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Anna Calvi recommended Grace by Jeff Buckley in Music (curated)

Grace by Jeff Buckley
Grace by Jeff Buckley
1994 | Alternative, Rock, Singer-Songwriter
8.7 (7 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I heard it when I was 17 or 18 and it really changed my view of what music could be in that there’s so much beauty in Jeff Buckley’s voice. Also, the guitar on that record is the biggest guitar influence that I’ve ever had. Jeff Buckley uses his voice in this very free way and it can go wherever he wants it to: that’s something that I've intentionally and subconsciously very much taken on myself as a singer. His voice can be so subtle, quiet and soft and then it becomes this roaring kind of force and, again, that’s something that completely inspired me as a singer. He’s very much about that play between his voice and his guitar but they both feel like they’re partners and the essence of who he is—I feel inspired by that as a musician myself. I always try and have a play between the guitar and the voice, to make them speak the same language and tell the story of myself. I remember writing Jeff Buckley lyrics all over my bag I took to college. I like the way you would take on lyrics and feel that they were expressing a part of you, so you'd always feel proud to have them on your schoolbag as if you wrote them yourself. That’s a really cute thing about being a teenager and looking a very particular way. Teenagers react to music because they’re always looking for a way to identify themselves."

Hell or High Water (2016)
Hell or High Water (2016)
2016 | Drama, Mystery
This is one of those films I'm struggling to say veru much about. Not because it's bad, it was actually good but in my eyes fairly unremarkable. It was well made, with some good performances from Ben Foster and Chris Pine and a good script and soundtrack. But for me it just didn't excel. And as much as i like Jeff Bridges, I'm a little concerned he seems to be playing the same character in everything he's been in recently.
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Sarah (7798 KP) Feb 24, 2019

No I haven’t but it’s in my Netflix watch list, sounds like it’s worth watching? Is it the one with Jeremy Renner?


Leah (: (569 KP) Feb 24, 2019

Yes it is (: I again watched this, not by choice, on another work trip a year later. But I definely enjoyed it more, the storyline was more engrossing I would say more of a mystery than action.

Reaper's Run (Plague Wars, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
[Reaper's Run] is the first book in the [Plague Wars Series] by [David VanDyke]. It is a great start and a fast past thrill ride. When Jill Repeth realizes her legs, that she lost in the war, are regrowing, she knows something is going on. It is much deeper than she realizes and her new fight is just beginning.

This is a fast paced, action book with apocalyptic and tech twists very akin to [Plague War] by [Jeff Carlson] but with a lot more action.
The Vanishing (1993)
The Vanishing (1993)
1993 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I've seen this film twice and it's one of those that has stuck with me.

It's not really a cast I would put together; having Sandra Bullock and Kiefer Sutherland as a couple just doesn't sit right with me, but it works in the overall setting of the film. Jeff Bridges is very good in the role of the manipulative murderer, and there is a lot of suspense throughout the film.

Very enjoyable if you like something to keep you on the edge of your seat.
Silver & Gold by Nikhil D'souza
Silver & Gold by Nikhil D'souza
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
You put that British-sounding electric guitar against some strings and everyone will cry The Verve. But more, it's got that command of something we are all trying to get to. The delivery is epic and stadium-worthy. It could almost be an extension of the falsetto facility we remember from Jeff Buckley. You be the judge.

Nikhil D’Souza was born in Mumbai and his new release ‘Silver And Gold’ is distributed through Warner Music. One thing is for sure: this production is spot-on.

Faris Badwan recommended track Corpus Christi Carol by Jeff Buckley in Grace by Jeff Buckley in Music (curated)

Grace by Jeff Buckley
Grace by Jeff Buckley
1994 | Alternative, Rock, Singer-Songwriter
8.7 (7 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Jeff Buckley’s vocal range is staggering. He’s basically a classical singer, he’s so technically gifted. When I was on tour as Cat’s Eyes a lot of the singers that sing with us are classical singers, and on tour this year we were discussing who you think has the best musicality – and Jeff Buckley was one of the people that we mentioned. I don’t know much about his life other than who his Dad was, but I think it’s actually really rare to hear a singer within guitar music that has such musicality. I don’t think it can be taught either, I think it’s just something he has innately. His tone is incredible on this, it’s unreal. This is something you can’t copy, it’s only something you can appreciate. As someone who learnt to sing really late in life, it’s interesting to me. I learnt from scratch, just from playing. At the beginning of The Horrors it was a lot more shouting, spontaneous and came out of nowhere, just raw expression. I feel like none of us really knew what we were doing. In a way I think just reacting instinctively is the best way to get into things that you love, but I learnt a lot from Rachel (Zeffira) of Cat’s Eyes. She was an opera singer originally, before we met. Singing with her I was able to access my own musicality, which is a hard thing to do. What’s really great about this song is that Jeff Buckley chose to do it in the first place. If you listen to the whole of Grace, this song comes out of nowhere. The fact that he was brave enough to choose a classical piece and put it on his record, and for it to work as well – the bravery of it is inspiring. There’s a vulnerability to this song that you don’t hear in a lot of male singers. It’s easy for someone in the charts like Sam Smith to portray ‘emotion’, but to me his voice transmits no emotion because I feel like its trained emotion. They’re worlds apart. Maybe it’s too easy to target these artists because their songs are made for a purpose, but ‘Corpus Christi Carol’, and Jeff Buckley’s voice in general, has a vulnerability to it that first of all, male singers are afraid to show, and second of all, they wouldn’t be able to do it because they don’t have the soul or technique – and it’s not something male singers aspire to either. I have no idea when I first heard this song. A lot of people at school liked Jeff Buckley but this song was kind of tucked away in the record. It took me a while to find the song and hear it, but I heard it on its own one night and hearing it like that I could really appreciate how totally unique it is"

