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Jesscica Morgan recommended Election (1999) in Movies (curated)

Election (1999)
Election (1999)
1999 | Comedy

"There is a bit of a theme to this list, it seems: almost all of these movies have at least one very juicy part for a woman. Much of this film has been lost to time for me since I last saw it—something something Chris Klein, blah blah Matthew Broderick—but I have never forgotten how perfect Reese Witherspoon is as Tracy Flick. She’s bossy, controlling, not very likable, but somehow deeply sympathetic. (I think Broadcast News’s Jane would have wanted to take Tracy on as an intern, and also possibly to kill her.)"

The Five: The Untold Lives of the Women Killed by Jack the Ripper
The Five: The Untold Lives of the Women Killed by Jack the Ripper
Hallie Rubenhold | 2019 | Crime, History & Politics
8.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the second book I have read this year that instead of focusing on the killer, has focused on their victims and making sure we know the person rather than just the name. I find this approach interesting, as we should be remembering the victims rather than the killers.
The Five introduces us to each of the women that were murdered by Jack the Ripper in the Victorian era: Polly, Annie, Elizabeth, Catherine and Mary Jane. Hallie Rubenhold starts from the very beginning for each woman, with all but Mary Jane having the story start with their parents and then when the woman was born. She takes us through their childhoods, marriages and troubles and tries to make us understand how the women got to the place they were at that moment in time. She then tells us a little bit about how they were found afterwards and their burials if she can. She makes it clear that the majority of these women weren’t prostitutes, as we have all been led to believe. And even tells us where this belief originated and why it wasn’t corrected.
I have found it extremely interesting to learn about the darker side of Victorian life and to learn how hard it was for the working class and how difficult it was to better oneself, especially as a woman. Hallie Rubenhold’s writing draws you in and makes you want to learn more about the world in which these women lived and how different it is to now. I have enjoyed learning about these women, and the book is extremely well researched and has a lot of evidence to back up the claims made by the author. I have wanted to read the Covent Garden Ladies for a while, and I think this book will have moved it much further up the list.
A Christmas Candy Killing
A Christmas Candy Killing
Christina Romeril | 2022 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sweetly Festive Debut
Identical twins Alex and Hanna have made a life for themselves in a small Montana town, where they have opened Murder and Mayhem, a combination mystery bookstore and chocolate shop. In the time they’ve been here, Alex has become friends with Jane, one of their neighbors. Jane invites Alex over to view a true crime show because she believes that one of their neighbors is the killer still at large at the end of the episode. But when Alex arrives, she finds Jane’s dead body. The police think it was a robbery gone wrong, but Alex wonders if Jane was really onto something. Can she find the killer?

Between the culinary cozy theme and the Christmas setting, I have to give this debut a chance. I’m glad I did. The first couple of chapters had a bit too much background on Alex and Hanna, but once the murder happened, things picked up. I appreciated how the clues were folded into the story. Not that I figured out the killer using them. The characters are good, but they could be a little stronger. Likewise, the setting is good, but could be a little stronger. Both of these are minor complaints since I am definitely ready to visit my new friends and this location again soon. I enjoyed the Christmas timing as well. This is a delicious debut.
Shadow Bound (Wraith, #2)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Original Review Posted on <a href="">Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
Original Rating: 4.5

<i><b>Disclaimer:</b> I received this book from the author for free in exchange for an honest review. The review is not influenced in any way.</i>

