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Pete Thompson (4339 KP) created a poll
Sep 20, 2019

Little Ray Of Sunshine (41 KP) rated He's Out There (2018) in Movies
Jan 23, 2019
Spooky Movie
Contains spoilers, click to show
Wow, this was a spooky film with bangs and a creepy masked man called John. I want to know more about this character it seems he had a troubled upbringing or something. What crept me is that he was watching the family the whole time they came out to his old home for a vacation and he was planning something sinister. But I want to know how he got up and was okay from getting axed in the back is he another Jason Vorhees. Will there be a second film?

Steve Fearon (84 KP) rated Noroi: The Curse (2005) in Movies
Oct 3, 2018
Creepy Japanese Mockumentary hits the right notes
My word, the Japanese just do great horror huh?
A lot of my favourite Horrors are Japanese, from the classy Ringu, Kairo and Ju-On films to the trashier 'One Missed Call', but they all sure a singular understanding of tension, and most of all dread.
These movies revelled in slow horror, in knowing that the threat is inescapable, and like Michael Myers or Jason Vorhees (In the good films) it needn't rush.
Noroi: The Curse continues this theme, with a slow burning documentary style movie about some curious supernatural phenomena, that leads an investigator down a jagged and twisting path to discover the origins of the titular curse.
Whilst the movie is slow paced, the feeling of unease kicks in very early...there is something lurking on the edge of the screen, threatening to show you something horrifying at all times, but remaining patient until the tension is built to an almost unbearable level.
The story moves between a few pivotal characters, all of whom are able to provide a very genuine performance, that helps keep the viewer in the moment and suspending disbelief enough to enjoy the movie as it was meant to be enjoyed.
I really enjoyed this one, and to be fair it ticked a lot of the boxes for me:
Found Footage
Documentary Style
J-Horror Style
Creepy Mythos
Dread over Jump Scared
highly recommend this, check it out!
A lot of my favourite Horrors are Japanese, from the classy Ringu, Kairo and Ju-On films to the trashier 'One Missed Call', but they all sure a singular understanding of tension, and most of all dread.
These movies revelled in slow horror, in knowing that the threat is inescapable, and like Michael Myers or Jason Vorhees (In the good films) it needn't rush.
Noroi: The Curse continues this theme, with a slow burning documentary style movie about some curious supernatural phenomena, that leads an investigator down a jagged and twisting path to discover the origins of the titular curse.
Whilst the movie is slow paced, the feeling of unease kicks in very early...there is something lurking on the edge of the screen, threatening to show you something horrifying at all times, but remaining patient until the tension is built to an almost unbearable level.
The story moves between a few pivotal characters, all of whom are able to provide a very genuine performance, that helps keep the viewer in the moment and suspending disbelief enough to enjoy the movie as it was meant to be enjoyed.
I really enjoyed this one, and to be fair it ticked a lot of the boxes for me:
Found Footage
Documentary Style
J-Horror Style
Creepy Mythos
Dread over Jump Scared
highly recommend this, check it out!