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Public Image: First Issue by Public Image Ltd
Public Image: First Issue by Public Image Ltd
1978 | Punk
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Album Favorite

Theme by Public Image Ltd

(0 Ratings)


"We all lived in this house in Los Angeles when we first started the band. It was Shannyn [Sossamon], Emily [Kokal], Theresa [Wayman] and myself. David Orlando, who became our drummer years later, lived in the garage. I’d go over to practise and he’d play me records. I didn’t realise how much I loved Jah Wobble’s bass playing; he’s also on my list of all-time greats. That was over 10 years ago and I’d already developed a style of playing by that point but I’d been told by a few people that I kind of reminded them of him – well, they called me Jen Wobble. I didn’t grow up listening to PiL or anything and wasn’t entirely familiar with his style before we lived in that space. I get the comparison now. When I was in high school I was a fan of the Pistols’ hits, but that was more to do with teenage rebellion. The Pistols were great, but PiL have the edge."

Rare Form (Descended of Dragons #1)
Rare Form (Descended of Dragons #1)
Jen Crane | 2015 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the debut novel of Jen Crane and she has started with a belter! There are some brilliant one-liners in here, and she has given a new meaning between a younger girl and an older man!

So many characters in here to draw you in! Stella herself is cracking! She deals with life-changing events with attitude and aplomb, whilst committing herself fully. Gresham is simply gorgeous and I can't get enough of him. Timbra is sweet but with a sassy edge. Ewan - what can I say about him? He intrigues me and I can't wait to see where this story will take him.

Well-written, smoothly paced, and laced with humour, this is a book to savour! Definitely recommended by me and I can't wait for book 2!!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *
Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Oct 6, 2015

Alice (12 KP) rated The Ninth Rain in Books

Jul 3, 2018  
The Ninth Rain
The Ninth Rain
Jen Williams | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I was given a copy of this book by the publisher in exchange for an honest review</i>

The Ninth Rain is the first book of a new trilogy from my new go-to author Jen Williams. As in her previous books, Jen Williams creates a world like no other, a world where witches, vampires (of a sort) and giant bats coexist to an extent; a world where gods existed and massive war-beasts once lived and fought, where parasitic beetles are the enemy.

I invite you all to most heartily buy this book, read this book, pause and read it again and again.

Once again Jen Williams has created a trio of characters to love in similar veins to her Copper Cat trilogy, though different in their individual way:

-Noon – a fell-witch from the plains imprisoned in the Winnowry for her crime of being born with power.
-Lady Vincenza ‘Vintage’ de Grazon – A human scholar with a love of all things Jure’lia, a constant hunt for knowledge and cash to splash.
-Tormalin the Oathless – an Eboran mercenary trained in the ways of The House of the Long Night.

Three brilliant characters that each bring their own special flair to this book. Tor is witty and sarcastic, Vintage is much the same but show her eccentricities and has a heart of gold, Noon originally so frightened comes into her own on the journey she shares with Vintage and Tor. Another perfect trio of characters.

The plot for this book resolves around the Jure’lia- or worm-people- who came to Sarn and waged war; the Eighth Rain came from the Eboran God Ygseril, a silvery birth of war-beasts who fought off the Jure’lia and their Behemoths and then passed on themselves. Since the end of the Eighth Rain the war-beasts have been extinct and Ebora started to die.

The book follows Vintage and Tor on their journey through Mushenka and the rest of Sarn in pursuit of knowledge of the Jure’lia- eccentric explorer Vintage’s Poison of choice. They enter the Wild and come across Noon, an escaped fell-witch masquerading as an agent of the Winnowry and from then on their journey becomes a lot less regular and and lot more interesting!

Lots of fire! Lots of action and the sweetest romantic creation I’ve read in a long time – a minor bit of romance that does not detract from the overwhelming fantasy that is this book.

Jen’s world building skills are akin to no other, her cities are ancient but with a modern flair, her enemies disgustingly brilliant and savagely evil, her heroes full of charm and heart. The writing style sucks you in and doesn’t let you go until long after you’ve hit the end of the book and leaves you wanting more.

There are no words strong enough for me to describe how utterly brilliant The Ninth Rain was – not just the story the name comes from but the overall storyline. The characters, plot, balance between good versus evil and everything in between – outstanding.

A great read with heart and soul and epic beasties. I highly recommend this book.
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
In Good Company is a witty romance filled with people that are sure to capture your heart. Embark on this journey and find yourself immersed into the society of Newport, Rhode Island.

