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Causeway (2022)
Causeway (2022)
2022 |
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Strong Performances
Welcome back, Jennifer Lawrence, the movies missed you.

Shot to stardom early - a 3x Oscar Nominee by the age of 23 (winning once for SILVER LININGS PLAYBOOK) and the top paid actress in 2015, 2016 - Jennifer Lawrence took a hiatus from filmmaking right before the pandemic.

With the lowkey, PTSD character study CAUSEWAY, let’s hope that Lawrence is back for good.

Directed by Lila Neugebauer (ROOM 104), Causeway tells the tale of Lynsey (played by Lawrence) who returns home after suffering a Traumatic Brain Injury while serving overseas. Once home, she forms an unlikely friendship with James (an Oscar Nominated Brian Tyree Henry) who also has some trauma to work through.

It is a low-key, pensive film about friendship, recovery and dealing with loss/pain. Most of the film is the 2 lead characters talking and in order for it to succeed, the 2 main characters better be performed by 2 charismatic, interesting actors.

And fortunately for CAUSEWAY, it is.

Starting with Lawrence. She is a unique acting talent in that one can see what she is thinking and feeling with a minimum of facial gestures. She draws the audience into her portrayal of Lynsey - making her a person to empathize with (but not pity). Lynsey is strong, fearful, focused and damaged and the audience sees every part of this in Lawrence’s performance. It is a wonderfully understated performance and it’s a shame that she, too, was not nominated for an Oscar.

But, of course, with a talk-y, two character piece, BOTH performances better be Oscar caliber to keep the audience engaged and with the surprising strong and vulnerable performance of here-to-fore known as comedy performer Henry (BULLET TRAIN) Causeway has the 2nd anchor to this film.

When James (Henry’s character) is first introduced, the audience gets the impression that he is the funny, affable, friendly rock that Lynsey needs to get back on her feet, but as the film progresses and we peel back the layers of James’ onion, we find out that he is just as damaged - and as real - as she is. Henry embodies James with the same strength and vulnerability that Lawrence shows as Lynsey - and Henry is a well-deserved Oscar nominee for his work.

Creidt, of course, for this paring - and the performances therein - lies with Director Neugebauer who lets her camera linger on the performances and the emotions that are laid raw in front of the viewer.

Not the fastest paced film, Causeway is a marvelous unlikely pairing of 2 damaged souls portrayed, strongly, by 2 fine actors.

Letter Grade: B+

7 1/2 stars (out of 10)
The Grace Year
The Grace Year
Kim Liggett | 2019 | Dystopia, Young Adult (YA)
8.7 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book was written in a way that made me instantly relate to the main character Tierney. From the very first pages it was compelling and heartbreaking all at once. (0 more)
This book is utterly stunning, when considering this book for reading myself it was described as a cross of the handmaid's tale and the hunger games and that couldn't be more accurate. The main character Tierney James is such a strong individual that while reading you cant help but feel everything she does. The twisters that are in this book make it so you nearly cant put it down. I personally finished the book in 16 hours and it only made me want to be a stronger and more independent woman myself.
Trance (2013)
Trance (2013)
2013 | Mystery, Documentary
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Danny Boyle is a director who rarely disappoints me even with weaker material his unique visual style makes for entertaining viewing. For me this was one of his better recent efforts and the story here is compelling with twists and turns galore (some plausible and some perhaps not so plausible) as we slowly unravel multiple plot lines connected with hypnosis and a botched art heist. The film is well paced and visually very impressive and kept me suitably hooked. The performances are also strong with James McAvoy and Vincent Cassel being the standouts but if the films plot leaves you scratching your head just a bit too much then there is always an eyebrow raising turn from Rosario Dawson that will certainly leave you with fond memories of the film.
The Murder House
The Murder House
James Patterson, David Ellis | 2015 | Crime, Thriller
8.5 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
7 Ocean Drive also known as The Murder House, gives Detective Jenna Murphy the creeps. She used to play on the beaches right outside this house when she was little. Since she has been away from Southhampton Township for so long, she can't recall why. When two dead bodies are found in the house, Detective Murphy is on the case to find the killer. The number one suspect, Noah Walker has strong ties to the house and is known for his past crimes. The story behind the house is a good setting for any haunted house, but this house isn't exactly haunted as it is just strange for all the death in encapsulates.

The Murder House is a book that will keep you on the edge of your seat. You get to a point where you think you know what is going to happen next, and chances are you will be wrong. You don't know who to route for to be the bad guy or the good guy. I found myself yelling at the book and gasping on a few occasions because I couldn't believe what was happening. I thought I had it all figured out from the beginning. It's been a while since I've read a James Patterson book where I was wrong about who the killer was going to be. I was really stumped on this one. I was truly immersed in the story. I have always been a big James Patterson fan and this book I will have to say will be one of my favorites. It has everything you want from a good thriller. I always will recommend a book by James Patterson, they are usually quick to read and entertaining, but this one is highly recommended.
Shadow Healer (Blood Shadows #3)
Shadow Healer (Blood Shadows #3)
Jennie Lynn Roberts | 2023 | Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
SHADOW HEALER brings to a thrilling conclusion this amazing series that I have loved from the very first word. James and Riley have both made mistakes but will their love be strong enough to conquer their fears?

James - oh, boy. This man about broke my heart. He has made a multitude of mistakes, some of them absolutely horrible, but he has paid in so many ways. From a broken boy seeking love and acceptance to the man he is today, some things just don't change, no matter what. For James, it was his love for those around him, and how he will do anything to protect them.

Riley is a loner and not through choice. She has searched for friendship and acceptance, finding both in James' arms before he left her. She is determined to see things through and then intends to leave and start afresh someplace new. It takes someone looking in from the outside to point out that Riley has been holding back, putting up walls in an attempt to not get hurt. I could understand her reasoning and actions, even if I didn't like them.

Together, these two need to work together against the bigger threat - Gordon. What a character he is! A slimy piece of work and that's at his best. He is supported by the Council who are all as bad as he is. Weak and hungry for power is not a good combination.

This is a real page-turner with lots of emotions flooding the pages. My eyes leaked on more than one occasion - sometimes because I was happy, and other times not. I thought the ending was simply superb, giving me all I needed. I really hope this isn't the last we see of this world. Jennie Lynn Roberts is a one-click author for me and I HIGHLY recommend her latest masterpiece.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jul 26, 2023