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Shadow Guardian (Blood Shadows #1)
Shadow Guardian (Blood Shadows #1)
Jennie Lynn Roberts | 2022 | Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Kay has never felt wanted or loved by her parents and has a strong resentment towards them. The only people she can trust in her life are Elizabeth, Zayn, James and David. When dark shadows start attacking people Kay will find out who she can trust as she battles to save everybody against the destructive shadows and their chaos.

I absolutely loved this book and did not want it to end! I finished the last page of the last chapter turned the page to see thank and was like no! I've not finished reading that yet I don't want it to finish!

I enjoyed the fight scenes they were really descriptive that you can imagine the tendrils and reactions of every character. I think the growth of the relationship between Kay and Ethan is well written and I can understand the turmoil between them both and found myself at times calling either character a name because of their reaction to an incident.

Completely gripping, with thrills, mystery, love and betrayal. Can't wait to read the next one!

Please read
Judge & Jury
James Patterson | 2006 | Crime, Mystery
7.4 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
When Andie gets called up for jury duty, she is dreading it. She doesn't want to be a part of this trial at all. During jury selection, she tries her best to not get called, but unfortunately for her, she gets a seat in the jury box. The trial is for a mob boss who has killed numerous people and gotten away with it every time. Nick Pellisante is the FBI agent who has been hunting down Dominic Covello for years now. Finally he has him in jail and awaiting trial and he can't wait to see him put away for life. When the jury gets sequestered, it doesn't stop Covello from having his people get to them. Will he get away with murder again or will he finally face his fate?

I have enjoyed James Patterson books for a long time. His books aren't always the best, but they are great for a quick read and lots of entertainment. Having Joe Mantegna read this story made it even better. Criminal Minds is one of my favorite shows so I could relate to the reader on this book. I plan on catching up on all of my James Patterson reading in the new year. I'm already caught up on the Women's Murder Club series.

In this book, I like the way that Andie handles the situations that are put to her. She is a mother and very strong willed. The relationship she develops with Pellisante along the way helps them both in their lives. A quick book to enjoy on my way to and from work.
Left Drowning (Left Drowning, #1)
Left Drowning (Left Drowning, #1)
Jessica Park | 2013 | Contemporary, Erotica, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
*I received this book via Net Galley as an ARC in exchange for an honest review*

This book was PHE-NOM-ENAL!!!! I couldn't put it down. It took me a bit to read because I was on vacation and was busy, but I loved this book and read it every chance I could. I actually finished it on the plane yesterday and the end had me in tears...I felt so bad for the poor guy sitting next to me.

Chris, Blythe, Sabin, Eric, Estelle, James, and Zach are absolutely amazing characters!!!! I couldn't get enough of them. The more of the book I read the more I felt like these characters were real people that I knew. I fell in love with them all! I cried for the Shepard kids, and I cried for Blythe and James and the shitty hands that were dealt to them all. These kids were so strong and persevered through so much!

The story was amazing, and the way their lives were so entwined even though they didn't know about it was absolutely amazing. I kind of figured out early on how their lives were entwined but I was still enthralled by the story and I couldn't wait to see it all unfold.

The author did an amazing story, and I felt she covered the subject of death, abuse, and relationships very well. The author eloquently covered these hard topics with grace and tact.

This is the first book of this authors that I have read, and I absolutely loved it! I can't wait to read more of her books!
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (2023)
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (2023)
2023 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
7.8 (12 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A Return to Form for the MCU
Welcome back, MCU, we missed you.

With GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY, VOLUME 3, the MCU has returned to the top ranks of movie-making, creating a thrilling, character-driven action/adventure that is emotionally charged and satisfying.

Directed and Written by James Gunn (as he has done with the first 2 Guardians films), Guardians 3 ties off the trilogy of this ragtag group of heroes in an appropriate, fun way by focusing on something that recent MCU films failed to do - it focuses on the characters and their relationships and how the out-of-this-world adventure that they are on will, ultimately, grow and enrich these characters and relationships.

Chris Pratt (Star-Lord), Zoe Saldana (Gamora), Dave Bautista (Drax), Pom Klementieff (Mantis) and the voice of Vin Diesel (Groot) are all back and they all slip, comfortably, into their roles and relationships and it feels good to have them back together again.

Karen Gillan (Nebula) and, especially, Bradley Cooper (the voice of Rocket Racoon) shine above the rest as the script calls for their characters to grow in smart, fulfilling ways and both actors shine in these circumstances.

This film also has something that the previous few films - especially the latest Ant-Man film - were lacking…a terrific villain. Chukwudi Iwuji is terribly scary as THE HIGH EVOLUTIONARY who is so single-minded in his mission that living beings - and planets - are expendable. It is a terrific performance (and the 2nd straight strong one from Iwuji in a comic book vehicle, following his work in the HBO-MAX DCU TV Series Peacemaker). He is a talent to keep an eye on.

