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Niall Webster (0 KP) rated The Dark Crystal (1982) in Movies
Nov 9, 2017

Michael Mabon (19 KP) rated Labyrinth (1986) in Movies
Feb 16, 2019

Rickstrong23 (216 KP) rated The Dark Crystal (1982) in Movies
Nov 2, 2017

Melissa (7 KP) rated Jim Henson's The Dark Crystal Tales in Books
Aug 7, 2017
Short and simple children's book with stunning illustrations and a nice message about kindness. A must-have if you're a collector of Jim Henson or The Dark Crystal memorabilia.

Dean (6927 KP) rated Labyrinth (1986) in Movies
Aug 14, 2017
A classic
A cult classic film from my childhood. It has a wide variety of weird and wonderful characters, most created by the master of puppets Jim Henson. It has a cool soundtrack and a great story with plenty of laughs for all ages. If you like the Never Ending Story, The Dark Crystal you have to see this!

Andy K (10823 KP) rated Emmet Otter's Jug-Band Christmas (1977) in Movies
Nov 30, 2018
Heartwarming and fun
I have watched this so many times. It one of my favorite Christmas stories directed by Jim Henson.
When a poor otter family sees the opportunity of a town talent show to make some much needed cash, they seize on the opportunity.
The songs and morals in this short TV movie make this great fun for the whole family.
The songs from Paul Williams will keep you humming.
When a poor otter family sees the opportunity of a town talent show to make some much needed cash, they seize on the opportunity.
The songs and morals in this short TV movie make this great fun for the whole family.
The songs from Paul Williams will keep you humming.

Kevin Phillipson (10072 KP) rated The Dark Crystal (1982) in Movies
Dec 18, 2018
Remember wathing this when it came in was must been 12 when I saw it and I remember not liking it much back then felt it was too scary and dark but over the years I've come to appreciate it more as a classic of its time at the I didn't know that was made by Jim Henson from the muppets show now netfilx is brining it back will I watch the new version not sure yet time will tell

The Marinated Meeple (1853 KP) rated Labyrinth (1986) in Movies
Mar 27, 2018
Bowie (1 more)
Jennifer Connelly
Creepy Dark Crystal-esque Nostalgia with an Alice in Bowie-land feel.
I'm not going to say this film is great, it's actually just ok, but like Patrick Swayze, Jennifer Connelly seems to make everything a little bit better. My adolescent self will tell you much much better. The puppet work is fantastic, and of course it is with Jim Henson at the helm. Most people don't know this but it was a commercial flop. But since then has become a cult favorite, which is where it should be.

Dawn Marie (22 KP) rated The Dark Crystal (1982) in Movies
Jan 19, 2018
I remember seeing this in the movie theater when I was a young girl I at first was mesmerized by the mystics they we sweet and kind but when the skeksi came on I found myself terrified as a young kid I found myself going from hiding my face to amazement. As I grew older this movie became one of my absolute favorite along with labyrinth and the neverending story! Can be very scary for young viewers but a treat for those at an age where they can properly enjoy it without being scared