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Parker (2013)
Parker (2013)
2013 | Mystery
So I, being the girl that I am, wasn’t exactly keyed up to go and see a “shoot-em up” style action flick — you know, the kind that Jason Statham excels at? My boyfriend, however, is like most red-blooded men and found this movie right up his alley. Perhaps it was due to the fact I “owed” him from cashing in my chick-flick points and making him watch “the Painted Veil” with me the other day; perhaps it was because my choice of Redbox rentals had been rather lackluster in comparison. Either way, he was looking forward the the prospect of this movie review far more than I.

“Parker” starts off in Ohio where Jason Statham’s character (Parker) is working a job with four other men. The job seems to go off without a hitch until the end when Parker discovers an innocent man died in the process, thus starting “beef” between he and one of his partners. The apparent boss of the crooks then asks Parker to join them in another job, requiring him to give up his share of the loot to contribute to the upcoming job. Parker politely declines and, of course, this doesn’t sit too well with the crooks. As predicted, they then turn on him and Parker is left for dead on the side of the road.

As we know, Jason Statham’s characters are indestructible. I mean, this was covered in both “Crank” movies so the audience should be well-versed in how this goes down, right? Of course, Parker survives and thus starts on a path of revenge. Mob bosses are involved, hits are put out, etc. Regardless, his journey takes him to Palm Springs where the four crooks who betrayed him are preparing for their next big job.

Now, you’re probably wondering where Jennifer Lopez is in all of this (yes, JLo has a part in this movie – I know, I feel your pain too). Given that her last decent flick was “the Cell” and “Selena,” I wasn’t expecting too much from her character. As Parker is making his way down to Palm Springs, the movie then focuses on JLo’s character, a depressed and rather broken divorcee living with her mother and desperate for a commission from her job as a real-estate agent. Cue in Parker, dressed as a wealthy Texan, and looking to buy a home in Palm Springs. Of course we see JLo checking him out and basically throwing herself at him because, well, that’s what all us desperate women do, right? We throw ourselves at rich men when times are hard without taking much else into consideration (like, say the cop – who comes across as a decent guy – who wants nothing else but to date her. But hey, he’s not Jason Statham, right? Pfft!). Regardless, JLo finds a way to weasel herself into helping Parker’s character and thwarting the four thieves who betrayed Parker. Luckily for all of us, JLo advances are shut down and we don’t have to fall witness to another “Gigli”.

Is the movie some amazing cinematic masterpiece? Absolutely not. Are Parker’s flashbacks cheesy and annoying? Of course. But we are talking about an action flick and one that doesn’t disappoint in lots of blood, gun fights, knifing action, and Jason Statham being an overall badass.

Will your girlfriend love this movie? Probably not. Will you, you red-blooded hunk of testosterone, love this movie? Probably. It is, after all, geared towards your sex. And, just in case the blood and fights don’t do it for you, there are more than enough exposed breasts throughout the film keep your interest piqued.

So if you’re looking for a good revenge-style action flick, this one is decent enough. It won’t win any awards, but it won’t leave your poor girlfriend screaming for the hills either. JLo’s performance, however, that’s just inexcusible….
Spawn (1997)
Spawn (1997)
1997 | Action, Animation, Horror
Michael jai white, character/costume design, visual effects (0 more)
Rough dialogue (0 more)
Where you're going, every day is Halloween.
Spawn is a 1997 anti-hero film based on the comic book character of the same name. the film stars Michael Jai White in the title role, and is one of the first films to feature an African American actor portraying a major comic book superhero.

Al Simmons is a mercenary who, after accepting a mission is double-crossed and assassinated on the orders of Jason Wynn. After selling his soul to Malebolgia, Al soon returns to Earth as a demon, a hell spawn with a raging thirst for vengeance.
After being reborn, Spawn has little time to understand his new being and must act fast all whist learning new abilities along the way.

Though not as dark as it's comic book counterpart and a little more humorous, Spawn is a nice addition to a pre MCU world, which would have been amazing to see this version of him team up with the likes of Wesley snipes Blade and future hero's like tobey Maguires Spiderman & Nicholas cages Ghost Rider.

Visually entertaining & always a personal favourite.