Jeff, Who Lives at Home (2012)
Jeff, Who Lives at Home (2012)
2012 | Comedy
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Everyone knows a guy like Jeff (Jason Segel). Someone who never really left home, opting instead to sit around waiting for a sign. Jeff’s family is not much better. His daft, unaware brother, Pat (Ed Helms), has his life centered on a marriage that is devoid of connection or even much conversation. Jeff’s mother, Sharon (Susan Sarandon), spends her days de-stressing by staring at a waterfall picture in a drab office environment. But today a change is going to come in a big way to the people in Jeff’s life.

In “Jeff, Who Lives at Home” both Segel and Helms have taken on roles that are slightly more serious than the comedic standards that these actors are known for. Still the film is not so far removed as to alienate the fans who diligently follow these two actors to the theater time and time again.

The film’s plot is full of unexpected yet mildly realistic twists and turns. There are no big explosions or giant leaps of faith. This serpentine story is much more subtle. Many of the standout moments are realistically bizarre yet prove relevant, sweeping the audience into lives that have hit the final dregs of acceptability.
Visually the film is lack-luster. More than once viewers experience uncomfortable close-up shots of the less than attractively decorated characters. Still the script is well composed and crafted with such care that every word seems to naturally flow from the actors’ mouths. The story delves into so many facets of the human experience, from marriage to the building of a brotherly bond, that the tale itself is engrossing.

The characters are nervous, inexperienced, and closed off but the tale that defines “Jeff, Who Lives at Home” is entirely relatable. The film is not exactly enchanting but it was significantly better than I had originally anticipated.

Alison Pink (7 KP) rated Hidden in Books

Jan 15, 2018  
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book was a giveaway win with an interesting story... Amazon shipped the wrong book initially so I ended up with 2 books with the same title. Lola Fortunately the real book was worth the wait (even though the correction to the shipping issue didn't take too long.)
This book follows 2 separate families in 2 different towns both named Springfield. Tish & Jeff work for the same company but live in different Springfields. They have a chance encounter at a company retreat where their spouses are also with them. This leads to a blossoming friendship & eventually deeper feelings. They both have difficult marriages. Then 1 day tragedy strikes as Jeff is walking home. This tragedy leads to all kinds of soul searching & secrets coming to light.
Each chapter is told from the perspective of 1 of the characters involved in the real life drama. This puts a nice spin on the narrative as holes are gradually filled in through each characters stories. The end was not entirely unexpected, but it was fitting. It leaves the reading questioning whether or not you really know what's going on in your life.
It’s time for Homestead Days in the town of Broken Boot, Texas, and the big draw this year is up and coming country singer Jeff Clark, who happens to be the ex of Josie Callahan’s best friend Patti. At the opening night concert, the two seem to be reconnecting, but the next morning, Josie finds Jeff dead in Patti’s living room. Naturally, the police think Patti makes a great suspect, and with pressure to wrap the case up quickly, they aren’t looking for many other suspects. That means it is up to Josie to clear her best friend. But can she do it?

This is a fun second entry in the series. I did find the book needed another pass to truly smooth out a few of the scenes, but it was still definitely worth reading. The characters are unique for a cozy and truly so much fun. The plot gives us great suspects and twists right until the can-only-happen-in-Texas climax.

NOTE: I received a copy of this book.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.

Sarah (7798 KP) rated Stronger (2016) in Movies

Jan 29, 2019  
Stronger (2016)
Stronger (2016)
2016 | Drama
It's a little unfortunate that Stronger was released in the same year as the other Boston marathon film, Patriots Day. Whilst the films are as opposite as they can be (one set from the point of view of a cop during the event & the ensuing investigation, whilst this focuses on the life of an injured survivor), I fear that Stronger has been dwarfed by the other bigger film. Which is a shame as this is a very good film in its own right.

This is a character led film, and tells the poignant and harrowing tale of bombing survivor Jeff Bauman. Jake Gyllenhaal excels in this, like he always does when he's given a proper character based story. The rest of the cast too are great and the entire film is just very well done. It doesn't shy away from showing some of Jeff's personal struggles and really is a heartwarming story. Especially when you know there's a happy ending at the end of it. The photos and updates right at the end of the film showing the real Jeff are so uplifting.