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Sean Baker recommended Secret Sunshine (2007) in Movies (curated)

Secret Sunshine (2007)
Secret Sunshine (2007)
2007 | Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Lee Chang-dong is a living master. (I hope that Criterion puts out Oasis eventually—nudge, nudge.) Jeon Do-yeon delivers such a powerful performance. I wish I knew Korean, because I’m sure I would appreciate the film even more . . . which seems almost impossible because I adore it so."

Secret Sunshine (2007)
Secret Sunshine (2007)
2007 | Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"In regard to acting, I have to mention Secret Sunshine. It has a performance by Jeon Do-yeon that must be one of the most shockingly truthful, harrowing—unbearable, really—performances in the history of film. When I walked out of the theater, I wondered out loud to my wife Cindy if performances like that shouldn’t perhaps be against the law. So naked. Too naked? I will never forget it, and anyone reading this should watch the film. If you can bear to witness such depth of feeling. And it isn’t just acting. It’s the truth."
