Welcome to Our Village Please Invade Carefully: Series 1 & 2
Eddie Robson, Hattie Morahan and Julian Rhind-Tutt
Two series of the BBC Radio 4 sitcom about an alien invasion of a small village, starring Hattie...
Business, Capitalism and Corporate Citizenship: A Collection of Seminal Essays
In the first decades of the twenty-first century, the theory and practice of corporate citizenship...
Can it Happen Again?: Essays on Instability and Finance
In the winter of 1933, the American financial and economic system collapsed. Since then economists,...
Knowledge Brokerage for Sustainable Development: Innovative Tools for Increasing Research Impact and Evidence-Based Policy Making
Andre Martinuzzi and Michal Sedlacko
The menace of a post-truth era challenges conventional policy-making and science. Instead of...
Wanderlust: Actions, Traces, Journeys 1967-2017
Wanderlust highlights artists as voyagers who leave their studios to make art. This book (and the...