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Goosebumps 2: Haunted Halloween (2018)
Goosebumps 2: Haunted Halloween (2018)
2018 | Adventure, Comedy, Family
Such a fall in quality from the first film. The plot is almost an exact copy of the first (even the Jimmy Carr lookalike Slappy is back), but without any originality, much less comedy and just no spark.
Jack Black does make an appearance, but he might as well not have, his role was totally pointless.

Sarah (7798 KP) Oct 18, 2018

I didn't realise Jack Black was actually in this, may have made me consider watching but sounds like it may be worth giving it a miss!


Ross (3282 KP) Oct 18, 2018 (Updated Oct 18, 2018)

He pretty much phoned it in to be honest. It’s fine as a film but far from as good as the first one.

The Shop Around the Corner (1940)
The Shop Around the Corner (1940)
1940 | Classics, Comedy, Drama
7.8 (4 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I wanted to throw a comedy in there. I just remember seeing that movie, and Jimmy Stewart, and just the whole way Ernst Lubitsch tells his story comedically… I’m sure there were ones that came before that, but to me it felt innovative in the sense that it was a bunch of disparate storylines coming together in the end.#"

Cop Out (2010)
Cop Out (2010)
2010 | Comedy
5.7 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
For Detectives Jimmy Monroe (Bruce Willis), and Paul Hodges (Tracy Morgan), life on the beat is about to become very dangerous and complex. In the new movie “Cop Out” the two buddies find themselves at odds with their supervisor after a case goes horribly wrong and looking at a thirty day unpaid suspension.

This is a disaster for Jimmy as his only daughter is about to get married and he needs the money to pay for the wedding to avoid his ego having to absorb the insult of having his former wives new husband pick up the tab.

Undaunted Jimmy decides to sell a prized baseball card to cover the 48K wedding tab, and looks forward to being able to make his daughters dream wedding a reality. Things do not go as planned as Jimmy has his card stolen which forces Paul and Jimmy to take drastic actions to recover it.

The duo track down the card thief (Seann William Scott), and learn that he traded the card to a local drug lord who is as passionate about baseball as he is deadly to all those who stand in his way.

Jimmy and Paul soon realize that they must deal with the enemy in an effort to retrieve the card as his request that they find his stolen Mercedes seems a small price to pay for the safe return of the prized card.

Upon locating the Mercedes, Jimmy and Paul learn that a much larger game is afoot and find themselves on the run for goons and their fellow cops as they try to keep a key witness safe and retrieve the card.

The film has some very funny moments and Director Kevin Smith gets some good laughs from the material but the film suffers from a disjointed plot and some glaring holes which requires some major leaps of faith from the audience.

For example, we are expected to believe that a couple of thieves would steal a car and sell it but nowhere in the process would the thieves or new owner bother to look in the trunk much less hear the noises coming from within.
We are given a few bits about Jimmy and Paul, such as Paul’s paranoia regarding his wife and his inability to question a suspect, but the duo are so thinly developed the seem to have been crafted from the Buddy Cop film 101 guide.
Smith has always been a favorite of mine as I have always liked the way he blends biting satire and humor with interesting characters and conversations.

Action does not seem to yet be an area of comfort for Smith as he does pull off the action sequences in the film but they seem very restrained for what audiences have come to expect from today’s action films.

This time out Smith was limited to directing and editing and the film seems to be badly in need of his writing abilities.
Given his past issues with trying to do films for a big studio, it was a surprise to me that Smith did the film which was originally entitled “The Two Dicks”.

Thankfully his skilled handling of the cast and humor is what tips the scales in the films favor making “Cop Out” a flawed but at times very funny film.
What's In A Name?
What's In A Name?
Pat Henshaw | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
What’s in a name? by Pat Henshaw is a short novella about a Barista by the name of Jimmy Patterson who gets dumped at a bar on his birthday by his boyfriend Alex. The burly bartender who we first know as Alex 2 then later as “Guy”, comes in to save the day when Jimmy gets drunk off his backside and finds himself in the bathroom with his head over the toilet bowl. All Jimmy wants is to know the bartender’s first name. The story starts unfolding when “Guy” makes a deal with Jimmy. He has seven days to guess “Guy”’s first name; one guess each day.

While each day for the next week, Jimmy and Guy’s relationship becomes deeper to the point where they end up falling in love and do find their HEA, there is so much more to this story than just your typical boy meets boy, boy falls in love with boy, they live happily ever after type scenario. Jimmy and his co-owner of Penny’s coffee shop learn that not everything is going to be a bed of roses as thriving business owners when someone ends up trashing their mall branch shop. Jimmy and Guy have their own issues that they need to work out through the week that they’re together as well.

