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The Patchwork Marriage
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Easy read
I really enjoyed this book, having been in a relationship with step children I can totally relate to how andi feels and the struggles she goes through. This book is such an easy read, you can follow it with minimal effort. Like most Jane Green books. Would defo recommend
The Plain Janes (Janes, #1)
The Plain Janes (Janes, #1)
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This bind up of the 3 P.L.A.I.N Jane comics was very enjoyable. I liked the narrative of each story, I liked the theme was carried throughout each addition. The P.L.A.I.N Janes, Janes in Love and Janes attack. I also liked that in the 3rd installment it felt like it had reached a conclusion. The art was good each addition was in a different color so that whole book was either blue, pink or green it could have used a few different colors but it helped to not distract from the message of the story.
Tempting Fate
Jane Green | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Gabby is 43, married with two children and she is in "the afternoon of her life." She isn't particularly pretty or dowdy nor does she stand out in a crowd. She is just your average mom of two. According to Gabby she is middle-aged.
On a girls night out, she meets Matt, a social media mogul who is 10 years younger than her. Matt makes her feel like she hasn't felt in a very long time...far from middle-aged. But Gabby has been happily married to Elliott for years, and even though this young man is flattering and gorgeous, she would never do anything to ruin her family. But then Gabby and Matt begin to email and text and soon neither of their lives will be the same.
As women, when we age, we tend to lose our identities. We are used to being single and carefree and then we get married and have to learn to be a wife and share our lives with another person. Then the kids come along and it feels as if we are no longer ourselves. We're someone's wife and maybe a few peoples mother, seldom are we called by our own name. So when we get noticed, our minds start to turn, especially when we as women get noticed by the opposite sex. How we handle these types of situations can be a testament to our strength and character.
At times this book was predictable, which I don't think is a bad thing in this case. It's a story that you have probably heard in your real life. How the characters developed and the story progresses is what makes you want to continue to read. Jane Green always does a great job of writing about female relationships and emotions. This is the second Jane Green book I have read this year, the first being Jemima J. I have read a few others as well. Jane Green is now on my list of favorite authors.
Another Piece of My Heart
Jane Green | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Jane Green writes an emotionally packed book, that makes you laugh and cry and want to smack someone sometimes.

Emily is a teenager and her father is remarried. She 'hates' her step-mother, Andi. Her sister, Sophia, adores her. And, of course, her father, Ethan loves her. Her mother is a drunk and really pays no attention to her daughters, and all Emily does is act out.

Then something happens that turns everyone's life upside down and inside out.

This is a story that spans a journey of nearly 7 years. And in that time, we see how these characters grow and develop into individuals and as a family.

Whatchareadin (174 KP) rated Falling in Books

May 10, 2018  
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Emma Montague has just left the hustle and bustle of life and work in New York City and has moved to Westport, CT. She has left her job as a banker, to slow down a bit and try her hand at interior design. It's something she has always been passionate about and has a great eye for it as well. She finds a house that has a lot of potential, on the beach and the landlord, Dominic is willing to compromise on the changes she has in mind for the cute cottage. Emma sees something in Dominic that she has never seen in any man before. But, they come from two totally different worlds. Emma is from England and left there to pursue a life in the United States and Dominic has barely left Westport. A relationship between these two would never work. Would it?

I love Jane Green books. They are always so emotional and I can always find a way to connect the story and characters to something that is going on in my life. This book was no exception. It was very emotional and the last few chapters had me crying like a baby.

Emma and Dominic have the type of relationship we all wish we could have. They met and had an instant connection Their love for each other and for Dominic's son, Jesse is almost instantaneous. When an unexpected visitor comes to town, Emma thinks that her relationship with Dominic will be over just as quickly as it started. But Dominic is firm in his feelings for Emma and nothing will change that.

Another book for me that was impossible to put down. I may get in trouble from the library for the tear-soaked pages I left behind, but it would be well worth it. If you have never read a book by [a:Jane Green|12915|Jane Green|], you don't know what you're missing and I suggest you pick one up right away.
Spider-Man (2002)
Spider-Man (2002)
2002 | Action, Sci-Fi
Well-crafter origin story (0 more)
Green Goblin costume (0 more)
"Remember, Peter: with great power comes great responsibility"

So that's back before the Marvel Cinematic Universe was a thing (Iron Man was '08).

It's also not long after the twin Towers disaster, which - I believe - had to be edited out of this film.

