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To Die For (Blair Mallory, #1)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hmm, I'm having a hard time describing how I feel about this book. I liked it enough, Blair was a decent character, but there was something (or things) missing. I'm not one of those who hate first person narratives (I really have no preference - both first and third person narratives are fine with me, as long as they work for the book), but for some reason it felt weird in this book and didn't quite work for me. Also, I don't know how I feel about Wyatt. His reason for leaving Blair two years ago was lame and I can't believe she let him off the hook so easily; not to mention he was rather one-dimensional. The mystery was hardly that and it seemed as if the author forgot all about someone trying to kill Blair until the end, deadline was near, and just added some cockamamie, loony-tune ending that was a total let down and came from left field. Not to mention, the whole someone-wants-to-kill-Blair thing was pushed aside for all the petty arguing and sex. Now I liked Blair giving Wyatt a hard time and all, but some of the stuff she said or did was overkill and the editor needed to trim a good fifty or so pages of it out of the book. It didn't help that going into the book, I thought it was a more serious romantic suspense, which is what I really wanted to read at the time.

Some of my petty annoyances with the book came fairly early on: I don't get why Blair (and/or the author) thought Jason Carson or Jenni Mallory rhymed. Now if his name was Jason Cayson, I'd understand, or Jenni Menni, but just because Jason and Carson both end with 'son,' it doesn't rhyme because it's the same thing. I don't know if I'm saying that right but oh well. My other thing was that Blair couldn't wear some underwear because the bra got ruined. Uh, okay. Now I like my undies to match but that wouldn't mean I'd never wear the underwear again because the bra that matched got ruined. That's just snobby and stupid. Yeah, I know, ridiculous things to find annoying in the book, but we all have something. LoL

After I finished the book and went to Amazon I saw that there's a sequel. I'm not sure if I'm up for another trip into Blair's mind or not, but if I come across it real cheap or someone gives it to me, I might read it. That's not to say I didn't enjoy the book, I did, but I liked Blair up to a point, but when it got to around page 250, she was just a bit too much for a 378 page book. Maybe if we weren't in her head the whole time, or the book was shorter, I would have liked the book better.

Here's part of an Amazon review I liked:

'Wyatt had stayed away from his soulmate for two years and only came running with an engagement ring when he thought she had been murdered. How long would he have stayed away if nothing had happened to Blair? Also, Blair was supposedly only a 'dumb blonde' when it suited her. But I question the intelligence of anyone who thinks someone who cuts her brake line is just stupid and someone who shoots her with intent to kill is just a nitwit. I wonder if these things bothered anyone else. Still, these problems did not take too much away from my enjoyment of the book.'
Justice League (2017)
Justice League (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
Very Weak
Upfront, let me say that I'm neither a Marvel nor a DC girl - to be honest, I would struggle (in the past) to differentiate one universe from the other, so there's no bias - in that sense - to my review.

For family film night we decided to watch Justice League - we'd all really enjoyed Wonder Woman (me, in particular) so figured a superhero film with the lovely Gal Gadot back again would be a good choice.

Oh how wrong we were.

The whole thing, from start to finish, is just exceptionally weak. Almost the complete opposite of Wonder Woman, neither the story or action were sufficient to capture any of our attention. The plot, with the boxes was rather vague and not compelling, too much time was spent on "getting the gang together", with very little happening, and not enough on the actual story itself.

One observation was "what's the point of Aquaman?" - other than having another location for a box, this was quite a good point. It felt like we spent a fair amount of time on setting the scene with him, but for very little in terms of what he could do or offer the Justice League.

To be completely honest, the whole ensemble seemed to be lacking - we didn't see the gadgets of Batman, the awesome power of Wonder Woman, anything very much at all of The Flash or Victor Stone - speaking of whom, for people like me who don't know the comic books, a bit of an idea of who these characters are wouldn't go amiss! My husband even asked "so, is he a knock off Iron Man?"

Then we come to Henry Cavill's face. Reading another review, I now understand he had a moustache which was digitally edited out - when watching I actually asked did he die part way through filming so they had to CGI him in? (Jokingly, I knew he didn't but the CGI was THAT bad!)

