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Sleeping with Other People (2015)
Sleeping with Other People (2015)
2015 | Comedy
7.0 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Old Movie Revisited: Sleeping with Other People. Yea most rom coms suck balls, but this one did not. It's an IFC production so that might explain some of it. I dunno, a good cast might help a tad too. First and foremost it stars Alison Brie, and fuckin A, she is hott! Also stars Jason Sudeikis, Amanda Peet, Jason Mantzoukas, Andrea Savage, Adam Scott, and a bunch of smaller pop ins from a bunch of todays funny people: Adam Brody, Billy Eichner, Natasha Lyonne, but anyways...Sudeikis and Brie play friends who a long time ago at college they lost their virginity to each other, and seperated ways and only bumped into each other years later at a sex addicts meeting. And so its about them finding friendship and not falling into bed together, and this is a rom com so you can see the ending a million miles away, but it's the journey that counts...and this journey includes Alison Brie being scantily clad, several times, so for that alone its worth it. Go ahead watch it!
Kodachrome (2017)
Kodachrome (2017)
2017 | Drama
In dying there was death, in more ways than one. And to fully develop that statement you'll need to watch what is one of my favorite movies of 2017, Kodachrome. It's as moving as it is funny, and Ed Harris, Jason Sudeikis, and Elizabeth Olsen all deliver amazing performances in what I feel for each is one of their best 'film roles'. If the movie looks out of focus by the end, it's not. That'll just be the tears in your eyes. Don't let this movie flash by, like life has a tendency to, without seeing it.
Horrible Bosses (2011)
Horrible Bosses (2011)
2011 | Comedy
7.4 (8 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Horrible Bosses is a film that features an all-star cast with the likes of Colin Farrell, Jamie Foxx, Charlie Day and Jason Sudeikis to name but a few. It performed incredibly well at the box office and didn’t fare too badly with critics either – it was awarded a decent 69% on Rotten Tomatoes.

Aniston’s performance is tongue-in-cheek to say the least as she plays a hyper-sexed dentist. She’s funny and engaging in the role, losing the girl-next-door persona she had become criticised for overplaying in the past. Horrible Bosses and its sequel are well worth a watch.
We're The Millers (2013)
We're The Millers (2013)
2013 | Comedy, Crime
Entertaining (0 more)
The testicle scene (0 more)
Good fun
All good fun and I found myself chuckling on occasion. With Jason Sudeikis starring I knew there'd be some bawdy humour, as evidenced by the showing of a swollen testicle and one of the other characters referring to her sex life as "throwing a hotdog down a hallway". I don't particularly like that puerile stuff but putting it aside this film was entertaining enough as we watch 4 acquaintances become a pretend family who then develop a warmth and love for each other, all the while trying to transport marijuana in an RV from Mexico to America whilst being pursued by a drug boss. It's not cerebral in anyway so just an easy watch.
Sleeping with Other People (2015)
Sleeping with Other People (2015)
2015 | Comedy
7.0 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Relationships can be a complicated and challenge for many people. Combined with the pressures of work and modern society, it is a wonder how many people still manage to find one another and make meaningful connections.

In the new film “Sleeping With Other People”, audiences are introduced to Jake (Jason Sudeikis), and Lainey (Alison Brie), who meet by chance in a dorm, and have a very memorable evening with one another.

Flash forward years later and Jake and Lainey are struggling with relationships as Jake is a womanizer and Lainey has issued with fidelity in relationships and her self-destructive nature.

The two reunite by chance and begin a friendship which as time goes on, blossoms into something more. Of course both characters have their share of demons to contend with and have people in their past and present that have to be factored in as they struggle to grasp the rules of modern life.

Sudeikis and Brie work well with one another as their relationship seems natural and forced as they are both people trying to do the right thing yet haunted by their destructive patterns when it comes to love and relationships.