     It's another one of those stories with a minor to majorly strange title in which the meanings of it are figured out with the following ways: a) woven throughout the pages and only reading will enlighten you, b) it's in the dictionary and it has a double meaning, which definitely isn't the typical definition you generally hear, or c) you simply never find out why.
     Well, it's been a while since the situation with Evan and his family has passed. It's now summer vacation and it's been ghost-free for Jane and Connor for some time. At least for awhile. It's not along until another ghost comes along, and it's worse than Evan's situation.
     I like how Shadow Bound is a different situation to both Jane and Connor than what they're used to. It's a bit more challenging for them, and we find out more about Jane's ability, which is different than what she thought it was. I'm surprised that Ruth was willing to help and warn Jane later; she seemed too lost to help, much less warn.
     I'm confused a few times, especially a bit at the beginning, but overall, I found Shadow Bound better than Wraith in a way. I am hoping, however, that if there's ever a *insert one word spoiler*-sized ghost, both Jane and Connor have better luck, despite the tedious situation they'll be in.
The History of Jane Doe
The History of Jane Doe
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was really intrigued by the description of this book and happy when I won the chance to read and review it. The History of Jane Doe is an ode to first loves, and a journey through mental illness. It's fun, it's sad, it's heartbreaking while also being heartwarming.

Ray is a high-schooler history-buff in love with Jane. She enters his life and him and his best friend Simon are forever changed. But she hides some deep dark secrets that torment her and Ray has a hard time seeing into her head, as is usually the case when loving someone who is depressed, and he struggles to find his way through her dark past so that they can have a future. This is a history of her life, written by Ray, flipping between the past and present of one devastating day when everything changes.

Michael Belanger writes that he's experienced some painful episodes in his life, and it's evident in how eloquently he decribes feelings of sadness and darkness. I can imagine this book will make quite a few people very sad, as most everyone knows someone who suffers from depression, or anxiety, or other forms of mental illness. But I also think it will probably help just as many. I applaud him for his candor and insights into a rarely talked-about issue.

If you love 13 Reasons Why, or anything by John Green, you will love this story. The witty banter between Ray and Jane, Simon and Mary is refreshing and fun, and it's an interesting look into mental illness, how things in life can trigger it, and change a person, and and exploration of how it affects all those around you, and how even though you may think you are ending your suffering, you are ultimately just passing it on to those who loved you.

What I took away most from this is that even if you feel like you are drowning in darkness and can't see past the shadows, you never know what a light you'll be to someone else.

Suswatibasu (1701 KP) rated Jane Eyre in Books

Oct 10, 2017 (Updated Oct 10, 2017)  
Jane Eyre
Jane Eyre
Charlotte Brontë, Stevie Davies | 2006 | Fiction & Poetry
8.2 (58 Ratings)
Book Rating
Struggled with her so-called pioneering female character
I know, it's rather shocking - I am not a big fan of Jane Eyre. Having read it at school and analysed it to death, it made me realise how much I hated her character (apologies to the fans). She is seen to be 'ahead of her time' for leaving and attempting to forge her own life, yet she falls for Rochester's charms, allowing his wife (the mad woman in the attic) to burn to death. To be fair, I struggle with most period books because of its lack of pro-feminist content.
Sundays at Tiffany&#039;s
Sundays at Tiffany's
James Patterson, Gabrielle Charbonnet | 2008 | Fiction & Poetry
8.2 (15 Ratings)
Book Rating
James Patterson never ceases to amaze me. I read this book in a matter of hours.

when Jane's imaginary friend, Michael, leaves and promises that she'll forget him, Jane is heartbroken. She goes through her life, seemingly in mediocrety, until one day after a terrible break-up with her crappy-boyfriend (dude, you so had it coming.), she visits her favorite childhood restaurant and is bombarded by memories of Michael.

then she looks across the room and sees him.

and then it takes off. Jane changes her life, no longer afraid to be who she really is. Michael calls into question who he is, and struggles through his own identity crisis--is he human, or angel, or something else? and why didn't Jane's "imaginary" experience go the way it was supposed to?

but then Michael realizes his mission in New York--and his whole world comes crashing down. how is he supposed to do this, and how is he supposed to live with it?

the whole time reading this book, i kept thinking questions. for the sake of keeping this review spoiler-free, I won't tell you what they were. one of them was "will he forget, like he did with all his other past experiences?" I couldn't see a way out of the climax... but the ending was all too sweet. i squealed (don't believe me? my sister was in the room at the time. ask her. it's true).