There is so much CGI in the film, it begs the question why not just make an animated film? It's so badly worked in at times, and so poorly done (see Henry Cavill's face).

I was so disappointed in this, not even topless Jason Momoa or stunning Gal Gadot could save it for me. But at least we had a laugh working lines from 'Born to be Wild' into our commentary of the film...
This Is Where I Leave You (2014)
This Is Where I Leave You (2014)
2014 | Comedy
This is Where I Leave You focuses on Judd Altman (Jason Bateman) and his relationships with the many personalities in his family. We open the film with Judd walking in on his wife in bed with his boss. We flash forward about 3 months to find Judd feeling pretty miserable still, only to find out that his father passed away. And his father’s last wish is that his family sit Shiva (a Jewish tradition of mourning where the close relatives of the deceased sit for 7-days in the same house, as friends and family come by to offer their condolences. (There’s more to it than this, but it’s the general idea). Over the 7-days following the funeral, a rollercoaster of emotions, excitement and tragedy pass.

This film, in my opinion, is very smartly written. It has the qualities in a film that will attract men and women alike. They also create an atmosphere that most people can relate to. It’s simplistic formula really, there are enough siblings to exhibit the different personalities you can find in most families and no matter who you are, you will find someone to relate to in the cast. And, oh boy, what a cast. Judd’s siblings include Corey Stoll, Adam Driver and Tina Fey. Rounding out the close friends and family include Jane Fonda as mama Altman, Rose Byrne as Penny Moore, Connie Britton as girlfriend of Philip Altman (Driver), Timothy Olyphant as Horry, a man with brain damage who has a secret shared with one of the Altmans, and the list goes on and on (go look it up on IMdB already).

The premise is old, cliché jokes are used, and we all know how it ends. However, we don’t really know how it ends. The cast delivers so well that you can see past the recycled items to the true genius that this film is, and how great an adaptation it is from the book. While I haven’t read the book myself, I have been told it’s quite good. And if it’s half as good as this film, I’m definitely going to enjoy reading it.

Bottom line: if you’re looking for a great date movie this weekend, this is the one to see. You will not regret it, and will probably learn a little something about yourself too! This is another to add to my collection upon release.

BankofMarquis (1832 KP) rated Klaus (2019) in Movies

Jul 28, 2020 (Updated Dec 24, 2020)  
Klaus (2019)
Klaus (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Animation, Comedy
Visually Interesting - with strong voice performances
We have seen the Origin story of Santa Claus many times and in many ways over the years, so it was with some trepidation that the BankoMarquis ventured forth to check out the Netflix original film KLAUS which covers some very similar territory.

And I need not worry, for KLAUS is a visually interesting film with some very good voice performances that elevates a (relatively) by-the-book story into quite a delightful film experience.

Directed and Written by Sergio Pablos - a veteran animator with credits like Disney’s Tarzan, Despicable Me, Rio and Smallfoot - KLAUS tells the tale of…Jesper, a mailman who is also a privileged youth who’s lackluster ways runs him afoul of his father and he is banished to a remote, Northern country where her runs afoul of…KLAUS.

And…you can probably figure out where the story goes from there, but it is not the story - or the destination - that matters, it is the journey. And…what a wonderful journey it is.

Let’s start with the best part - this film is GORGEOUS to look at. Pablos uses hand drawn animation with lighting techniques taken from digital animation and the result is crisp, clean and stunning to look at. I will watch this film again, just to look at the visuals.

As for the voice casting - it is stellar - with one, small quibble. The great J.K. Simmon is…well…GREAT as Klaus. His deep baritone voice is perfect for the enigmatic hermit that is hiding secrets - and a heart of gold. Rashida Jones, Will Sasso, Norm MacDonald and the always brilliant Joan Cusack add their tremendous voices to the proceedings very well. My only quibble is with the work of Jason Schwartzman as Jesper, the character we follow throughout the film. I found his voice and character grating at times (I know this is on purpose, so Schwartzman did a good job in his work) but, I would have liked to have Pablos “tone down” the lead character just a bit.

But that is a “quibble” in a very entertaining movie that is a wonderful family film that can be enjoyed on different levels - and for different reasons - by children and adults alike.

