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The Terminator (1984)
The Terminator (1984)
1984 | Action, Sci-Fi

"Terminator was a real seminal piece. In fact, I read the script before [James Cameron] shot the movie. I was asking around, “Anybody read any great scripts?” I read the script — it’s a game changer. All of these films, I feel like they’re real game changers; there are films prior to these movies, and there are films after. It’s like you’ve opened up a Pandora’s Box, and the filmmaking world can never be the same — the language is different, the grammar is different. I think Jim did that in Terminator. I think he really changed the playing field. And so I read the script, and I was like, “I can’t wait to see it!” I didn’t know him, so I didn’t go and watch the shooting, but of course when it came out…the only way you can describe it is as a game changer. You have to change your rules! Again, not in any particular order, but Kurosawa has to be in there [among my favorite films and filmmakers]. Ran, Kagemusha, Dersu Uzala… and then Fassbinder‘s In a Year of 13 Moons, one of the most magnificent love stories ever made. Ozu. Pabst, who gave us the opportunity to move from one location to another and fuse it together. Anyway, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it."

Sonic the Hedgehog (2020)
Sonic the Hedgehog (2020)
2020 | Action, Adventure, Animation
I'm pretty sure everyone will be going into Sonic the Hedgehog expecting the worse. I definitely did, but by the end, I found myself grinning from ear to ear.

When Sonic accidentally creates a coast wide blackout, he finds himself the subject of a government manhunt, lead by the criminally insane Dr. Robotnik, and employs the help of Montana Sheriff Tom Wachowski, to help him escape Earth.
The film serves as an introduction to Sonic, shying away (although not completely) from the wider game universe, and concentrating on the titular character, and the human characters he meets along the way.
The relationship formed between Sonic and Tom (James Marsden) is sweet, and pretty convincing.
The dialogue between the two is full of quips and jokes, and honestly, a fair few of them don't land too well. Combine this with the odd fart joke, and I had to remind myself that this is a film aimed at kids (who were all laughing, so mission accomplished), and there's just enough funny to buy into their friendship. Thank goodness then for Jim Carrey. I have a deep rooted live for Jim Carrey, growing up with films such as Ace Ventura and The Mask, and it's absolutely joyous to see him having a blast playing Robotnik. He's genuinely menacing, and pretty damn funny throughout, perfect casting when it comes to capturing the not-to-serious attitude of the games.

The plot is ok, there's not a huge amount going on, and it seems fairly throw away, but the characters and visuals are enough to carry the film to a satisfying degree.
Sonic looks great, a far cry from what we saw in the original trailer, and the cartoony look of him, and Robitnik's machines work suprisingly well with the real world setting.

Sonic the Hedgehog is a genuinely good time, don't take it too seriously, and I'm sure you'll have a blast too. With the passable Rampage, and the great Detective Pikachu, could it be that Hollywood is slowly starting to crack video game movies?? Let's hope so!
Coup de torchon (Clean Slate) (1981)
Coup de torchon (Clean Slate) (1981)
1981 | Action, International, Comedy
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I used to go to see movies with my dad. He took me to see ’Round Midnight. Afterward, we bought the soundtrack and listened to it a lot; it was one of the few records I felt okay about putting on when he was in the house. It fascinated me that the music on the record was also the music we saw performed in the movie. This helped me to understand one of the things that I value most in movies: that the action captured by the camera is special and unique and crucial to the value of the movie. Which is to say that the writing is crucial, of course, the preproduction, scoring, and editing are crucial, of course . . . but my main thing is what the camera captured at the moment of its happening. I love to watch a performance that was not created by editing or cinematography or even writing, but rather a performance that is in and of itself, in the moment that it was captured, something of the highest value (because of the collaborative efforts of the major forces involved in making it happen in the first place). And so there are certain directors, “actor’s directors,” who give me more pleasure than most others. No actor is great by himself or herself. Tavernier was able, again and again, to present his players in measured, idiosyncratic, and complete ways. Coup de torchon was the first time I noticed this, and it remains a favorite. Also because Isabelle Huppert is so good and beautiful and Philippe Noiret is a hero’s hero. And because it took this resetting of Jim Thompson’s book (and James Foley’s After Dark, My Sweet) for me to understand what Thompson’s work has to offer."
