Peter Cowie recommended Crazed Fruit (1956) in Movies (curated)

Terra Formars (2016)
In an attempt to colonize Mars, 21st century scientists seed the planet with algae to absorb sun...
Takashi miike Terra formers Japanese cinema

All the Emperor's Men: Kurosawa's Pearl Harbour
(Applause Books). When 20th Century Fox planned its blockbuster portrayal of Japan's attack on Pearl...

Subtitles Viewer!
Utilities and Photo & Video
View subtitles on your iOS device synchronized with television or movies on your TV, or at the...

Extreme Asia: The Rise of Cult Cinema from the Far East
How shrewd marketing engineered the East Asian cult film boom in the UK. Japanese horror. South...

Transnational Film Remakes
Iain Robert Smith and Constantine Verevis
Bringing together a range of international scholars, Transnational Film Remakes is the first edited...

Edgar Wright recommended Le samouraï (1967) in Movies (curated)

Suswatibasu (1702 KP) rated Creepy (Kuripi: Itsuwari no rinjin) (2016) in Movies
Nov 29, 2017 (Updated Nov 29, 2017)
It begins with a detective interviewing a psychopathic suspect, who then manages to escape the police interview room and hold a woman hostage. In the process, the detective is badly injured and as a result leaves the force to pursue an academic career in criminal psychology. Shaken by his time as a detective, he and his wife move to a leafy suburb of Japan with incredibly unsocial neighbours. Soon after moving, he is approached by a former colleague asking for help in a particular case, in which three members of a family mysteriously disappeared six years ago, leaving only a daughter behind. The case was never solved as the daughter's constantly changing statements were seen as inadmissible evidence. And soon after he realises that the case is much closer to home than expected.
Sharp storytelling despite a few plot holes which is left to your imagination. Totally recommended for followers of Eastern cinema.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Fistful of Dollars (1964) in Movies
Jun 12, 2018 (Updated Oct 22, 2018)
Not quite up to the same standards as the film that inspired it, Yojimbo, but still a really impressive film in the way it combines Leone's visual style, Eastwood's inscrutable charisma and Morricone's operatic score. The focus is so visual that the film ends up coming across as slightly superficial and overly interested in violence and sadism, but it is still a classic of its kind and really a landmark in both US and European cinema.

Akira Kurosawa
'Most directors have one film for which they are known or possibly two', Francis Ford Coppola has...