Love the CGI Cape.
Exile (The Last Roman #1)
Exile (The Last Roman #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating

That was unexpected.

I actually came across this via an ad on FB (marketing does work!), where it was described as 'Jason Bourne' meets Highlander.

That's actually not all that bad a description.

This is presented chapter about with the 'present day' portion of the tale and the historical parts, with the main character of Marcus - the soldier who put his spear into the side of Jesus Christ whilst he was on the cross - cursed with immortality as a result.

He's not the only immortal: there's also another group, all with links to the same 'original' period of time (I don't want to say too much and give stuff away) living through history as well.

Well, when I say immortal they're not quite immortal: they can be killed for good, but it has to be extreme: a shooting won't do it, say, but being burnt at the stake would ...

Anyway, perhaps the best compliment I can give this is that, after reading it through Kindle Unlimited, I then actually went back and purchased the ebook 'proper', as well as the next in the series.
The Girl on the Train
The Girl on the Train
Paula Hawkins | 2016 | Mystery, Thriller
7.6 (173 Ratings)
Book Rating
Rachel Watson rides the train into London each day to get to work. Her train happens to stop across from one particular house almost every day, and Rachel has created imaginary identities, Jason and Jess, for the man and woman she sees frequently in their back garden. When Rachel hears the news about a missing woman named Megan, she soon realizes that Megan is her "Jess", and she becomes obsessed with finding out what happened to her.

The story is told from three separate perspectives - Rachel, her ex-husband's new wife Anna, and the missing woman, Megan. Each woman knows only a part of the story, and we are left to piece it together as we go. This book kept me on the edge of my seat from the first page right up to the very end. It's full of terrible people, pitiful people, and broken people. Both Rachel and Megan had me wanting to alternately shake them, and then give them hugs to comfort them. I felt emotionally exhausted after finishing the book, but I didn't walk away empty-handed. There are several life lessons to be taken away at the end.

1. Men are not to be trusted.
2. People are not always what they seem.
3. If he does it with you, he will do it to you.
4. Women are not to be trusted.
5. Alcohol can be your best friend and your worst enemy. Both at the same time.
6. Therapy can help.
7. Your memories are not to be trusted.
8. Life is pain.
9. People lie. (A lot.)
10. If you do everything right, nothing can go wrong. (Wait, I think that was supposed to say everything can go wrong...)
Labor Day (2014)
Labor Day (2014)
2014 | Drama, Romance
5.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Director Jason Reitman is no stranger to obtaining a few awards from his varied career, with films like Juno and Up in the Air under his belt, you would be forgiven for thinking that he could put himself on autopilot – however his latest offering Labor Day stays well clear of such drama.

Starring Kate Winslet and Josh Brolin, the film stays on the right side of touching without feeling overly sentimental and cheesy. But is it worth a watch?

Following the story of Adele (Winslet) and her son Henry (Gattlin Griffith) as they comes to terms with repairing their lives after an unsuccessful marriage, Labor Day leaves the story and plot of Joyce Maynard’s hugely popular novel to the audience, who piece things together themselves, culminating in a pleasing if slightly clumsy final act.

Josh Brolin stars as Frank Chambers, an escaped murderer looking for somewhere tolabor-day-poster1 lay low whilst the police continue searching for him. Brolin is a master of playing the bad guy gone good and his performance here is no exception to that rule. His convict-like scowls are brilliantly juxtaposed with scenes involving him cooking and baking, leaving the viewer slightly perplexed by his real intentions – at the start that is anyway.

As the story takes place over a weekend, the film does feel a little drawn out in places but this adds to its simplistic charm, with the characters and their sublime acting doing most of the work.

Winslet is excellent as Adele, a woman so heartbroken and terrified by the painful effects of love she no longer leaves the house. Her fragility is exceptionally intense; her hands and facial expressions talk more than words ever could and this is a theme throughout the film. I wouldn’t be surprised if Winslet is nominated for an Oscar at next year’s awards.

However, by far the standout is Gattlin Griffith’s performance as young Henry. Here is a boy who would do anything for his mother. His transition from moody teenager to vulnerable young adult is beautiful to watch and again, his facial expressions speak volumes.