Solid supporting work by Amanda Peet and Adam Scott and the talented and enjoyable ensemble cast make the film a pleasant surprise and one that you should not miss.
Colossal (2016)
Colossal (2016)
2016 | Comedy, Drama
Humour (3 more)
Special effects
Sudden change in tempo (0 more)
Very different
Contains spoilers, click to show
Well I finally got round to watching this on Amazon Prime last night and really enjoyed it.

What starts as a very funny film, turns into something more dark and deep to which I was not expecting.

Overall I thought it was great and the only thing I had an issue with was that Oscar (played by the great Jason Sudeikis) changed his character literally overnight with no explanation. We can only presume it was known that Gloria did the deed with Joel or that we are to later find out that Oscar is actually a bad person (stemming back to a childhood incident involving his inferior diorama compared to that of Gloria’s and he still holds a grudge) but either way, it was all very sudden with no build up and made this part of the movie seem a little rushed.

Either way, would love to hear other people’s views on this!
Colossal (2016)
Colossal (2016)
2016 | Comedy, Drama
An interesting idea
I remember seeing a trailer for this film when it was first released, and as didn’t play at my local cinema I hadn’t seen anything from it since until it popped up on Netflix recently.

It’s a very interesting idea and a great take on the traditional monster movie. Without going into too much detail, this film really doesn’t pan out the way I was expecting. It took me a little while to adjust to this, but I actually really enjoyed it and the ending was beyond satisfying. It was great to see Jason Sudeikis play something other than his usual type of comedy character, and Anne Hathaway was wonderful as always. I do think Dan Steven was ridiculously underused and they really could’ve given him a much better part.

The effects are a tad dodgy at times but given the low budget, it’s not a massive surprise or issue. I do think there are some slightly irritating plot holes and it does drag a little at times, but overall still a rather good film and a refreshing change to the traditional “Godzilla” style films.

Andy K (10821 KP) Nov 2, 2019

I liked this quite a bit more than I thought I would. I think this movie has the distinction of being the very first I rated on Smashbomb! 😊


Lee (2222 KP) rated Colossal (2016) in Movies

Jul 26, 2017  
Colossal (2016)
Colossal (2016)
2016 | Comedy, Drama
Colossal is written and directed by Nacho Vigalondo, who also wrote and directed 2007’s Timecrimes. One of my favourite movies and probably the best movie about time travel that isn’t Back to the Future! So, I’d been looking forward to catching this, his latest movie, for a while now. Luckily, it didn’t disappoint.

Anne Hathaway is Gloria, a 30-something party girl whose life is in a serious downward spiral. Her boyfriend (an underused Dan Stevens) decides that enough is enough and kicks her out of his New York apartment. So, Gloria moves back to the quiet little town where she grew up and moves into her parents empty house in an attempt to try and rebuild her life. After a bad nights sleep on the bare floor (a nice running joke throughout the movie), she heads out to buy an inflatable mattress and on the way back is passed by Oscar (Jason Sudeikis) in his pickup truck, who pulls up and offers her a ride. It turns out that Oscar and Grace are old school friends and as they get talking about old times it transpires that things aren’t so great for Oscar these days either. He takes her to the bar he inherited from his father, only half renovated due to a lack of money, and later on offers Gloria a waitress job. Most of their time in the bar though seems to be spent after hours, drinking away the stock with a couple of other friends/barflies. Gloria is soon back to blacking out from drink and then waking up at some point the next day with vague memories of the night before.

And then one morning Gloria wakes to images on TV of a giant Godzilla-like creature which suddenly materialised and started rampaging through Seoul in South Korea. Furthermore, after a few more appearances by this creature, Gloria comes to the realisation that this creature somehow appears to be copying her movements! And a bit later on, a giant robot appears too!!

