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One Last Stop
One Last Stop
Casey McQuiston | 2021 | LGBTQ+, Romance
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A dazzling, heartfelt queer romance
August Landry moves to New York City, just another stop among many in her quest to prove that she's fine being alone. Everything she owns fits in five boxes, and she sleeps on an inflatable mattress. She belongs nowhere and needs no one. But NYC feels different to August: her diverse group of roommates, who adopt her immediately; her job at an all-night pancake diner; and the subway. Because the subway brings Jane: beautiful, enigmatic, leather jacket-clad Jane. Then August realizes something; Jane is always on the subway because she has to be. She's trapped and displaced in time from the 1970s. It seems as if August--and her new band of friends--may be the only one to save her. Can August believe in something, someone, enough to free Jane?

"Truth is, when you spend your whole life alone, it's incredibly appealing to move somewhere big enough to get lost in, where being alone looks like a choice."

I've put off writing this review because it's hard to see how I can do McQuiston's beautiful romance any justice. This book is such a romantic, sexy, and heartwarming read. August is an excellent character. She's spent most of her life in her uncle's shadow, working with her mother to try to solve his missing person's case. August eventually declared herself done--done searching, done with mysteries. But then this beautiful woman appears on the subway, and she offers the biggest mystery of all to August. Why is Jane stuck on the subway and how can August help?

"And she can't believe Jane had the nerve, the audacity, to become the one thing August can't resist: a mystery."

McQuiston gives us the most amazing, diverse queer novel one could ever wish for. August is bi and Jane basically every lesbian's dream. It's impossible not to fall in love with this gorgeous Asian subway vision. Even better, through Jane and other events, it's a tribute to those who came before our generation. Jane was a (incredibly sexy) activist / riot girl in the 1970s, yet is shocked that you can typically be openly gay on the subway now. She comes to everyone's defense there. She's amazing. As for August's roommates, they are beautiful and diverse, including trans and gay characters, with the lovely Myla taking care of the group. There are several drag queens given legitimate, true storylines. To say how meaningful this is to the queer community--it's hard to even explain. All of these characters--roommates Myla, her boyfriend, Niko, and Wes; neighbor Isaiah; coworkers Lucie and Winfield--are real and treated with care. They are funny, flawed, and create the most amazing found family ever.

"Jane doesn't age. She's magnetic and charming and gorgeous. She... kind of lives underground."

As for August and Jane, this is a romance for the ages. This book is swoony and sexy. It will make you laugh; it will make you cry. McQuiston has written a lesbian character for us lesbians to ogle for years to come, and a romance to stack all other romances against. It's funny and heartwarming. There's magic and mystery. There's pancakes. It's a beautiful ode to New York City, the subway, and falling in love. There's seriously nothing not to love.

So yes, I loved this book. I love McQuiston's way with words--the humor, the romance, the way she allows the queer community to have meaningful love stories in our world. This book is flowing with passion, with beauty, and magic. 4.5+ stars.
Old Enough (The Age Between Us #1)
Old Enough (The Age Between Us #1)
Charmaine Pauls | 2018 | Contemporary, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
4 stars (but sorry I couldn't get past the present tense!)
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

She's older than he is, but Brian doesn't care. Meeting Jane was the best thing that every happened to him, even it was supposed to be a set up and a quick way to earn some much needed cash.

I knew this book was first person, present tense going in and I *thought* it would help me, but **insert wailing** it didn't!

Oh! Don't get me wrong! It's a bloody good book, a GREAT book!

Brian meeting Jane and everything that happens after is well told from both their points of view. The plot moves along at an even pace. Not everything is revealed at once, it comes along in dribs and drabs, to enable you to process that little tit-bit, before the next one comes and grabs you.

Brian makes no apologies for who he is, or where he came from, or how he got there. Once his mind was made up that he wants Jane, and not just as a quick f**k, he goes all out to get here. Jane too, once she begins to let Brian in, she goes all out and takes what he gives her.

It has planted itself firmly on the "fan yourself, its a hot one" shelf! Brian is young and he wants Jane in every which way he can. And he does! But the best bit, for me, was when Brian decides to make love to Jane, rather than just bang her up against the wall. That surprised him, I think, the connection he could get from Jane doing that. Loved that!

The cliff hanger I was expecting doesn't happen here, although there is a cliff hanger ending. But what THAT means is, what I expected to happen here, will come in book two! I will read it, because I want to know how this is all going to go down!

I just **insert sigh** can't get past the present tense thing! It pains me, deeply! Because I LOVE Ms Pauls work!

4 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
The Last Thing To Burn
The Last Thing To Burn
Will Dean | 2021 | Crime, Thriller
9.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
The protagonist in this novel is Jane (it is not her name, but I will use it to avoid the spoilers), and the story is told from her perspective. Jane lives with her husband in a countryside farm. There is nothing around her but fields, and she is being held captive in that farm for years now. Jane has learned during those 7 years, that her husband always gets what he wants, she learned to adapt to the situation, but she hates every single day of her life. I found Jane very strong, selfless, caring and incredibly absorbing. She has so much to share with the reader, and it is truly heart-breaking to read her story.

The narrative of this book is very well written and entwined with present and past lives, that Jane had. During her daily routine, she shares how she ended up where she is. Her feelings and thoughts are painful to read. She keeps clinging to anything to survive, and it is devastating. This book really made me think, what I would do in Jane’s situation? How would I try to survive… I really wanted to know, how Jane will escape all this, that is what kept me constantly going. I wanted more action and less routine and mentioning of “his mother’s things” next to everything. (I got the point that nothing belonged to her 😉 ) There are some great twists and turns in this book, that enriched the plot immensely. The topics discussed in this book were human trafficking, rape, mental and physical abuse, the strength of motherly love, trauma, hope and many more.

The writing style of this book is absolutely brilliant. It is very hard to believe that this book is written by a male because Jane’s feelings and thoughts were very detailed and very accurate. Well done to Will Dean for this! The author managed to pack so much in a book that is 250 pages long. The chapters of this book are pretty short, and every chapter finishes with kind of a cliff-hanger, so my curiosity was always driving me forward. 🙂 The ending was very satisfying, and I am incredibly proud of Jane. 🙂

So, to conclude, this story is filled with incredibly damaged characters, mentally and physically. The plot carries a lot of pain and horrifying experiences, but it also channels love, hope, strength and determination. This book is full of triggers, but if anyone is looking for an amazing psychological thriller, I would strongly recommend this book. It is needed in society, maybe it would help to save a life one day…
Skinwalker (Jane Yellowrock #1)
Skinwalker (Jane Yellowrock #1)
Faith Hunter | 2009 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.3 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
I've been eyeing this book for a long time. I was having one of those Am-I-going-to-like-this-if-I-buy-it? moments. And then I found it in paperback quite cheap on a book site so I took the plunge.

This starts with Jane going to New Orleans to meet a vampire client who asks her to take down a rogue vampire that has been killing and eating people and just leaving what's left of them in the street. It's the first time Jane has ever met a sane vampire and she's not sure what to make of her at first and meets a mix of characters as she hunts down the rogue killer.

I did like this but as a reader of romances, I did feel this lacked it a lot. There's some flirting going on but nothing concrete. That's not to say I didn't get dragged into the story. I was as intrigued with finding out who the rogue was and how they were managing to get away all the time.

Jane was a strong character and I enjoyed seeing inside her mind and how she dealt with Beast when she turned into her cat form.

We had a handful of secondary characters like Rick, Jodi, Leo and Bruiser - George - that I grew to like and I'm intrigued how Jane's relationship with them will grow in future books.

I'm intrigued enough to continue the series at some point.