As the police close in on Frank’s location and Adele and Henry’s behaviour becomes ever more suspicious, Labor Day becomes increasingly intense in a ‘will they won’t they’ kind of way. As much as the film drives home the simplicity of its intentions, you can’t helped but get sucked into their predicament and this, along with the acting, is where it stuns most.

Unfortunately, the simple nature of the directing and cinematography leaves a lot of room for other areas to fill, and this doesn’t quite happen.

The score is mind-numbingly dull which is a true shame. Rolfe Kent has created some stunning pieces of music for films across the decades including his Golden Globe nominated work on Sideways, not forgetting the excellent score in The Wedding Crashers. Despite some lift in the latter half of the picture, it remains a relatively music-free affair.

Tobey Maguire’s narration is also a little dull. Those of you familiar with the Spider-Man trilogy will know how irritating Maguire’s voice can be, and unfortunately it’s the case here too.

Overall though, Labor Day fills the void in between the magic of the Christmas blockbuster and the frantic summer season which is approaching thick and fast. Filled with some fine performances from the three lead actors and a story which really makes you believe in second chances, it’s an utterly compelling and emotional spring flick. Only the poor score and uninspiring cinematography lets it down.
Aquaman (2018)
Aquaman (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
In a tale as vast and epic as the Oceans that frames the story: “Aquaman” has arrived in a flurry of action and adventure.

The film tells the origin of Arthur Curry (Jason Momoa), who is half mortal and half Atlantean, thanks to his human father rescuing his mother, an Atlantean royal, and falling in love.

The love between his parents is forbidden under the customs of the people of Atlantis and in time his mother is forced to return to Atlantis, leaving Arthur to be raised by his human father.

When his power-hungry half-brother Orm (Patrick Wilson), plots to wage war on the surface world, Princess Mera (Amber Heard), attempts to convince Arthur to make his first trip to Atlantis to challenge Orm for the throne and become king. Naturally a lifetime of resentment toward the people who divided his parents has made Arthur unwilling to help, especially when the key to victory requires locating and retrieving an artfact that will bring peace to
his people and those of the surface world.

With an army of Atlantean soldiers pursuing him as well as the evil Black Manta set on revenge, Arthur faces an uphill battle as he races against time and his own conflicted emotions to save the day.

Director James Wan has done an amazing job of giving audiences a lavish and action-filled experience that never loses the characters as the main
focus of the story. He cleverly blends the lore of Aquaman with a modern
twist yet stays true to the character. Jason Momoa has an intriguing presence, giving the character more depth than expected. The supporting cast is solid and the film rarely loses pacing or fails to keep you fascinated throughout.

Warner has had some issues with recent adaptations of DC characters but, like Wonder Woman, “Aquaman” delivers on action and storytelling. The film also contains a strong message about ecology without being preachy. This is one of the more entertaining films of the year and should make fans of the character happy. I look forward to seeing what adventure comes next for Aquaman.
Tessa Ever After (Reluctant Hearts, #2)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This one starts with Tessa late to pick up her daughter from day care as she struggles to adjust to life since her older brother, Cade, moved away and left her alone with everything. Cade used to be babysitter, chef, chauffeur, DIY-er and many other things that made Tessa's life much easier and she's struggling to get herself in gear. She's also online dating, trying to find the older guy who'll be there and treat her right...when maybe the guy she really wants is a little closer to home.
In walks her brothers best friend, Jason, who Cade has tasked with keeping an eye on her. Jason's view of Tessa has slowly been changing from "best friends little sister" to gorgeous woman and mum and after some warnings from Cade and encouragement from their joint friend Adam, he decides to pursue Tessa.

First things first, I feel like I need to let you know that I have a big weakness for super cute children in my romances and Haley is certainly that. There were some really cute scenes with her and Tessa and Jason. She was super cuteness personified.

I did like their relationship. It was cute how it progressed and I'm glad they stuck with each other despite the obstacles that popped up here and there. And of course there was a misunderstanding that caused a slight rift but luckily they got around it and became a very cute little family unit.

Some of the secondary characters like Adam and Paige grew on me in this. We got to know Paige more than Adam but she seems to need to find that special someone and I think sparks may be flying between her and Adam in the next one. I'm not sure if I'll read it though.