The summer season of 1882 is about to begin and Everett Mulberry has found himself without a nanny for his wards, again. Millie Longfellow has once again been dismissed from her position as a nanny. Neither Everett or Millie are thrilled when the employment agency places Millie in Everett's services. But this is the last hope for both of them. Millie's unique behavior as a nanny is frowned upon by many, however her unorthodox ways might be just what these children need. Everett's goal of holding a powerful position among the upper class of society appears to be within reach. But as events begin to unfold regarding the untimely death of the children's parents, he is severely tested. Will he hold on to his position and snobbery? Or will he let the children, and Millie, soften his heart?

"I don't think reading is a pleasure I'll ever be able to abandon." - Millie Longfellow

Jen Turano is one of the most brilliant authors that I have ever had the pleasure of reading. I had to spend this last week in the hospital with my son, and I am so very thankful that I chose to read this book while I was there (He is doing better and we are home now). I laughed out loud so many times. Millie and Everett's story was good for my spirit and my sanity. In Good Company is a beautiful combination of The Sound of Music and Pride and Prejudice, two of my favorite stories. Jen does a wonderful job of depicting the prejudice between the social classes of the time. The prejudice and the snobbery is heartbreaking. But, the story breaks all of those barriers and it is thrilling to witness. Get ready for a grand adventure full of mischief, romance and a few peacocks!

Although this book can stand alone, I highly recommend reading After a Fashion, the first book in the series.

I received a free copy of In Good Company from Bethany House Publishers in exchange for my honest review.
54 of 220
Enlightened Ascent ( The Pearson Prophecy 2)
By Jen L Grey

Afraid the king will find out she's not truly dead, Ariah flees from the kingdom, leaving her family and enemies behind to think the worst. She thinks she's finally struck a bit of luck with the help of a prince, but when he betrays her, she realizes she'd only had a false sense of security.

On the run again, betrayed and in pain, Ariah vows to never be weak again. Soon, she finds herself in another kingdom as an untrustworthy outsider, but she's determined to make it her new home.

However, her fate begins to unravel in the presence of another persistent royal. Now, to fulfill her destiny, Ariah must make a decision as the war looms closer.

This was so much better than the first book Ariah really comes into her own. She takes charge of herself and her growing powers it shows what someone can do when they are pushed too far. Really enjoyed it.
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
138 of 235
Blood Sister ( Flesh and Blood 1)
By Dreda Say Mitchell

Welcome to Essex Lane Estate - or, as it's better known by its residents, The Devil. There are two ways out: you either make good, or you turn bad.

Jen Miller is determined not to repeat the same mistakes her mother did. She's waiting to find herself a good job and a decent man. In contrast, her younger sister Tiff is running errands for a gangster and looking for any opportunity for fun and profit. But she might just be in over her head . . .

As the sisters cross paths with the unstoppable Dee - a woman with her own agenda - both Tiff and Jess learn that the plans you make often have a way of going wrong. Especially if you live on The Devil's Estate.

But, at least they can rely on each other . . . Can't they?

It was good and I did enjoy it but felt it was a bit like a few others I’d read in this genre nothing really stood out to me. But I did enjoy it for what it was!
Go the Distance: A Twisted Tale
Go the Distance: A Twisted Tale
Jen Calonita | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
What if Meg had to become a Greek God?

Following on immediately from the end of the much loved Hercules film, Jen Calonita is back with a twisted tale starring our favourite D.I.D: Damsel in Distress.

Now, I LOVE sarcasm and sass so Meg has always been a firm favourite of mine. I was thrilled when I heard she would finally be getting her own story and did Calonita disappoint? No she did not!

Go The Distance is told entirely from Meg’s point of view: immersing the reader immediately in her thoughts and feelings whilst ascending to Mount Olympus with Hercules. I loved how in tune Jen Calonita was with her protagonist, right from the first few pages: there is literally SO much pomp and circumstance surrounding Meg, she is stood on a cloud for goodness sake! But does that stop her doubting herself? Doubting the budding relationship with Herc? Not a chance!

It will come as no surprise to regular readers of twisted tale novels that Calonita quickly tanks our hopes of a happy ending (makes sense- we’re only in the first few pages) as Zeus refuses Hercules’ request to be with Meg on Earth: the lightning-wielding god and his wife have waited too long for their son to re-join them, to lose him this easily. However, Hera can see how happy this mortal makes her son and so makes Meg a once-in-a-lifetime offer, complete a hero’s quest in 10 days and stay with Herc on Mount Olympus as a god for eternity.

