragging out scenes and repeating dialogue ended up losing dynamism.

It's a complex tale, painstakingly detailed which is why it deserves such lavish praise. But it definitely is an acquired taste, and requires concentration.
Notorious (2009)
Notorious (2009)
2009 | Drama, Musical
8.0 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Jamaica woolard (0 more)
Watched last night on Disney plus I knew of biggie smalls thru his music and like Tupac Shakur murder unsolved anyway on to the movie jamal woolard is brilliant as biggie showing his life thru his music not so great when it came to women and his rivarywith Tupac which gets him killed the rest of the cast not bad either overall good novie

Stevie Nicks recommended Wide Sargasso Sea in Books (curated)

Wide Sargasso Sea
Wide Sargasso Sea
7.0 (5 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"Wide Sargasso Sea is inspired by Bronte’s classic Jane Eyre. The novel explores the life of Mrs Rochester, ‘the wild woman in the attic’, in 1830s Jamaica before she was brought to England by Mr Rochester. Jean Rhys wrote this book as a precursor to Jane Eyre because of her love for the Bronte novel. I saw the film adaptation of the book in the early 1990s and it inspired me to write the song of the same name on my album"

Twisted (Pretty Little Liars, #9)
Twisted (Pretty Little Liars, #9)
Sara Shepard | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Huh. I thought the story had ended.

Maybe A will hook up with Gossip Girl and they'll take on corrupt politicians?


Now, that I've read the book. Am I the only one that kinda thinks with all the A shenanigans, the girls would never, ever keep a secret as long as they lived?

Seriously, some chick who looks like Ali (sort of) shows up in Jamaica and NONE of them think to send a pic in anonymously to a tabloid site? The conspiracy theorists are legion and somebody would have dug up something on Tabitha.

Also, it took a freaking year for the body to wash up? I find that pretty suspicious.

Poor Hanna. She's always been my favorite.
The Sun is Also a Star
The Sun is Also a Star
Nicola Yoon | 2016 | Children
8.5 (16 Ratings)
Book Rating
Surprisingly bittersweet, well crafted
I was initially apprehensive with this book as I assumed it was for young adults, however I was surprised to find how well written and intricately constructed it was.

The narrative shifts between a young undocumented woman, originally from Jamaica but brought up in the U.S., and an American-born Korean, who find each other on her last day before she is deported. In between are segways of an unknown voice who delves into the different characters and their backgrounds. The book explores fate and free will and whether there is an overarching hand that shapes this.

Their romance resembles that of 'Before Sunset', which was enjoyable but obviously the dialogue in this novel is not as intelligent. It's bittersweet, coming-of-age, and takes you back to young love.
Captain Blood (1935)
Captain Blood (1935)
1935 | Action, Classics
7.8 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Captain Blood is absolutely, one of my favorite films. I actually own it in HD and it's always on my tablet to watch while I'm traveling.
Captain Blood is based upon the book by Rafael Sabatini. Sabatini has written some great books that have also been made into movies, such as Scaramouche and The Sea Hawk. Errol Flynn plays the main character, Peter Blood, who was a doctor during the English Revolution. Blood is arrested and sent to the colony of Jamaica because he was perceived as a traitor. Blood escapes with other slaves (not a spoiler, seriously, this film was made in 1935), and becomes a pirate. Pirate adventures occur, and once Blood's name is finally cleared, it is a happily ever after. The last scene is probably my favorite in the entire movie.

Beetle Rider (341 KP) May 21, 2018

This is a great book. I’m ready for a modern adaptation.


Erika (17788 KP) May 22, 2018

Me too!

The Sun is Also a Star
The Sun is Also a Star
Nicola Yoon | 2016 | Children
8.5 (16 Ratings)
Book Rating

Young love...Who would have thought that I would actually fall in love with this story? I'm not really into romance stories it would have to really get me and I thought this story was pretty cute from the beginning to the very end. 

This book has been in my TBR jar and I selected the title surprised to find out that the movie comes out next month so It was meant to be. I knew it was going to be a romance story and I had my fingers crossed it was going to be worth the read and sure enough it was. It's different, unique, and beautiful...a love story I have not read before so it has originality for me to keep reading.

Our story starts out in New York City. We get to meet Natasha, a young girl who is originally born in Jamaica along with her younger brother and parents. Natasha and her family are being deported back to Jamaica, Natasha is doing everything she can for her and her family to be able to stay in America. Natasha is all about facts and what's in front of her type of person.

We also get to meet Daniel, who is a Korean - American whose family is from South Korea. Daniels family have high expectations for him to be a doctor and has a very important interview to get into Yale. Daniel is all about fate and destiny and true love.

I definitely feel like the love tension between the two went really fast but in a really good way. We have two completely different people and one who truly believes in fate and tries to show the other to follow your heart and what it says. 

You know its a good book when you really can't put the book down and you want to know what's going to happen and I mean I had to know what the fate was between these two young couples and where they were going to end up. So many questions running thru my head... Are they going to end up being together? Are they getting married on the same day they meet? Do Natasha and her family have to go back to Jamaica? The ending gave me goosebumps! I love endings of stories, it's everything for me and it ended perfectly for me.

Get your popcorn and candies! The movie comes out next month and I'm very stoked to have a "Me-Time" to watch this!