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Batman: Detective Comics, Volume 7: Batmen Eternal
Batman: Detective Comics, Volume 7: Batmen Eternal
James Tynion IV | 2018 | Comics & Graphic Novels, Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well, boys and girls (and all non-gender folks as well), I have made to the last entry in James Tynion IV's run on DETECTIVE COMICS! Wowwowwoweeewow! What an amazing run it was!!

Following the beginnings of "Rebirth", I was excited, as it was doing away with much of the New52 stuff that was just crap, helping to restructure the DCU. Unfortunately, my initial excitement was partially crushed by Tom King, as he left me, for want of a better word, <i><b>hating</i></b> the Dark Knight!

That was the general feeling until I read Scott Snyder's BATMAN run (OMG! The Court of Owls is such a cool concept! I could totally see Faction Paradox involving themselves with the Court!) and then Tynion's run on DETECTIVE! Both writers have helped me to remember why I always liked the character of Batman, and what goes into making him cool and interesting!

This final volume, BATMAN ETERNAL, brings all of the plotlines together: the stuff with Tim Drake, angst-y Steph Brown/Spoiler (who, actually, was less angst-y, so that was great) and all her issues, Batman "vs." Batwoman, the Belfry, Cassandra Cain/Orphan and her role in the world going forward, as well as what became of [Spoiler!]. The answers given were well-thought out and fitting to the whole arc overall. Everything Tynion presented made sense, and really helped to restore Batman to being a great character, with depth and emotion. Definitely a better Batman than in the Tom King-helmed BATMAN book!

All the artists, even Eddy Barrows (who, normally, I kinda like, but the last two volumes he felt off), were top notch! Perfectly suited to the mood, environment running through this final Tynion 'TEC arc! So, let me just give a hearty applause for all their effort to Javier Fernandez, Eddy Barrows, Alvaro Martinez, Philippe Briones, Scot Eaton, Raul Fernandez, Eber Ferreira, and Wayne Faucher! Brilliant work, lads, absolutely brilliant!

Yes, I recommend this book, but more than that, I recommend you read all seven of the volumes of DETECTIVE COMICS! Some of the best, most Batman-like Batman stuff you will read!
Justice League Dark, Volume 1: The Last Age of Magic
Justice League Dark, Volume 1: The Last Age of Magic
James Tynion IV | 2019 | Comics & Graphic Novels, Horror, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I finally finished up the first JLD volume from new series writer James Tynion IV. I already remarked on how I was quite pleased with his handle of the core members, bringing a real sense of belonging in a very dark (but not THE BOYS dark! THANK GOD!) setting.

I am 50, right? I remember when Zatanna was simply a top hat, coat and tails, plus fishnets. I was a totally fanboying her character back in the day. I even went so far as to request a sketch (back when sketches could run you simply $20, and no attendees were trying to make money off the art acquired) of her from then-new artist Adam Hughes.

When I first saw the art for JLD, wherein Zee's token "top hat and fishnets" were gone. Instead, she was now attired in black slacks, thigh-high black leather boots, white bodice, and stockings are now on her arms as sleeves of a sort. I have to admit, by the end of this volume, as well as the subsequent one (WW + JLD: THE WITCHING HOUR), it gives her a more "sensible sorceress" look. It feels less objectifying, no?

Oh, Constantine, how you've grown as a character! No longer just a likeable (sort of) a-hole with a flair for dark things magical, he seemed to have matured as a character. He seems to, indirectly or otherwise, fit in the team, despite being more akin to a lone wolf character. Tynion really should be given a chance at writing a Constantine mini, perhaps. just sayin'!

The art by Alvaro Martinez Bueno and Daniel Sampiere, with inks by Raul Fernandez and Juan Albarran, is super spot-on. All the regular characters are rendered well, never once veering away from their token looks. Fortunately, DC at least recognizes some good fits, as this seems to be the ongoing art team on the series going forward. Good stuff, indeed!

Now, while the main story held my attention until the very end, the last story, "Tales From The Otherkind", not so much. I get what Tynion was going for, but it just wasn't doing it for me. It was this final story in the volume which prevented this from being a 5-Star review.

But, don't let that sway you! There's some solid creepiness within, as well as some real tense moments. You may even enjoy that last story in the volume. So, that said, I urge you to check this one out. No disappointments, even if you don't like the last story as much as I did!
Batman: Detective Comics, Volume 5: A Lonely Place of Living
Batman: Detective Comics, Volume 5: A Lonely Place of Living
James Tynion IV | 2018 | Comics & Graphic Novels
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Alright, alright, alright! (whoa, who let Matthew McConaughey in here?!?) I am coming to the near ending of James Tynion IV's run on "Rebirth" DETECTIVE COMICS. After this, one more volume to go: VOL. VI: THE FALL OF THE BATMEN. But, now I am getting ahead of myself, eh? Let's refocus back on this volume...

The ride thus far has been quite good! Tynion's treatment of Batman gives us a more faceted aspect of the Dark Knight. Yes, there is still the "Dark" to his "Knight", but there is also a bit of humanity, like the way he is in regard to Tim Drake, as well as Stephanie Brown/Spoiler. It reminds of what I liked most about the character as I was growing up in the 80s and 90s, something that appears to have been forgotten as Tom King continues to present a Batman that really was not needed! I look forward to him taking over from King on the BATMAN main book!

Spoiler, unfortunately, was still kinda mopey and angst-y in this volume as well. I dunno. When she came on board as the fourth Robin and then became the fourth Batgirl, I passed on it. It really did not have any attraction for me. However, in the first three volumes of "Rebirth" DETECTIVE COMICS, before Tim was grabbed by Mr. Oz (or was it Dr. Oz? lol), she was quite likeable, even kinda fun. After the whole "Tim Incident", the suck-itude was strong and hard! Hopefully, she will be more herself in Tynion's final volume of 'TEC!

The story was quite good, as it dealt with Tim Drake, and his role in the DCU since Dr. Manhattan made those missing 10 years go bye-bye. At points, it felt very much like a hackneyed plot element, but it still was not that bad. Not great, mind you, unlike the previous volumes, but not the worse treatment (that goes to King) of the Batman fam!

The other element that left this off my "Favorites" shelf, as well as only as high as 3 Stars, was the art from Eddy Barrows. He had some really great backgrounds and figure shots, but his faces? Um, no. Several times it looked like Tim was grinning when he should not have. Also, there were some other "that's not right" facial moments for much of the other supporting characters. I think he is a good artist, but I think whoever was editing that run should have been more aware of that!

Now, Alvaro Martinez? Perfect! His style was perfectly suited to Gotham City and the world of Batman. I would have loved him for the whole volume instead of the little bit he had. Hmm.. Maybe Tynion IV can bring him along for his upcoming run on BATMAN? #hopeful

So, yeah, I <i>liked</i> "A Lonely Of Living", but I didn't <i>love</i> it, dig? There was some good stuff, but overall, I would likely not want to re-visit it at a later date. Ah well, on to FALL OF THE BATMEN..