Obviously Meg accepts- it would be a short story if she passed this opportunity up- and embarks upon an adventure like no other. As well as having to navigate the underworld, negotiate with Hades and face her ex, Meg battles monsters, befriends Gods and learns her most important lesson: that love is a strength, not a weakness.

Joining Meg on her journey are characters we know and love, such as Phil, Pegasus and Hades. It would be so easy for Jen Calonita to play it safe with these iconic characters but I am pleased to say that these guys get their own little developments too: particularly Hades as we see the character of Persephone and her impact upon his life.

Calonita also introduces us to a host of new characters, two of which are pivotal to both the reader understanding how key events in her life have created this tough armour that Meg wears so well. These are Thea, Meg’s mother and Aegeus, the man who Meg gave up her soul for. Aegeus is a bit wet in my opinion (he’s no Wonder Boy!) but the relationship Calonita creates between Meg and Thea is something precious: the reader can see the struggles faced by both women and can immediately identify where Meg got her fiery nature from.

But of course our heroine is the one who shines in this twisted tale: Meg was already a brilliant character but Calonita opens her up a little bit more and manages to break down some of her walls: along her quest Meg almost embraces her vulnerability, she learns to trust and learns that it is not a weakness to ask for and accept help. After that her quest seems to become easier- which is saying a lot in the underworld!

I also really admired that Meg doesn’t go weak at the knees at the prospect of spending eternity with Hercules, in fact she isn’t sure she wants eternity, she just wants the chance to find out! This made the underlying love story real rather than fairytale. Herc and Meg argue, they say things they regret but ultimately, they show up for each other and that’s what is important in the end.

I have seen other reviewers slating the character of Meg, saying that she is too rash and hot-headed in this twisted tale and bears little resemblance to the animated character we love. I have to say I completely disagree with these views: yes, as her quest nears its deadline then Meg becomes increasingly rash but hello, the girl gave up her soul to Hades! You can’t tell me she doesn’t have previous form for diving head-first into a situation?!

Go The Distance is an adorable novel about embracing your vulnerability and trusting those who want to help you. It teaches us that independence does not necessarily mean facing everything alone, love does not necessarily come from one stand-out moment and that it is never too late to forgive. This twisted tale is not as dark as other retellings in the series but Jen Calonita is an expert in middle-grade literature and so this is not a surprise nor a criticism.

“Two thumbs, way way up for our leading lady!”
Happiness for Humans
Happiness for Humans
P. Z. Reizin | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Bonkers, but hugely entertaining
My manager gave me this book to read, and I’m not entirely sure if she was trying to tell me something, or just trying to cheer me up. The situation the main character Jen finds herself in right at the start of this book is so similar to my own experience (right down to the name of her ex), that I couldn’t help but connect with this book. Admittedly I don’t have an AI named Aiden trying to sort out my romantic life, but maybe one day...

It’s not everyday you’d read a romantic comedy novel about AIs, but I’m pleased to say this is a highly entertaining read. It’s funny and has some great endearing and humanly flawed characters (even the AIs). The plot is bonkers, and gets even crazier towards the end, and you do have to suspend your disbelief at times. I did prefer the first half of the story, when it was mainly AI matchmaking rather than the darker (and crazier) side, but it was still all very enjoyable. Not one that’s going to win any literary prices, but still well written and very entertaining. I’m holding out now for my own personal matchmaker AI.
Let It Go: A Frozen Twisted Tale
Let It Go: A Frozen Twisted Tale
Jen Calonita | 2019 | Young Adult (YA)
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
“What if Anna and Elsa never knew each other?”

I did it again! A new shiny twisted tale came out and I let it jump to the top of my TBR pile! I’m weak!

Let It Go is the latest instalment in the twisted tale’s series and explores how Anna and Elsa’s story would play out if a magical accident caused the two sisters to be cursed.

As always, Jen Calonita writes this very well: drip feeding us information by opening the novel on eighteen-year-old Elsa shadowing her parents’ royal duties and preparing to become a leader when she comes of age.

It is quite refreshing for the reader to meet the King and Queen of Arendelle: they didn’t have much depth in the movie but Jen Calonita presents an intimidating yet loving King with his kind and gentle Queen. They are both, however, marred by a melancholy which even Elsa cannot fathom; the Queen in particular has an air of sadness around her and has a habit of taking mysterious day trips, always alone.