This was also the first big-screen take on Spider-Man, with a mainly 20 something cast all playing characters in their late teens, headlined by Tobey Maguire as Peter Parker/Spider-Man and by Kirsten Dunst's redhead Mary-Jane Watson.

The early portions of this movie basically retells Spider-Mans origins story (although, here, Parker is bitten by a Genetically modified Spider instead of a Radioactive one and does not need web-shooters: they come out of his actual wrists), complete with the death of Uncle Ben who gets to utter the immortal lines to Parker that 'with great power comes great responsibility'.

Yes, Stan Lee makes a 'blink and you'll miss it' cameo.

Yes, the soundtrack owes a fair deal to that of 1989s 'Batman'

Yes, the Green Goblin costume does look a bit like a Power Rangers reject.

Yes, the film still holds up nearly 20 year later: there's a reason that 'upside-down' kiss is now iconic!

(Oh, and TK Simmons J Jonah Jameson? *Chef's Kiss*.)
The Green Dress (True Colors #6)
The Green Dress (True Colors #6)
Liz Tolsma | 2020 | Crime, History & Politics
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Green Dress is about a woman who is staying with the Robinson family. There seem to be strange illnesses or deaths occur. It seems to be about a woman named Sarah Jane Robinson. What is going on in the house is strange.

Harriet seems to bring in a Dr. Weaton. She moved into the Robinson family household but things seem to happen more once Lizzie passes away. But we do not know who it is. As the story goes on and more death occurs. The suspicions rise. Who is killing the Robinson family members and why?

The author does a wonderful job of having you trying to figure out the culprit. You get a history of some of the members. What a way to show some true colors in some folks. This story has you wanting to turn the pages and rooting for the heroes to save the day. You are pulled in emotionally as well. I was guessing Dr. Beers or even Mrs. Robinson. Can Michael and Harriet save the Robinson family members or will it all go bad?
The History of Jane Doe
The History of Jane Doe
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was really intrigued by the description of this book and happy when I won the chance to read and review it. The History of Jane Doe is an ode to first loves, and a journey through mental illness. It's fun, it's sad, it's heartbreaking while also being heartwarming.

Ray is a high-schooler history-buff in love with Jane. She enters his life and him and his best friend Simon are forever changed. But she hides some deep dark secrets that torment her and Ray has a hard time seeing into her head, as is usually the case when loving someone who is depressed, and he struggles to find his way through her dark past so that they can have a future. This is a history of her life, written by Ray, flipping between the past and present of one devastating day when everything changes.

Michael Belanger writes that he's experienced some painful episodes in his life, and it's evident in how eloquently he decribes feelings of sadness and darkness. I can imagine this book will make quite a few people very sad, as most everyone knows someone who suffers from depression, or anxiety, or other forms of mental illness. But I also think it will probably help just as many. I applaud him for his candor and insights into a rarely talked-about issue.

If you love 13 Reasons Why, or anything by John Green, you will love this story. The witty banter between Ray and Jane, Simon and Mary is refreshing and fun, and it's an interesting look into mental illness, how things in life can trigger it, and change a person, and and exploration of how it affects all those around you, and how even though you may think you are ending your suffering, you are ultimately just passing it on to those who loved you.

What I took away most from this is that even if you feel like you are drowning in darkness and can't see past the shadows, you never know what a light you'll be to someone else.

Merissa (11731 KP) rated Green Hills and Daffodils (The Green Hills #1) in Books

Oct 24, 2023 (Updated Oct 24, 2023)  
Green Hills and Daffodils (The Green Hills #1)
Green Hills and Daffodils (The Green Hills #1)
Celyn Kendrick | 2023 | LGBTQ+, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A book involving red and white dragons, set in Wales? Sign me up. Well, I did and what I got was different, very different from what I expected.

GREEN HILLS AND DAFFODILS starts with an American moving to a small village in Wales, wanting to put down roots. Jane is neurodivergent and has zero social filter. This leads to situations where she puts her foot in it. But honestly? I'm not surprised. That little village is a stirring pot of goodness knows what!

The main characters - Rhys, Jane, and Stewart - were all interesting. I did, however, get lost multiple times with just who was married to whom, and when, and who was who's father/mother. Honestly, talk about family saga! And, to be fair, I'm not even sure if it is relevant to the storyline yet!

This was a long book, giving plenty of background information on the characters, and their interactions with each other, being told by multiple perspectives on the same page. I now know more about sheep farming and ewes being in labour than I ever knew before. And once again, I'm not sure just how much was relevant.

