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Sharlto Copley recommended Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) in Movies (curated)

Kevin Phillipson (10072 KP) rated Aliens (1986) in Movies
Feb 23, 2018
Ripley (1 more)
Queen alien
This time its war
Ripley is back for this time she brings an army with her just as good as the orignal with james cameron dierecting the sequel this time giving us queen alien weaver is brillant as ripley so is the rest of the cast get away from u bitch classic line best of the sequels

Randy Andrews (3 KP) rated Aliens (1986) in Movies
Apr 29, 2017
Great Sequel
Aliens, being the long standing sequel set 57 years later certainly gets the action going right away. Sigourney Weaver plays the character fantastic and James Cameron directs the film in his frenetic style. Love the mechs! The acting for the supporting cast isn't stellar but for science fiction it's workable. Clearly one of my more favorite movies. The score by James Horner was composed quickly but effectively. This gives us one of the best action cues of all time.

Dean (6927 KP) rated Alita: Battle Angel (2019) in Movies
Feb 7, 2019 (Updated Feb 8, 2019)
An action packed Sci-Fi blockbuster
Another SFX master piece from James Cameron who also did @Avatar (2009) Thankfully the film isn't entirely about the amazing visuals. The story is good and the action scenes are very good. Maybe not the most original plot but the fun and excitement it brings more than makes up for it. Definitely one to catch on the big screen.

Barry Newman (204 KP) rated Aliens (1986) in Movies
May 7, 2020
Revisited this for the first time in ages and there’s still no other way of describing it than simply a masterpiece. Watching the theatrical version and the slow build up of tension in the first half building up to the action packed final battle between Ripley and the alien queen is such brilliant story telling and just so well paced. James Cameron follows the Jaws approach and doesn’t show you the slightest hint of an alien till nearly an hour into the film and is far stronger for it. The whole cast are great but the films ace is of course Sigourney Weaver ,she is a total bad ass here and one of cinemas all time great heroines. You are also reminded at what a talent James Cameron was before declaring himself ‘king of the world’. I would love to see him doing something like this or T2 again rather than wasting years on the 172 sequels to Avatar that nobody really wants.
(The special edition of the film is nearly 20 minutes longer and has some interesting moments but in my opinion slows things down a bit too much and you can see why these scenes were removed for the theatrical version)
(The special edition of the film is nearly 20 minutes longer and has some interesting moments but in my opinion slows things down a bit too much and you can see why these scenes were removed for the theatrical version)

Villainous Vee (53 KP) rated Alita: Battle Angel (2019) in Movies
Feb 13, 2019
Great SFX (2 more)
Nice set up for next film
Great action sequences
Disappointing if no follow up (2 more)
Some dodgy characters
Weak love story line
Overall I really enjoyed this film. You can tell straight away that James Cameron had a massive effect on this film, even Alitas eyes look like something straight from Avatar.
The overall story was great and intriguing and most questions I had were answers, although not all but expect a second film would answer those.
If you can I highly recommend going to see this on the big screen as the visuals are beautiful.
The overall story was great and intriguing and most questions I had were answers, although not all but expect a second film would answer those.
If you can I highly recommend going to see this on the big screen as the visuals are beautiful.

Sarah (7799 KP) rated Aliens (1986) in Movies
Aug 5, 2017
Lives up to the original and more
Aliens is the perfect example of how to do a sequel properly. Not only does it match the excellence of the first Alien film, it almost surpasses it. There are some elements of claustrophobia and suspense, but this has now been paired with lots of action, and it works really well. The casting is great and the new characters are a welcome addition, and bring a lot of humour. The Xenomorph itself is still as terrifying as before, but with a whole new 'team' dynamic thrown in. James Cameron has done a fantastic job with this one.