Elsa is an adoring daughter and will clearly be a benevolent Queen as she follows in her father’s footsteps. She is, however, lonely and has always pined for someone of her own age for company: she has always wished for a sister. It isn’t until Elsa overhears an argument between her parents that she begins to question the life around her.

Unlike other books in the twisted tale’s franchise we aren’t introduced to any new characters apart from the King and Queen. There are a few servants who have minor roles but no one who has a real impact upon the story. Instead, Let It Go focuses on all the characters we already love: I really liked how Jen Calonita included everybody, even the irritating Duke of Weselton. True to form though, the characters don’t meet quite as they did in the movie. Hans and Olaf meet Elsa first whereas Anna and Kristoff are acquaintances in Anna’s “cursed” life. In truth I preferred Anna and Kristoff’s relationship in this novel as it seemed more realistic, with Kristoff being irritated by Anna’s stubbornness and incessant chatter.

Like I mentioned, Calonita isn’t forthcoming with information regarding the curse and it is only with the help of a certain troll that we learn the details of how Elsa and Anna were parted as well as the severity of the curse that has been placed upon them: if they come too close to each other Elsa’s powers will freeze Anna.

I did appreciate how Calonita didn’t just settle for a storyline that the girls had to be kept apart to avoid further accidents and the impossible, heat-wrenching decision for their parents is beautifully written. I also liked how the curse came about due to the sheer love between the sisters and specifically, Elsa’s defiance to lose their special bond and friendship.

In fact, I loved how the twist is all about the sister’s love for each other: the red herring of true love’s kiss is not even considered.

Unfortunately, my enthusiasm for the book didn’t continue all the way through to the conclusion as the second half seemed to mirror the film a lot. Don’t get me wrong I absolutely loved the little references to the film all the way through the book, as I do with all the twisted tales. However, towards the end Let It Go felt like it was just writing out the movie, with a few characters in different locations. For this reason, I did feel the ending was a little lacklustre.

Overall Let It Go is an enjoyable, easy read. Anna’s flashbacks provide an insight into the childhood of the princesses that we don’t get in the film and my favourite, Olaf, plays a more important role than that of dismembered tour guide. For me, the second half of the book was not as gripping and more of a retelling of the film but it is still a good addition to the twisted tale franchise.
Alienated (2016)
Alienated (2016)
2016 | Drama
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: Alienated starts as we follow married couple Nate (Katt) & Paige (Burry) as they go about their everyday lives, we see the ups and downs in their communication which every couple has. When Nate believes he sees a space craft and Paige brushes off Nate’s request to watch the video leading to a fight between the two. We see how they have to rebuild their friendship and whether Paige wants to believe Nate did really see a spacecraft.

Alienated gives us a very interesting drama that bottles down to what people want to believe when a loved one believes in something. I will admit that I was expecting more sci-fi element involved as this while very entertaining follows only the conversations between the couple. This showed how to make an ultra-interesting film between the characters giving them a natural feel throughout.


Actor Review


George Katt: Nate is an artist meaning he spends most of his time at home, he is a conspiracy theorist making him believe. He has a smaller social circle compared to his wife and once he believes he sees a spacecraft the relationship with his wife is pushed to the limits as they deal with what is real. George is great in this role as we

Jen Burry: Paige is the successful business woman who comes home everyday to her husband Nate who can easily be pushed into believing in many different conspiracies. She wants to be noticed more by her husband instead of dealing with his theories on a daily basis. Jen is great in this role showing great chemistry with George.

Taylor Negron: Griffin is the neighbour of the couple, he comes off very strange but we don’t see too much of the character. Taylor is good giving us mystery about the character.

Director Review: Brian Ackley – Brian gives us one of the most interesting story driven film of the year.


Thriller: Alienated keeps us on edge as we wait to see what is the truth throughout.

Settings: Alienated keeps the setting in the home of the couple showing how this could come off as an everyday conversation but it could also be something bigger.
Suggestion: Alienated is one to try, I do think the casual fans might find this slightly hard to enjoy but once you start you just don’t want to stop. (Try It)


Best Part: Natural feeling throughout.

Worst Part: Not everything you think it will be.


Believability: No

Chances of Tears: No

Chances of Sequel: No

Post Credits Scene: No


Oscar Chances: No

Runtime: 1 Hour 21 Minutes


Overall: Very interesting thriller that takes away the action only to give us an engrossing story.