Letter Grade: A-

8 Stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)
Last Woman Standing
Last Woman Standing
Amy Gentry | 2019 | Mystery, Thriller
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Crazy but exciting read
Dana Diaz is an aspiring comedian trying to make it in Austin, TX--with the ultimate goal of making it back to L.A. someday. She once lived there with her best friend, Jason, but left in a bit of disgrace. While performing in L.A., she meets Amanda Dorn, a computer programmer who applauds during her set and catches Dana's eye. The two bond over being women in a man's world and soon learn that both have had similar struggles with harassment. But then Amanda proposes a plan: they'll each seek revenge on a man that has harmed the other. Dana quickly finds herself pulled into Amanda's revenge schemes. She also finds herself unable to trust anyone--even her friends.

I really loved Amy Gentry's GOOD AS GONE, so I was so excited to read this one. It didn't appeal to me as much as GOOD, but I enjoyed pieces of it. This was a weird but also interesting book that certainly capitalized on the momentum of the #metoo movement and did a good job of highlighting the aftermath of sexual assault and violence against women.

Dana is an intriguing character; I liked that she was a comedian, because that's not a character you usually see in books! She's also a minority and a fairly strong female--all pluses. No one expects her to be a comic or funny. It's also heartbreaking and eye-opening to see how much she's been through: as we learn about her experiences, we see how often she's had to endure sexual harassment, sexual violence, assault, and more during her career and life.

"It was true that my appearance--short and brownskinned and shaped like my mother minus the control-top pantyhouse--did not prepare most people for my extracurricular activities."

Even worse, so many of the women in the book seem to take this behavior as par for the course. To get ahead, they must endure being harassed, or they see this sexual assault as part of life. For instance, maybe it's just part of the acting business, Dana rationalizes.

"Maybe I really was the only one who couldn't take the joke."

The plot of this book was a little complicated for me; it seemed to struggle to find itself between fiction (a struggling comic attempting to find herself) and thriller (revenge scheme gone horribly wrong). For me, it really took off when it became more of a thriller. There were lots of twists and turns, most of which were quite surprising. Some of them were bizarre. Amanda and Dana's plans are a little crazy and things sort of spiral from there.

Still, I liked Dana overall, even if she made some questionable decisions. I appreciated how her character highlighted the plight of violence of women. As the book went on, it became more exciting and interesting, even some parts were a little crazy.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher and Netgalley in return for an unbiased review.

Scott Tostik (389 KP) rated Happy Death Day (2017) in Movies

Oct 23, 2017 (Updated Jan 11, 2019)  
Happy Death Day (2017)
Happy Death Day (2017)
2017 | Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Weird, workable idea (0 more)
Funnier than a horror film and bloodier than a comedy
Have you ever just wanted to watch someone die??? Over and over and over and over again???
Well... This movie gives you the opportunity to watch an annoying sorority girl get slaughtered time and time again.
Mind you, she does lighten up a little bit as she dies again and again... Eventually streaking theough a full quad on campus because she just knows she's going to croak.
Overall, this movie is fun. A little silly, but it's horror... Its supposed to be silly...ish... But not too silly like Saturday the 14th and Student Bodies from the 80's... Which i recommend if you want to fall into a deep sleep... Happy Death Day is a vicious little horror film... That has the ability to make you belly laugh so hard it can hurt.
The sequel... Happy Death Day 2 U comes out on Febuary 14th of this year(2019). And i am already trying to get tickets...
In closing just let me add that I am not a huge fan of the newer horror film. If you've read my reviews you know that I hate the fact that everything Netflix comes out with horror wise, with the exceptions of 1922 and The Haunting of Hill House, is complete garbage. But Jason Blum knows good horror. He is a seriously deranged individual who completely gets what horror fans want... He's had his hands in some of the finest. The Purge series, Insidious series.
I only hope he gets his hands on the rights for Friday the 13th and finally does it some justice.
So Happy Death Day.... Give er. Ita worth it.
A Wedding and A Killing (Mac Faraday Mystery #8)
A Wedding and A Killing (Mac Faraday Mystery #8)
Lauren Carr | 2014 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
If you are looking for a book that will spice up the beginning of your book or story. Well, “A Wedding and a Killing” is a good one that does just that. Mac and his lady decide to get married in the Spencer Church.