It’s difficult to elaborate on this part of the movie much further without going into serious spoiler territory. The whole idea sounds crazy, but it’s surprising just how quickly the whole concept just settles in and this remains primarily a movie about humans, our relationships and our inner demons. Hathaway and Sudeikis are at their best here, with Sudeikis progressing from his usual likeable slacker role into something much more darker and complex. Things become increasingly tense, culminating in a highly original and hugely satisfying final act which I absolutely loved. It’s truly amazing what’s been achieved here with such a low budget too, with only a few occasions where the effects appear a little shaky. Overall though, this is a smart must-see movie. Brilliant.
Colossal (2016)
Colossal (2016)
2016 | Comedy, Drama
Gloria (Anne Hathaway) is out all night drinking and comes home to her boyfriend Tim (Dan Stevens). Tim is headed to work and tired of Gloria’s partying ways. He’s packed her bags and tells her to not be there when he comes home from work. With no job, no place to live, and her life seemingly in at its low point she decided to go back to her home town. She is able to stay in her childhood home which is empty and she finds herself sleeping on the floor. Gloria heads out to get an air mattress to make her a little more comfortable. On her way back she runs into a childhood friend Oscar (Jason Sudeikis). He invites her to the bar he owns and despite the fact drinking ruined her relationship and is the reason she finds herself in this position she agrees.

Gloria winds up spending all night drinking with Oscar and his buddies. She stumbles home and passes out. She is awoken the next day by a phone call telling her about a giant monster that has appeared in Seoul. Gloria, Oscar and his two friends (Tim Blake and Austin Stowell) meet up again that night to talk about the Earth shaking event and wind up drinking all night, again. Gloria wakes up in the morning and again the monster appears in Seoul. It showed up at the exact time and the exact same spot in Seoul. As Gloria watches the footage of the newest sighting a strange thing occurs, the monster scratches its head in a very familiar way. Ever since Gloria was little she had a tick of scratching the top of her head in a particular way. Now on TV the monster is doing the same thing. She looks at the footage from the last sighting and notices that the monster looks to be carrying something, exactly like she was carrying the mattress she bought the morning before through the park. Is she the monster? If she is why is it only appearing in Seoul?

Colossal is a very interesting and original take on the “monster” movie. I hesitate to describe any more of the movie in the narrative because I really was surprised by the direction the movie took and think anyone why watches it should not have a preconceived idea of what is going to happen. Anne Hathaway and Jason Sudeikis are real good. Sudeikis really surprised me in his role. It wasn’t his typical character and I thought he played it really well. The supporting cast is okay but not particularly memorable. But the story really was focused on the two main characters. I thought the film was funny and dark. I definitely laughed throughout the film. There were times I questioned where the story was going. It didn’t transition from one point to the next very well. But I thought it did a good job of bringing everything together in the end. The visuals were good but not great but that is to be expected with an independent film. Another thing I will remember from this film was the soundtrack. The music seem to really follow the tone of the movie well.

This is a movie I will definitely find myself watching again. The story was interesting and, minus some sloppy plot transitions, was really well done.
Masterminds (2016)
Masterminds (2016)
2016 | Comedy
Masterminds features a star studded cast led by Zack Galifianakis as he portrays David Ghantt, an armored car delivery man who is stuck in a boring, monotonous life. When his partner played by Kristen Wiig is fired she begins to hang out with a sordid group of degenerates who hatch a scheme to rob Loomis Fargo so they can live the “good life.”

After convincing and seducing David into pursuing the robbery, all players and bandits find themselves swept up in a storm of confusion and wild escapades. David’s haul of over $17 million becomes the largest heist in American history which has the FBI, Interpol, and a hitman hot on his trail.

Masterminds finds its genius in the continuous jokes and ability to take a basic heist story and turn it into a fun-filled romp similar to Raising Arizona or We’re the Millers. There are moments that may cause audiences to pause and reflect on the events of the film and even question if and how any of them could have happened, but the interplay of the characters takes your mind off of the serious crime committed and you find yourself laughing at some of the most simple things in the film.

Galifianakis, Wiig, Owen Wilson, and Jason Sudeikis, will have you laughing throughout the film and possibly chuckling to yourself later at some of the one-liners and awkward moments delivered. This could quickly become a cult hit.