Movie Metropolis (309 KP) rated Titanic (1997) in Movies
Jun 10, 2019 (Updated Jun 10, 2019)
Titanic was an absolute breakthrough for director James Cameron, swooping 11 Oscars at the 1998 awards. To this day, it remains the third highest grossing film of all time, recently pushed down from second by Avengers: Endgame. Starring Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio, a lot has been said about the film’s over reliance on the central love triangle.
Watching it again over 20 years later still showcases Titanic’s incredible special effects, emotional plot and stunning cinematography and sound design. This disaster film is the biggest of all time and it’s easy to see why, despite the, at times, flabby story.
Watching it again over 20 years later still showcases Titanic’s incredible special effects, emotional plot and stunning cinematography and sound design. This disaster film is the biggest of all time and it’s easy to see why, despite the, at times, flabby story.

BankofMarquis (1832 KP) rated Avatar: The Way of Water (2021) in Movies
Jan 2, 2023
Strong Visuals - Weak Everything Else
See AVATAR: THE WAY OF WATER on the biggest 3D Screen, with the best Sound System possible. It is a technical marvel…way ahead of anything that has, thus far, been seen on a movie screen.
It’s too bad the story (and characters) lag far behind.
Taking the audience back to the world of Pandora, AVATAR: THE WAY OF WATER treads familiar territory as Director James Cameron returns us to this idyllic planet, with the natives living peacefully, in concert with the land, until the soldiers from Earth show up (again) to strip the planet of it’s native contents (again).
Cameron (TITANTIC) expands this 3D World, bringing the audience from the trees to the water - and what an expansion this is! It is a BEAUTIFUL film to watch and Cameron (as one would expect) expertly pushes the technological edges of the industry, bringing us stunning visuals underwater. It is this part of the more than 3 hour film that is worth the price of admission alone. It is a feast for the eyes.
But what Cameron (and his FOUR writers of the script - never a good sign) fail to do is to add interesting characters and stories to these amazing visuals. It is a pretty straight forward telling of Good (the native peoples) vs. Evil (the invading soldiers from Earth). There is no nuance or subtly whatsoever throughout this film.
Back from the first film are Sam Worthington (just as wooden and uninteresting), Zoe Saldana (just as underused) and Stephen Lang (just as one-note as the villain). Obviously, it is just their voices used - for they are all rendered as Pandorans via motion-capture - but they don’t have much to do except be one with the nature (the good guys) or destroy nature (the soldiers).
Joining the cast - and just as underused - are Cliff Curtis, CCH Pounder and, especially, Kate Winslet. Cameron brings in some really fine performers who have to spout wooden dialogue that would make George Lucas blush - all the while performing in motion capture suits. This movie could have been so much better had Cameron given these actors something better and more interesting to do.
The only exception to this is the young actress (so I thought) that portrayed Kiri - who is the daughter of the Sigourney Weaver character from the first film. This Pandoran was born under mysterious circumstances (Virgin birth? Do we have a Messiah?) and is more in tune with the nature of the world they live in. This young actress had the most interesting things to do and she absolutely nailed it, so I should not have been surprised to find out that this “young actress” was none other than - Sigourney Weaver.
Well done, Cameron and Weaver. You got me on this one.
This film (the second in what will be a trilogy - or maybe more) has a run time of over 3 hours - so be warned - but Cameron keeps things moving along at a sprightly pace, never lingering over the clunky dialogue, but stopping to watch the beautiful visuals along the way.
AVATAR: THE WAY OF WATER is worth watching for the water and the stunning visuals…but not for much else.
Letter Grade: B+ (10 for the visuals, 5 for the story)
7 1/2 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)
It’s too bad the story (and characters) lag far behind.
Taking the audience back to the world of Pandora, AVATAR: THE WAY OF WATER treads familiar territory as Director James Cameron returns us to this idyllic planet, with the natives living peacefully, in concert with the land, until the soldiers from Earth show up (again) to strip the planet of it’s native contents (again).
Cameron (TITANTIC) expands this 3D World, bringing the audience from the trees to the water - and what an expansion this is! It is a BEAUTIFUL film to watch and Cameron (as one would expect) expertly pushes the technological edges of the industry, bringing us stunning visuals underwater. It is this part of the more than 3 hour film that is worth the price of admission alone. It is a feast for the eyes.
But what Cameron (and his FOUR writers of the script - never a good sign) fail to do is to add interesting characters and stories to these amazing visuals. It is a pretty straight forward telling of Good (the native peoples) vs. Evil (the invading soldiers from Earth). There is no nuance or subtly whatsoever throughout this film.
Back from the first film are Sam Worthington (just as wooden and uninteresting), Zoe Saldana (just as underused) and Stephen Lang (just as one-note as the villain). Obviously, it is just their voices used - for they are all rendered as Pandorans via motion-capture - but they don’t have much to do except be one with the nature (the good guys) or destroy nature (the soldiers).
Joining the cast - and just as underused - are Cliff Curtis, CCH Pounder and, especially, Kate Winslet. Cameron brings in some really fine performers who have to spout wooden dialogue that would make George Lucas blush - all the while performing in motion capture suits. This movie could have been so much better had Cameron given these actors something better and more interesting to do.
The only exception to this is the young actress (so I thought) that portrayed Kiri - who is the daughter of the Sigourney Weaver character from the first film. This Pandoran was born under mysterious circumstances (Virgin birth? Do we have a Messiah?) and is more in tune with the nature of the world they live in. This young actress had the most interesting things to do and she absolutely nailed it, so I should not have been surprised to find out that this “young actress” was none other than - Sigourney Weaver.
Well done, Cameron and Weaver. You got me on this one.
This film (the second in what will be a trilogy - or maybe more) has a run time of over 3 hours - so be warned - but Cameron keeps things moving along at a sprightly pace, never lingering over the clunky dialogue, but stopping to watch the beautiful visuals along the way.
AVATAR: THE WAY OF WATER is worth watching for the water and the stunning visuals…but not for much else.
Letter Grade: B+ (10 for the visuals, 5 for the story)
7 1/2 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)

