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Ross (3282 KP) rated The Giver (2014) in Movies

Aug 27, 2018  
The Giver (2014)
The Giver (2014)
2014 | Drama, Sci-Fi
7.8 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The premise and storyline (0 more)
Jeff Bridges' mumbling (0 more)
Watch this for the story, not for the cast
A very good premise in this film, following a community generations after the decision has been made to strive for a eutopia of bland polite sameness. No longer do people see colours (literally), all phrases have to be precise (something I think we could gain a lot by bringing in now!) and there are strict rules around curfews and behaviour, with everything being watched and lives pre-ordained.
The film follows three young people as they turn 18 and are allocated their jobs for life. Jonas has been selected to be the next Receiver of Knowledge - a role where he will receive all knowledge before the new world (of colours, wars, love, emotions, sledging).
Gripping dystopian vision of a future dreamworld and how wrong it would all be, and how, like religion, some good ideas become wrongly used as a strict framework for living life.
Needless to say, Jonas goes a bit daft with all this new knowledge (he somehow understood some of Jeff Bridges's incoherent mumbling) and looks to change the world for the better.
A short, enjoyable, family friendly version of Black Mirror with a slightly disappointing though happy ending.

Pj Jones (4 KP) Aug 27, 2018

I loved the book,,,never seen the movie


Ross (3282 KP) Aug 27, 2018

I only realised there was a book when I was looking at this on Amazon to update the listing. I will check it out. It is a decent film, its on Netflix in the UK at the moment.

The Giver (2014)
The Giver (2014)
2014 | Drama, Sci-Fi
7.8 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A Striking visual translation
Over the last decade, cinema-going audiences have had the treat of numerous adaptations of popular young adult novels. Some of them have been particularly great – the Harry Potter series the highlight – whilst others have been less than stellar – Twilight, I’m looking at you.

However, with The Hunger Games on the edge of its tantalising conclusion, director Phillip Noyce introduces teens and adults alike to a whole new world in The Giver, but can it seduce audiences which have already had numerous fantasy worlds to enjoy?

For the most part, yes. Noyce directs this adaptation with extreme visual flair and commands some great performances from the veteran actors, even if the young thespians pale a little in comparison.The-Giver-Brenton-Thwaites-character-poster-691x1024

The Giver follows a community dealing with the aftermath of a brutal conflict. The Elders (people in charge) have been forced to eradicate all feelings, emotion, colour and memories from the past to ensure that this doesn’t happen again. Unfortunately, the plan isn’t fool-proof and one person each generation must be tasked with storing information from the past to ensure the progression of the future.

The book’s intriguing premise brings a striking visual translation. The majority of the picture is shot in black and white which adds to the emotionless atmosphere – just how The Elders want it.

Meryl Streep plays the Chief Elder and despite her limited screen time manages to command each scene she is a part of – though we have come to expect nothing less from the woman who played Margaret Thatcher so beautifully. Jeff Bridges is the title character – The Giver, who manages to impart wisdom to the one teenager each generation.

The teenage characters, despite their constant presence on screen, lack the magic and sparkle of their older counterparts. Brenton Thwaites stars as The Receiver Jonas and is probably the best of the younger stars, though a decent turn by True Blood’s Alexander Skarsgard helps alleviate the offerings somewhat, and there’s even a small role for Taylor Swift.

Despite it’s reasonably small budget of $25million compared to The Hunger Games $78million, the special effects are all of a decent standard. Of course there’s a few lapses here and there in areas were most people would probably never notice, and a few larger issues involving unrealistic space ships – but there isn’t too much to criticise as the striking cinematography is were the eyes are drawn.

Overall, it’s easy to feel sorry for The Giver, it’s come at an awkward time when audiences aren’t ready to get invested in another young adult movie and therefore I predict its box office success will fall short of the quality of the film itself.

The acting is on the whole very good and it’s nice to see Meryl Streep getting her teeth into the role of a villain in a style similar to her role in The Devil Wears Prada, but it all feels a little unsure of itself. Is it a sentimental rom-com or a utopian thriller? Who knows, but it’s definitely worth a watch for the striking visuals alone.