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Thursday (1998)
Thursday (1998)
1998 | Action, Mystery
I had a phone, i broke anger
Former big time drug dealer casey wells (Tom Jane) is now an architect, wanting nothing to do with his past, living the quiet life with his beautiful wife.
When former partner Nick shows up out of the blue - on a Thursday, looking to stay for a few day's, casey Reluctantly agrees but quickly becomes increasingly concerned about Nicks "Luggage", so to calm his nerves casey breaks into the briefcase discovering a large amount of heroin.
This is followed by visits from multiple strangers looking for the drug's....which casey flushed down the sink...its gonna be a long day.

This movie is skip woods directional debut film, starring Tom Jane, paula Marshall, Aaron Eckhart, paulina porizkova, James le gros and Glenn plummer as the brilliant Rasta Man.
The Winter Killer (DI James Walker #3)
The Winter Killer (DI James Walker #3)
Alex Pine | 2022 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the third book in the DI James Walker series and the second I have read but do not worry, it can be read as a standalone very easily.

It's New Year's Eve and a body is found on a jetty at the prestigious The Fells Hotel on the shores of Lake Windermere where a wedding is taking place but was it an accident or murder? DI James Walker and his team are tasked with finding out and it soon becomes clear that the death is very much suspicious.

This is a proper who-dunnit with plenty of potential suspects and is anything but simple and straightforward particularly when all manner of revelations come to light including members of the victims family and close acquaintances.

With great characters, an intriguing plot and written at a great pace, this is an engaging read. The setting is perfect - well I would say that as it's my neck of the woods - and Mr Pine captures the weather, scenery and location completely.

Overall, a great read and I look forward to the next in the series and my thanks go to Avon Books UK and NetGalley for enabling me to read and share my thoughts of The Winter Killer.

David Schwartz recommended Videodrome (1983) in Movies (curated)

Videodrome (1983)
Videodrome (1983)
1983 | Horror, Sci-Fi

"David Cronenberg’s reflexive masterpiece of modern horror, with James Woods as a seedy purveyor of soft-core exploitation for cable TV, and Debbie Harry as his siren, brought the media-as-message theories of fellow Torontonian Marshall McLuhan to visceral life. This was one of the first movies I rented on VHS, and Videodrome is partly an exploration of the strange, clunky physical sensation attached to the idea of a feature film being available on a paperback-size plastic-and-tape cassette that is inserted into a machine . . . and our brains. A quarter century later, Cronenberg’s dazzling vision of a world where image and flesh are one—“long live the new flesh”—Videodrome’s futuristic vision is timelier than ever. And above all that, the movie is sexy, smart, funny, and fascinating, moving adeptly between its layers of reality, imagination, and that vast territory in between."

Hercules (1997)
Hercules (1997)
1997 | Animation, Comedy, Fantasy
8.2 (75 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Vibrant colours, character development, good story, fun musical numbers (0 more)
Plot was a little light (0 more)
Zero to Hero
Contains spoilers, click to show
Disney's take on the Greek mythological Hero.
 Hercules (Tate Donovan), son of Zeus, was kidnapped as a baby by minions of Hades (James Woods) and is found and raised by mortals in a superman-esque kinda way.
Now a teenager, Hercules wants to know about his real parents. Along the way he needs to perform a rite of passage on Earth to prove himself worthy of living with the gods on Mount Olympus and dealing with his first true love With help from his plucky satyr sidekick, Philoctetes (Danny DeVito), who's along for the ride, Hercules must learn how to use his strength to become the hero he's needed to be.

This movie is very light hearted and has an array of characters you can appreciate, many vibrant colours manage to draw you in, great dialogue and banter between characters with a meaningful story.

My personal favourite Disney animation.
Blair Witch (2016)
Blair Witch (2016)
2016 | Horror, Thriller
Actually scary at times (0 more)
Too similar in places to the original (0 more)
Yeah, I preferred this to the original...
The original Blair Witch movie came out in 1999 (wow, where has the time gone?!) in the good old days when you could get hold of a US DVD import in the UK before a movie was even released on UK cinema screens. I remember The Blair Witch Project being released in the UK on Halloween, the same day that the US DVD was delivered to my house! I excitedly sat down to watch it that evening with my family while everyone else had to go out in the cold rainy weather to watch it at the cinema, and I remember at the end of the movie we all kind of looked at each other as if to say “is that it…?!” All the hype, all the usual crap about it being absolutely terrifying and the scariest movie ever made and it was just a bunch of people getting spooked in the woods! To be fair, it wasn’t that bad, but it just wasn’t as scary or as fantastic as we’d been led to believe. The movie spawned a forgettable sequel and since then, despite being done to death, far superior found footage movies have come along and done it all a hell of a lot better. Then, out of the blue in July last year, a movie which had been previously marketed as ‘The Woods’ was revealed to actually be ‘Blair Witch’. The trailer looked OK, not great but interesting enough. But, once again we’re being subjected to all the usual marketing crap about it being terrifying and the scariest thing you’ve ever seen… blah, blah, blah…

James Donahue is the brother of Heather, who was one of the central characters in the first film. We join him 22 years after the original, as he prepares to lead a new bunch of characters into the Burkittsville woods. They meet up with a couple of young locals, who offer to be their guide, and off they head, into the woods where their video footage will later be discovered. This time round, the array of cameras capturing the footage has vastly improved. As well as the standard handhelds, we’ve got ear piece cams, drone cams, night cams. All offering new and interesting ways to capture the action.

Things mostly follow a similar path to the original – strange noises, weird stuff happening with time, thinking you’re heading in one direction when you’re going around in circles, juddery camera movements where it’s difficult to tell what the hell is going on. But… you do actually see things this time, the noises that you hear are terrifying, the characters are far more interesting and believable than those in the original. And the final act when we find ourselves back in the house from the first movie is seriously the stuff of nightmares.

Director Adam Wingard and writer Simon Barrett, both have an excellent recent track record (see You’re Next and The Guest) and their influence on this movie has taken this story to another level. This is a far superior movie to the original and yes, it is truly terrifying.