I think I missed some of the angst that can happen in the romances I like with this. It was a little too nice. I like the bad boy type to be full of tattoos and dirty mouthed so they can rile their love interest up enough for her to answer back and sparks to fly.

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated The Fanatic (2019) in Movies

Sep 16, 2020 (Updated Sep 16, 2020)  
The Fanatic (2019)
The Fanatic (2019)
2019 | Horror, Thriller
Man what even is this film.

John Travolta's first line is "I can't talk too long, I gotta poo." At one point, he's dressed head to toe as Jason Voorhees for pretty much no reason. It's directed by Fred Durst. Devon Sawa's character listens to Limp Bizkit in his car and fucking loves it whilst saying the following: "You okay with some music? You like a little Limp Bizkit? Like a little Bizkit? Yeah? Nice and loud? I used to listen to this back in the day, this is hot. Oh my god, that is nice, that is nice! All right, here we go baby."

Not sure if this film is a blessing or a curse really. Is this Travolta's best performance ever or his absolute worst? I honestly can't tell! Shit is wild. One thing is for sure, Durst tries to make it "arty" by including an in your face voiceover narration now and again, and add in animated sketching sements when he feels like it because why the fuck not.
And it has a really nonsensical ending to the point of severe frustration.

I'm actually really thankful to everyone involved for providing us with a movie that is surely destined to become one big meme.
That ridiculous Limp Bizkit advertisement though, that's worth a star in my book.
Who's Watching Oliver (2018)
Who's Watching Oliver (2018)
2018 | Horror
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Lead Actor (2 more)
Disturbing script
Brutal Effects
Not sure what i watched... But oh so dark and twisty
So.... I sat down for an afternoon movie... Closed my eyes and picked this gem of a deranged fest.
Not only was i disguated by the ideas floating around in the plot. Incest... Kidnapping... Dismemberment and Torture... All the wonderful things i like to be disguated by in a film... I was impressed by the acting ability of the lead character... I'm sorry, Boils and Ghouls, but his name slips my mind... Probably because I'm in Canada, and I can legally smoke weed anywhere...
The performance by his love interest as well... Simply amazing... Not to mention the vile and vulgar Mother.
About halfway through the film, my fiance got up from her pre work nap and she watched the movie for a few seconds and turned to me shaking her head... So this is the kind of sick shit you watch while I'm sleeping... She says... To which i reply... And when youre at work, or out with your kids... Or even sotting in the chair next to me... Lol...
Anyways... For the gore fan... Its a definate must... For the psychological fans... I would recommend. And for everyone else... There's always Aquaman.... Or as i like to call it... The Jason Momoa Girl Jizz Cabaret....
Til next time... Meaning tomorrow...
Enjoy the gore... It's a beatiful day to Slay lives...
Dazed and Confused (1993)
Dazed and Confused (1993)
1993 | Comedy
The cast, the story (0 more)
The quintessential coming of age movie
This is the best coming of age film ever made all centered around the last day of school and the wild night after.
Mitch (played by Wiley Wiggins) becomes the target of some high school jocks for a ceremonial paddling (I know, weird right?)
Anyway afterwards he is befriended by Randall pink Floyd (played by Jason London), High scoool quarterback all around good guy and friend to all.
Pink introduces Mitch to all manner of strange characters played by several future stars of screen such as wooderson (played excellently by Matthew McConaughey) a kind of older guy who can't leave his school days behind him, he's kind of creepy and hangs out at high school parties but in a way very likeable.
Other interesting characters include Slater (played by Rory Cochrane) a hard core stoner and alien conspiracy theorist, Mike, Tony and Cynthia (played by Adam Goldberg, Anthony Rapp and Marissa Ribisi) who play Pink's most normal and kinda nerdy friends.
Mitch's nemesis throughout the movie is O'Bannion (played maniacally by Ben Affleck).
In the movie there are many thrills, spills, laughs and a hint of romance.
All in it descends into a hedonistic a night of sex drugs and rock and roll, car races, paddling, pot, beer, kiss music and Aerosmith. As young Mitch becomes a man and leaves his innocence behind him in a hilarious riot.
Definitely a must watch for any film fan