It starts once Gnarly jumps out of the car, runs, and barks at the door, which everyone invited to the wedding for Mac and Archie. They realize that Gnarly will not stop barking to get their attention.

Gnarly seems to be trying to get their attention. When no one is paying attention, He will not leave that door. Once someone goes to the door and opens it, Gnarly finds a dead body. It gets chaotic and brings everyone from the church’s sanctuary as Mac and Archie seem in an argument over Gnarly being there. It seems to bring action when they find a murder occurred.

Who would kill a man with no enemies? Who volunteers for the church. When Gnarly finds a dead body, it brings Mac to team up with David and dives into the investigation. But how long will it take? How long will Mac have to wait to get married to Archie? We seem to get more murders and twists and turns. What happens when Ruth and her daughter get brought in. Will Ruth be framed for murder and her husband? Who killed Jason Fairbanks. We seem to have two cases that interlope, and Mac wants to help and defend Ruth.

Once you start reading Lauren Carr’s books, you will want more of them. You can read any of her books in any order and as a standalone. You will want to read more by finding one of her books or audiobooks. Great for any mystery fan, murder mystery, or even thriller fan.

Lee (2222 KP) rated The Meg (2018) in Movies

Aug 14, 2018  
The Meg (2018)
The Meg (2018)
2018 | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
The scenes with the meg (0 more)
The acting is awful - from everyone (1 more)
The script is terrible
Fun action movie
If you've seen any of the posters or trailers for The Meg, you know exactly what you're in for. It's basically Jason Statham versus a big ass prehistoric shark, and that's pretty much all you need to know. If you're expecting a decent script, without any clichés, or any kind of decent acting for that matter, then you're likely to be disappointed. This movie pretty much does what it says on the tin.

Jason Statham stars as Jonas Taylor, currently retired from deep sea diving hero work and living a chilled life in Thailand, beer permanently in his hand. Five years earlier, Jonas was involved in an underwater operation which ended badly - a mysterious sea creature put a huge dent in the side of a submersible and Jonas had to make the painful decision to leave some men behind in order to save the rest. But when a hi-tech marine research station sends a crew down more than 10,000 metres into the ocean, beyond an icy barrier of hydrogen sulphide and into unexplored waters, they encounter a 70ft megalodon and find themselves trapped. Time for Jonas, the only man capable of rescuing them, to be lured out out of retirement. Unfortunately though, as the submersibles return to the surface, they unknowingly create a thermal pathway through the icy cold layer, and the meg follows them back up.

By this point we're nearly half way through the movie, and we've so far only caught a couple of glimpses of the meg and the kind of damage it can cause. The rest of the time up until now has been filled with introducing us to a large number of dull characters, both on the research station and the submersible. To be fair though, the script is terrible - full of clichés and failed attempts at humour and one-liners, but even then the delivery from literally everyone involved is pretty awful, the acting on show here is shocking. When things do kick off with the shark though, it's less talk more action, and that's when the film is at its most enjoyable.

Many of the action scenes are, as you'd expect, ridiculous, over the top and wildly enjoyable. Jonas tries 'sneaking up' on the meg in order to fire it with a tracking dart, only for the meg to give chase as Jonas is rapidly winched back in, swerving to avoid the huge jaws. Later on, the meg finds its way to a densely populated beach. Hundreds of nicely arranged bathers in their rubber rings, men rolling around in zorbs, people on jet skis - the perfect scenario for mass panic and carnage.