David McK (3508 KP) rated True Lies (1994) in Movies
Mar 29, 2020 (Updated Apr 10, 2022)
The early to mid 90s were a great time for action movies.
Cliffhanger. Speed. And this.
Starring a pre-Governator Arnold Schwarzenneger, Jamie Lee Curtis, and a pre-TVs-Faith-from-Buffy Eliza Dushku, this basically posits the question "What if James Bond was a family man? And what if his wife doesn't know he's a spy?"
When he then discovers that said wife is - he thinks - having an affair (but is in reality falling victim to a scam artist), he then decides to 'give her a bit of excitement', which leads to her getting caught up in his 'real' job and finding out more about his life!
With a rarely-looking-hotter Tia Carrere, those tango scenes (and *that* striptease) alongside plenty of stunts and gunplay (and the Harrier jump jets) - and, of course, the one-liners! - this is a pretty enjoyable big budget action movie
(Edit: I've just discovered it's directed by a pre-Titanic James Cameron, which helps!)
Cliffhanger. Speed. And this.
Starring a pre-Governator Arnold Schwarzenneger, Jamie Lee Curtis, and a pre-TVs-Faith-from-Buffy Eliza Dushku, this basically posits the question "What if James Bond was a family man? And what if his wife doesn't know he's a spy?"
When he then discovers that said wife is - he thinks - having an affair (but is in reality falling victim to a scam artist), he then decides to 'give her a bit of excitement', which leads to her getting caught up in his 'real' job and finding out more about his life!
With a rarely-looking-hotter Tia Carrere, those tango scenes (and *that* striptease) alongside plenty of stunts and gunplay (and the Harrier jump jets) - and, of course, the one-liners! - this is a pretty enjoyable big budget action movie
(Edit: I've just discovered it's directed by a pre-Titanic James Cameron, which helps!)