Of course, credit to all of this goes to James Gunn who, after some controversy, returned to helm the end of the Guardians trilogy (at least the Guardians of the Galaxy with THESE characters) and he hits the mark, finding the right blend of action and character that makes the audience care very much what happens to this group. It is a strong exit film from the MCU for Gunn and the DCU is very lucky/smart to hire him as their artistic director going forward.

A very rewarding end to the Guardians trilogy - and a return to form (at least for 1 film) for the MCU.

Letter Grade: A-

8 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank (ofMarquis)
Thunderball (1965)
Thunderball (1965)
1965 | Action, Classics, Drama
Characters – James Bond is back once again, forcing himself on women while trying to recover missing warheads. He gets to do the sneaking around, while alluding capture from the people who know he is after them. We don’t learn much that we haven’t already seen from James in this movie. Domino is the woman on the side of Largo, one that James is trying to seduce to help uncover the location of the missiles and one that won’t give into his charm. Largo is number two in SPECTRE who is the mastermind behind this latest plan is he can pull of the plan he will help fund the criminal group. Fiona is another one of the women that Bond tries his best to get his hands on, another one of the women working for Largo.

Performances – Sean Connery continues to be strong in the leading role of the film, he is starting to have more fun with his performance too. When it comes to the Bond girls, they each have their own beauty while just being written as traditional, will sleep with Bond and more often than not, just pawns in the bigger game. Adolfo Celi is solid in the villainous role, even though it is his look that makes him more memorable than any of his actions.

Story – The story here follows James Bond on his latest mission to stop SPECTRE and their criminal actions against the world, now this is good to see the big villain return and yes, once again we don’t take on the head of SPECTRE as we continue to see plans for the organisation to bring terror on the world. the only negative is that we just glossed over them not being around in the last film and now suddenly they are back. As for the actual mission, we get the normal idea of Bond versus villain that will use weapons of mass destruction against the world with a limited time frame to stop them. This barely bring anything new to the world we are seeing Bond operate in and only continues the long running story against SPECTRE.

Action/Adventure – The action here is very unique and ambitious, we get most of the fight sequences happening underwater, something we rarely see even in this day of cinema, making the action the highlight of the film. the adventure gets to see James in another exotic location to save the day once again.

Settings – The film is set in the Bahamas for the most part, this gives us the beauty shots and as all Bond movies need, the women in bikinis. It shows how the remote islands can easily be used to harbour fugitives too.

Scene of the Movie – Mass underwater fight.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – It is more of the same.

Final Thoughts – This is another Bond movie that brings him against the criminal organisation known as SPECTRE once again as we continue to world build, it is easy to watch even if it isn’t going to be the most memorable in the series.


Overall: Simple Bond Film
When Beauty Tamed the Beast (Fairy Tales, #2)
When Beauty Tamed the Beast (Fairy Tales, #2)
Eloisa James | 2011 | Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Not so very long ago I reviewed the first of James' fairy tales series, A Kiss at Midnight, which I found OK, but not one to hang on to and read again, and I said that I always thought I should like her books more than I actually do. I have to say that it was almost as if someone was listening, as I liked this book a whole lot better. There is only a thematic connection with the other books; there don't appear to be any characters in common.

I liked this book as the two protagonists had personality and you could see what they would see in each other, which I found hard in the last book. The whole set up was maybe a bit far fetched, but it was quite an amusing tale - with a fair sprinkling of strong language. I smiled when the heroine had been reading Miss Butterworth & the Mad Baron - as I'm sure many readers of Julia Quinn will! A much more engaging and entertaining read, good protagonists and interesting supporting characters, giving enough interest but without detracting from the main plot.
Castlevania - Season 1
Castlevania - Season 1
2017 | Animation, Fantasy, Horror
The first season of Castlevania could be more accurately described as a 'teaser-season'. It's four episodes acts as a set up for what is to come, introducing us to the key players in the war between man and vampire.

The episodes run for around 25 minutes, meaning that the season has a limited time to establish what it needs to, and it does this pretty effectively. A decent script ensures that the three main protagonists Trevor Belmont (Richard Armitage), Sypha (Alejandra Reynoso) and Alucard (James Callis) are all immediately likable, and even gives an incredibly sympathetic villain in Dracula. There's also a nice sense of humour running underneath all of the dramatics.

The animation style shows signs of budget restriction on occasion, but for the most part is easy to take in. A lot of close ups on characters show off some nice detail, long shots of locations look great, as do the combat scenes. To darker colour choices work well with the gothic setting, and the frequent strong violence.

Above all, this short but sweet season leaves the viewer wanting more, which was surely the aim in the first place!