all in all, this book is a treasure to me. it's staying on my bookshelf where it belongs, i won't ever sell it or give it away (yeah, you can borrow it if you really want to. be careful of the pages.). maybe i loved it more than anyone else ever has, because of a strange connection I share with Jane Margaux. my imaginary friend's name was Michael, too.
Murder in the Reading Room
Murder in the Reading Room
Ellery Adams | 2019 | Mystery, Romance, Thriller
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Storyline (1 more)
Not Long Enough (0 more)
How Far Would You Go For The Truth
Jane goes on a search to the Biltmore Estate to find Edward and discovers far more than she thought she knew about her own past. Now she must discover what she really wants for her future and her family she has created for herself and her sons. When enemies from the past and the present collide Jane must decide if the secrets of the library should be open for the world to see and read. As more of the story of the Templars and Guardians becomes unwound Jane discovers that everyone is keeping secrets from her both friends and foes that make her want to take a stand and change the rules of what has always been at Storyton Hall.

“Your Stories are their stories' said Uncle Abysius” By Jove, I think I like it.”
Mrs. Adams takes us beyond Storyton Hall to the walls of the Biltmore Estate. She outdoes herself again. As a long time Ellery Adams fan she blew me away with this story-line and how she evolved the characters in this five Book Retreat Series. I must say this is my favorite book of the series. I really recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a who done it, thriller, bibliophile or even a little romance it has all of those and a little history too. It is really worth your time to pick up the book and take a trip to Storyton Hall even if only for an hour at a time to escape to a place where books are protected and cherished and the characters will make you feel like you are coming home.
Jane Seymour: The Haunted Queen
Jane Seymour: The Haunted Queen
Alison Weir | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics
8.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Tudor England at it's best!
Everyone knows the stories of Henry VIII and his six wives, don't they? Jane Seymour always seems to be the quietest, almost childlike, always doing as she's told. This novel paints a very different picture of her. She is a young woman of her time: obedient to her parents and the males in her family, religious, and ready to do her part as a woman (and that means bearing children!).
This novel looks at how she probably wasn't as innocent as we have always been led to believe. In all honesty, she lived at court - a place where family loyalties and wealth were above all else in importance: she couldn't afford to be an innocent.
I like the Jane that Weir portrays. She's resilient and cares deeply about her family and HER Queen (Katherine of Aragon). I really liked this book and all of the courtly intrigues: Tudor England has always fascinated me. It was such a sad end for Jane, and the authors extended notes at the end really explained well what she and some experts thought had really happened to her and why she died (heres a clue: it wasn't childbirth). I will be going back to the first two books in this series to read about Katherine of Aragon and Anne Boleyn in preparation for Katherine Howard (wife #4 - and that should be a good one!!).
Jane Seymour: The Haunted Queen
Jane Seymour: The Haunted Queen
Alison Weir | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics
8.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
186 of 250
Jane Seymour: The Haunted Queen ( Six Tudor Queens book 3)
By Alison Weir

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments


Eleven days after the death of Anne Boleyn, Jane is dressing for her wedding to the King.

She has witnessed at first hand how courtly play can quickly turn to danger and knows she must bear a son . . . or face ruin.

This new Queen must therefore step out from the shadows cast by Katherine and Anne. In doing so, can she expose a gentler side to the brutal King?

I went into this not knowing very little of Jane Seymour and I found the book enchanting. She was a pure soul and in Alisons words she was portrayed so well. You felt the love she had for Katherine and the love she had for Henry and of course the shared dislike for Anne! I actually cried reading the last two chapters it was a very unjust end for a woman who had just become a mother to a son that was craved so much! I absolutely love this period and I find Alisons books just a brilliant outlook on the events. After i read Anne Boleyn I was just angry with the ending of this I’m saddened. Highly recommend such a beautiful tale of a short lived queen.