What I found interesting as well as refreshing about What’s in a Name? is that right from the very beginning the book had a fairytale feel to it. First there was the feel of a Rumpelstiltskin story in so far as having to guess Guy’s name and getting seven guess’s to figure out out. I’m not going to give away the ending of the book or the answer in this regards but the fairytale overlays continue throughout the book.

There were quite a few twists and turns to What’s in a Name along with unexpected surprises that pop up throughout the read such as Jimmy’s ex boyfriend Alex, who we meet at the beginning of the book, showing up later. There was some mystery to this story as well and the person we thought was the culprit wasn’t the one “Who done it” after all.

The one big downfall that I found while reading the story was that “Guy’s” first name became predictable by at least the middle of the story for me. Luckily that wasn’t the main plot otherwise there was a good chance I would have lost interest in the book. There were quite a few underlying and overlying aspects to What’s in a name that it kept me coming back to see what happened between the two men. What’s in a name is a quick read that I got through in a day and it took me that long only because it was during the weekend when I had other things going on. I would definitely recommend this to my friends.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated The Hopefuls in Books

Feb 13, 2018  
The Hopefuls
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Beth is less than thrilled when her husband, Matt, announces they are moving to Washington, DC. Beth loves New York City and all that comes with it, and DC is an intense culture shock. Matt is involved with President Obama's campaign and the couple's life revolves completely around politics. Beth, a writer, tires easily of the endless business talk and her husband's obsession with politics and the DC scene. Soon Matt and Beth meet Jimmy and Ashleigh. Jimmy works at the White House as well. The couples become fast friends, sharing meals, parties, and vacations. But as Jimmy raises in the ranks in politics, the friendship becomes quickly threatened by jealousy.

I was intrigued by the premise of this book--a relationship set to the backdrop of the Obama campaign and administration. Living close to the DC area, I can say that Close's description of many DC citizens is spot on: the Blackberrys, the obsession with security clearance and work standing, the fashion. She's excellent at weaving a story in the details.

The problem, however, is that Beth--the novel's narrator--is just so dull. She's beyond passive, willing to watch life unravel as she watches. It doesn't seem as if Beth is interested in anything, beyond whining. After a while, I just became so frustrated with her, I wanted to scream. It doesn't help that her husband, Matt, is similarly self-absorbed, and Jimmy and Ashleigh aren't any more likable. The book sort of bumps along, with no real movement to swing it along, or a character with any redeeming quality of any sort (good or bad). Even the DC details can't save this often frustrating novel from its own irksome and passive characters. 2.5 stars.

ClareR (5589 KP) rated Mayflies in Books

Jul 4, 2021  
Andrew O'Hagan | 2021 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Mayflies is a book of two halves, and I really enjoyed both.
The first half, set in 1986, follows a group of friends who travel down to Manchester from their small Scottish town. Manchester is the epicentre of everything they believe to be cool. Best friends James and Tully decide that weekend to make something of their lives, and not to compromise. This part of the novel is full of nostalgia - even for me, and I was 13 in 1986, so nowhere near as independent as Tully, Jimmy and their friends. But I could empathise with their new-found freedom, their enthusiasm of good music, films and books, and their feelings about politics.

2017, and Jimmy gets a phone call from Tully asking him to come home from London and see him. Tully has terminal cancer and needs Jimmy to help him - this is the true test of their friendship.

I loved how this was written, and how it really brought home the power of friendship and the memories that you share with those friends. Tully and Jimmy are more brothers than friends, and this felt like a really genuine relationship. So much so, that I was close to tears on several occasions. This is NOT a book to read in your lunch break (I did - but just the once!), because once I started reading it, half an hour wasn’t enough. And walking in to a room full of three year olds after a particularly emotional part wasn’t my finest moment!

So would I recommend this? Yes, I most certainly would. And I listened to parts of this on Audible, read so well by the author, so I’d recommend this too!
Frank Derrick's Holiday of A Lifetime
Frank Derrick's Holiday of A Lifetime
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Frank Derrick is going to Hollywood, not just to pay homage to his much beloved film industry, but to see his daughter Beth, who is recovering from cancer. He's also going to help his granddaughter Laura with her plan to get Beth back together with her husband Jimmy. Read my review of this delightful novel here.