Overall, this is a good fun action movie which really should have focused a little more on a tighter script. Still worth a watch though.
Annihilation (2018)
Annihilation (2018)
2018 | Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi
Lena (Natalie Portman) has spent over a year grieving thinking that her husband has died. Her husband, Kane (Oscar Isaac), was part of a covert Army team. He would leave on missions and not be able to send any word. But a year was too long. Then as she is painting the bedroom of her house Kane walks up the stairs and into the bedroom. She is overwhelmed by happiness. After the initial flutter of excitement wears off she has so many questions. His responses are short and are not making sense. All of the sudden he starts cough up blood. Lena and Kane are headed to the hospital in the ambulance when government vehicles. Lena is pulled out and drugged and quickly loses consciousness. When she awakes she finds herself in a cell being asked questions by a Dr. Ventress (Jennifer Jason Leigh) about her husband and his sudden appearance. She quickly finds out that her husband and his team were one of several team over the past three years that were sent into a place called The Shimmer. The Shimmer was a growing circle surrounding a light house. Nothing that had gone into this area had returned…until Kane. With Kane on the brink of death Lena is determined to find out what is happening inside. She spent over seven years and in the Army and now was a Biology Professor at Johns Hopkins. This made her uniquely qualified to join Dr. Ventress and her team in the latest expedition into The Shimmer.

The movie is based on a novel of the same name by Jeff VanderMeer. It was written for the screen by Alex Garland (Ex Machina, Sunshine), who also directed (also Ex Machina). This film visually very interesting. When they enter The Shimmer you are immediately aware that you are still on Earth but something is definitely different. At times it is gritty and others bright and stunning. The cinematography as a whole make this film worth catching in the theater. The story is definitely original. I thought that the performances were good but at times a little cheesy for how serious of a tone was being set. I thought Natalie Portman had a strong performance. Supporting actors Gina Rodriguez (as Anya Thorensen), Tuva Novotny (as Cass Sheppard) and Tessa Thompson (as Josie Radek) all brought interesting character to life. Jennifer Jason Leigh’s performance felt out of place to me and didn’t gel with the story. I enjoyed the story overall and how the tension built throughout but in the end I was disappointed. The suspense, in my opinion, wound up concluding in an unoriginal way. That is all that I will say to avoid spoilers.

Overall I think this film definitely makes you think about the story after you watch it. I think it is worth watching and coming to your own conclusion. For me it really fell short at the end but up until that point I was definitely interested in where the story was taking me.
A Cure For Wellness (2017)
A Cure For Wellness (2017)
2017 | Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Story: A Cure for Wellness starts young executive Lockhart (DeHaan) is sent to a remote wellness centre in Switzerland to bring the CEO Pembroke (Groener) back to help close a merge in New York. After being involved in a car accident Lockhart finds himself with a broken leg and now a patient of the Wellness Program.

Still searching for Pembroke, Lockhart makes a deal with the director Volmer (Issacs) to stay for a couple of days to finish up the treatment for Pembroke. In this time Lockhart meets a mysterious young woman Hannah (Goth) the only other young patient who he tries to unlock the secrets of the program, which will test his own sanity.


Thoughts on A Cure for Wellness


Characters/Performance – Lockhart is the driven ambitious young man who has nearly reach the peak of his career at such a young age, he is haunted by his past which does include his father’s suicide and his mother’s death, this leaves him alone but in search for answers once he becomes the latest patient in the program. Volmer is the director of the clinic, he constantly remains calm through any incidents that occur and does have his own motives for the clinic. Hannah is the mysterious young woman also in the clinic, she is the only young patient there and she is Volmer’s main project but we are left to wonder about her past.

Performance wise, Dane DeHaan is good in this leading role and you can clearly see why he is tipped for a great career. Jason Isaacs always makes for a good doctor figure and this is no exception, while Mia Goth continues to make a name for herself in these stranger roles.

Story – The story is filled with questions which always makes for a good story, I will have to point out that this is a long film nearing the 2 and half hour’s mark and even at that you can see how the pace can be questioned but it doesn’t feel long. We get a new look into the asylum genre which I feel is something we needed but the weakness is that we never hit the full levels of any of the genres involved.

Fantasy/Horror/Mystery – The fantasy elements of this film come from the world we are placed into, this also comes for the sci-fi side of everything too. The horror comes from see what happens within the walls which is quite shocking at times but the best use of the genres comes from the mystery element which keeps us guessing from start to finish as we simply don’t know where it will go.

Settings – With most of the film taking place in the clinic we find ourselves trapped just like Lockhart in a place which doesn’t have an escape because being there means you don’t want to leave.

Final Thoughts – This is one long mystery thriller that doesn’t stop you wanting to see where the film will go and then it will leave you shocked by the end.


Overall: A rewarding mystery thriller