There are a lot of stereotypes in here that I wish weren't. Wales is such a beautiful country and I hate to see it made fun of, even in a gentle way. I don't know if it was meant, or if it was a way of showing how Jane would put her foot in it, but still. Too much.

Saying that though, I found myself being hooked by the story. The whole book is slow, slow burn with our main 'love interests' not even meeting for the majority of the book. (It's literally in the epilogue for about two minutes!) I do feel involved in their story though, and want to see where it goes from here.

Definitely not what I expected and not really a romance, this is still a gripping story and recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Oct 24, 2023
The Assistant (2020)
The Assistant (2020)
2020 | Drama
Julia Garner's performance (1 more)
The tension that manages to be created through a portrayal of the mundane
Dialogue is often difficult to understand (0 more)
The movie seems to have a lot of haters on IMDB (a rating at the time of writing of 5.9)... but I refuse to follow "the pack" on this one... I thought it was great. It manages to make the mundane incredibly tense. This is this first (semi-)fictional feature from documentary-maker Kitty Green.... and in my book she does a knock-out job.

We first meet Jane (Julia Garner) at 'God-knows-what-o-clock' in the morning as she arrives at her workplace - a New York film-production company. First to arrive every morning, she turns on the lights, turns on the screens, makes the pot of coffee and cleans off stains from her boss's couch. The stain isn't coffee. A lost gold bracelet is recovered.

For we are in a truly toxic working environment here. 'The boss' - clearly modelled on Harvey Weinstein - is a bullying tyrant who can reduce Jane and her two male assistants (Jon Orsini and Noah Robbins) to quivering wrecks. "WHAT THE F*** DID YOU SAY TO HER" barks the boss down the phone at Jane, after she has had a perfectly reasonable phone conversation with the estranged Mrs Boss.

The toxicity is pervasive though throughout Miram..., sorry...., 'the company'. Jane is almost invisible to her other co-workers who don't give her eye-contact even when she's talking to them and barely register her presence when sharing a lift.

But bullying and workplace toxicity is just part of this story. A steady stream of starlets arrive in the office, like meat deliveries to a butcher. In a chilling sequence, the photocopier churns out photos of beautiful actresses.... a paper-based equivalent of swiping-left or -right in the selection process. None of the "if you... I will" discussions are shown, but they don't need to be: the inference is clear.

Jane is smart, slim and pretty... but not in an obvious 'Hollywood way'. "You'll be OK..." says a co-worker "you're not his type".

But someone who distinctly is "his type" is Sienna (Kristine Froseth), a "very very young" aspiring waitress-come-actress from Boise, who suddenly and unexpectedly arrives as a "new assistant"... to be promptly put up in a swanky hotel room. It's time to act... and Jane approaches the company HR manager (Matthew Macfadyen)....

An old Spielberg trick is to increase tension by keeping the "monster" hidden from view: cue the tanker driver from "Duel" and (for most of the film) the shark from "Jaws". Here, the boss is felt only as a malevolent force and never seen on screen. It's an approach that works brilliantly, focusing the emotion on the effect he has on those flamed.

There is also recognition that these powerful people are also hugely intelligent and manipulative. Seeing that Jane is a valuable asset, the public berating is sometimes followed up with a private email apology.... dripping a few words of encouragement and praise like a few drops of Methadone to a drug-addict.

This is an excellent movie and thoughtfully and elegantly directed. Following a normal day in Jane's work life.... albeit a day where perhaps the penny finally drops... is immersive and engaging. And at only 88 minutes long, the movie never outstays its welcome.

The performances are first rate. Julia Garner is magnificent, and in a year where the Oscars will be "interesting", here's a good candidate for Best Actress I would suggest if not Best Picture. Garner's an actress I'm unfamiliar with: the only one of her previous flicks I've seen was Sin City 2.

Also oily and impressive is Matthew Macfadyen as the HR manager. There's also a sparse but well-used score by Tamar-kali.

The one area I found poor was in the sound design. It's clearly filmed in an office environment, rather than on a sound stage, and unfortunately the combination of the acoustics and the New York accents makes some of the dialogue really difficult to hear. An example is a discussion between two co-workers in an office kitchen, which was completely indecipherable for me.

Should I watch this? In my view, definitely, yes. It's chilling and an insight into the terrible ordeal that many professional women in the film industry, and other industries, have had to put up with before the "Me Too" lid was blown off (and many probably still do). The most telling line in the film? At the end of the "Thanks" in the end-titles: "All those who shared their experiences".

(See the full graphical review at One Mann's Movies here . Thanks).