Dave Mustaine recommended Led Zeppelin IV by Led Zeppelin in Music (curated)

Led Zeppelin IV by Led Zeppelin
Led Zeppelin IV by Led Zeppelin
1971 | Rock
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Probably one of the first bands that I learned how to play was Led Zeppelin. As I got more and more into them, Jimmy Page increasingly became a hero of my mine to the point that he's by far my biggest hero. If you listened to those records, and you were able to isolate all the guitar tracks, you'd probably say, "Wow, this track sounds awful. Wow, that track sounds awful too." Not the performance, but the tone of it. But he was such a master at what he did, they were able to blend those things and give it such a unique sound. Simple, simple things like the sound of a Fender Rhodes in 'Misty Mountain Hop' – the way that they worked all those things together. When you think Fender Rhodes, for me at least, you don't think heavy rock. You think Hall & Oates. But Led Zeppelin IV was one of those records that completely blew my paradigm apart regarding what rock music could be. And then from that point I went backwards in their catalogue. To this day Robert [Plant] and Jimmy are the consummate pair of frontman/guitar hero. My playing style is probably more similar to Jimmy's than anyone else's. I was influenced by people like Michael Schenker and Uli Jon Roth but Uli was always a bit too exotic. Jimmy is at the absolute top."


Darren (1599 KP) rated Driven (2001) in Movies

Jul 25, 2019  
Driven (2001)
Driven (2001)
2001 | Action, Drama, Mystery
5.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: Driven starts as we get to see how a racing season is going, Beau Brandenburg (Schweiger) the reigning champion starts shinning until rookie driver Jimmy Bly (Pardue) starts becoming competition for the title. When Jimmy starts to fade, team manager Carl Henry (Reynolds) brings back former champion Joe Tanto (Stallone) to help keep the head on straight of the rookie driver.

With Joe back to be used as an experienced blocker to help Jimmy, it is Jimmy that will need to make the difficult decisions and with his brother and manager Demille Bly (Leonard) who is trying to control the young drivers ever movement. Can he get the title won on his rookie season or will the pressure get to him?


Thoughts on Driven


Characters – Joe Tanto was the once great driver, former champion and past his prime, still considered one for the experience factor. He needs to help guide the rookie who is destining to become champion, while facing his own personal regrets. Carl Henry is the owner of the team, he knows Jimmy will become champion and will do anything to make sure his team brings the title back. Jimmy Bly is the rookie making big waves in the sport, controlled by his brother to avoid the pressure that comes with being at the top. He makes the rookie mistakes and need guidance to become champion. Beau Brandenburg is the champion, the best in the game right now even if he can come of arrogant at times. Sophia is the girlfriend of Beau, she has been for years now and after a disagreement she befriends Jimmy adding extra tension between the two potential champions. Demille Bly is the brother and manager of Jimmy, he is trying to control every decision of his career, he is the closest to being the villain in the film.

Performances – Sylvester Stallone is solid enough for this film he fills in the mentor role well enough. Burt Reynolds as the team manager works for the film, we needed an older figure in this role. Kip Pardue does suit the rookie driver well even certain parts of the script are poor. Til Schweiger, Estella Warren and Robert Sean Leonard are good in the supporting roles which give them a chance to have fun with their roles.

Story – The story follows a rookie facing a champion for an unlike season in race car driving, we see the good and bad moments for the whole field, the pressures thrown on the young driver, with a friendly rivalry being created between the two. We have the older mentor role needed to keep the head on the straight for the younger driver. While being a Formula One fan I can enjoy a good rivalry film which this does give us even if the races have been intensified for the cinematic audience. We get lesson to be learnt by the drivers, team and managers which this season will give us.

Action/Sports – The action in this film comes from the races, while the special effects used have dated horrendously the flat out racing is a join to watch. The sport side of the film gives us a look into the racing industry and just how dangerous it can be when racing for victory.

Settings – The film takes us around the world to different race tracks used in the sport in real life.

Scene of the Movie – The accident.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – The special effects.

Final Thoughts – This is a film the fans of racing will enjoy, it has good sequence even if the special effects are weak, it does feel like we are watch Cars the live action movie.


Overall: Racing fun film.
Ready to Rumble (2000)
Ready to Rumble (2000)
2000 | Action, Comedy
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Wrestlings not fake!
Before jack black did Nacho Libre
Before john Cena did Legend
Before Mickey Rourke did the wrestler and before the Release of paiges career movie fighting with my family, there was READY TO RUMBLE.
The story follows Sewage workers Gordie and Sean who are huge wrestling fans, as they watch their hero, WCW World Heavyweight Champion Jimmy King cheated out of the title, Jimmy quickly spirals down and hits Rock Bottom (see what I did there)
The boy's decide to embark on a quest to restore their icon's glory.

The road trip includes meeting jimmys estranged (ex?) Wife & son, barnyard wrestling tryouts, wrestling and OAP & a 3 cages of hell match, not to mention all the toilet humour- Literally.

Starring Goldberg, sting, ddp, Booker T, billy kidman, bam bam bigelow and many more
Also starring David Arquette, sean caan, Rose McGowan and Oliver platt.