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Lake Placid (1999)
Lake Placid (1999)
1999 | Action, Comedy, Horror
So-so freshwater Jaws spoof with lots of extra irony; somehow managed to spawn a gajillion sequels, all of them made by and featuring much less distinguished people. Folk start turning up dead in a lake in Maine; various scientists and eccentrics descend, annoying the local police and game wardens; culprit proves to be a giant Asian crocodile which has somehow found its way to North America (this is not the kind of film which worries too much about the details). All the usual tropes and plot twists ensue, played very much tongue in cheek.

You get the sense this is a film everybody involved made on a week off as a kind of joke - the snappy dialogue between the characters is the only bit of the film which truly shines, and it's the gory bits - beheadings and dismemberments which feel out of place (even some of these are played for laughs). Sort of mildly amusing and the croc model is good, but not funny and certainly not scary enough to linger in the memory. I seem to recall the 1980 movie Alligator being a lot more fun.
Spielberg (2017)
Spielberg (2017)
2017 | Biography, Documentary
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Watched another amazing documentary from HBO tonight simply titled Spielberg, but there is nothing simple about the man behind the name. Growing up with Steven Spielberg movies has been a true blessing. The Duel between story and shot crafted in a way that ultimately results in everyone's Jaws dropping. It was nice seeing the cameras turned and getting what will surely be my Closest Encounter with him. He is a true Raider of cinema who has created a Temple of film and I've loved every second of his Crusade. His Empire of movies is so out of this world he could be classified an Extra-Terrestrial. A master of being able to Hook the audience with beautiful Color and Jurassic shots; I could go on forever making a List of praises. I'm sure you were able Catch my many inteded puns, but the One thing I wanted to make clear in my Bridge of words in this Post is my love for Spielberg and this great documentary. I know I left out some great titles in my play on words, but one I definitely did not forget and had to find a way to use is Saving Private Ryan. There, I used it :p
Revenge of the Creature (1955)
Revenge of the Creature (1955)
1955 | Horror, Sci-Fi
6.4 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I'm seeing some Spielbergisms in these movies so far as it seems like he must've used some ideas or themes when starting out like in Jaws. Once you show the monster, it's hard to put jack back in the box.

Unlike the original film, you see too much of the creature right away to build tension or think of him as menacing. This time around different scientists go back to the lagoon and capture the creature and bring him back to civilization. His new home is a large public aquarium where he instantly becomes the new star attraction. While chained to the tank floor he wows the spectators, defends himself against the nosy scientists and attempts escape. This sequence also felt like the 3rd act of The Lost World where the dinosaurs made it to land and terrorized the suburbs.

He eventually escapes and follows the main scientist and his girlfriend whilst they try and have a romantic time out to sea together. The last half of the film feels like you are watching From Here To Eternity with an occasional creature showing up every once in a while.

The tension just wasn't there in this one. A disappointment,

Aliens (1986)
Aliens (1986)
1986 | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
Revisited this for the first time in ages and there’s still no other way of describing it than simply a masterpiece. Watching the theatrical version and the slow build up of tension in the first half building up to the action packed final battle between Ripley and the alien queen is such brilliant story telling and just so well paced. James Cameron follows the Jaws approach and doesn’t show you the slightest hint of an alien till nearly an hour into the film and is far stronger for it. The whole cast are great but the films ace is of course Sigourney Weaver ,she is a total bad ass here and one of cinemas all time great heroines. You are also reminded at what a talent James Cameron was before declaring himself ‘king of the world’. I would love to see him doing something like this or T2 again rather than wasting years on the 172 sequels to Avatar that nobody really wants.

(The special edition of the film is nearly 20 minutes longer and has some interesting moments but in my opinion slows things down a bit too much and you can see why these scenes were removed for the theatrical version)