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It's a Wonderful Life (1946)
It's a Wonderful Life (1946)
1946 | Comedy, Drama, Fantasy

"It’s just awesome. What is there not to love about this movie? Donna Reed was amazing! My brother wants to marry Donna Reed. I’m like, “Dude, she’s a little old for you now.” I love the way he (George Bailey) was a happy guy but then can get cantankerous sometimes. Jimmy Stewart was just fantastic in that. I love the magic feel of it and I love the whole idea at the end of this person who did so much for everybody else and really stood on his own and sacrificed so much, that when he finally gave up and needed (help), everyone was there for him and I just cry every single time. I cry every single time. My brother actually says that I am that character in real life. I AM George Bailey. He’s like, “That’s you. You are that guy,” and every time I get ticked off when finally the pressure gets to me — because I do take care of a lot of people — he just yells at me, “Why do we have to have so many kids,” which is of course a Jimmy Stewart line. I even did It’s a Wonderful Life on a thing called “Fake Radio” where we did the entire radio version, on radio. It was great! So, I love that movie!"

Jimmy's Hall (2015)
Jimmy's Hall (2015)
2015 | Drama
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
It’s not to often that we folks in America have the opportunity to catch any movies from Ireland.

The few that do come along almost certainly rate high on the scale of exceptional movies that one would want to see. I myself can’t remember a ‘bad’ Irish film. Perhaps one of the reasons for that is the fact that this country has a solid history of countless Irish immigrants coming here and helping to build the foundations for America. Well, today’s film for your consideration doesn’t go back THAT far. It doesn’t even take place in America. However, the history of Irish immigrants (specifically one immigrant) does play a role. Only it involves an Irish immigrant how came to America and then several years later returned to Ireland only to be forcibly deported back to America. I know I know. That explanation makes it sound like a comedy and although the film has many lighthearted moments, I can assure you it’s NOT a comedy. In fact, it deals with an influential figure in one of the more politically turbulent periods in Ireland’s history just before the beginning of the Second World War.


‘Jimmy’s Hall’ is a 2014 Irish-British drama directed by English television and film director Kenneth ‘Ken’ Loach. The film focuses on the events leading up to the deportation from Ireland of Jimmy Gralton, who led a precursor to Ireland’s communist party in the county Leitrim.


Starring Barry Ward, Simone Kirby, and Irish character actor Jim Norton, the film opens in 1932. Jimmy (Ward) has just returned to his home to help his mother tend the family farm after spending 10 years in the United States in the midst of the Great Depression coinciding with the establishment of a new government in the aftermath of the Civil War between pro-British and anti-British forces.


Reluctant to anger his old enemies, the church and the landowners who forced him to leave Ireland, but eager to meet the needs of the people of Leitrim, Jimmy (Ward) decides to reopen the ‘Hall’, a center for young people where they can meet to study, talk, dance, play music, learn to read, debate issues of the day. Free to all and open to anyone who wishes to learn while respecting the views and opinions of others, the ‘Hall’ is an immediate success. Not everyone is pleased to see Jimmy resuming his old activities. In particular the church and local priest (Norton) who see Gralton as not only a ‘bad influence’, but also as a follower of Stalin who as history knows sent countless millions (including religious leaders) to their deaths.


Despite the complaints and at times violent reactions on the part of the supporters of the church and the landowners, Gralton tries desperately to make them realize he has absolutely no connection to Stalin and has no desire to bring down the church. Only to better the situation for everyone. Jimmy even invites the local priest to take a leadership role in the Hall’s committee. In the end though, the fears of the church and the state go unchanged. Jimmy is a communist and although he has no connection Stalin the church and the government see them as one in the same. The police take Jimmy into custody at his family’s farm and forcibly deport him back to America even so much as denying him on last chance to see his ailing mother.


In education systems there are books and films which are considered ‘required reading’ or in this case ‘required viewing’. This film should be required viewing. It is not just an excellent film about a historical Irish political figure or as I mentioned earlier a film about a turbulent point in Irish history. It’s an example of the greater ‘world conflict’ between what became the western bloc and the eastern bloc. Both sides in that grater conflict saw each other the same way the two sides in the Irish countryside of the 1930s saw each other. The ones that meant well and only wanted to better the situation for everyone including themselves inspired fear in those who had power and those who had the power inspired fear in those who meant well. This movie showed that not all political figures are evil … nor are all religious figures. It’s the individual or several individuals within those groups that are reluctant to change.


I would highly recommend this film. Regardless of the content it’s an excellent film. If this film is as good as most films made in Ireland, they definitely need to start exporting them on a grander scale. I’d give this film 4 out of 5 stars.


This is your friendly neighborhood photographer ‘The CameraMan’ and on behalf of my fellows at ‘Skewed & Reviewed’ I’d like to say thanks for reading and we’ll see you at the movies

Awix (3310 KP) rated Chickens Come Home (1931) in Movies

Mar 20, 2019 (Updated Mar 20, 2019)  
Chickens Come Home (1931)
Chickens Come Home (1931)
1931 | Comedy
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Slightly atypical Laurel and Hardy short, presumably because it's a remake of a silent non-L&H film. This explains why Stan and Ollie play successful businessmen looking to get into politics rather than the usual perennially useless goons, why it feels more like a farce than usual, and why the boys spend a lot of the film apart.

That said, there are some quite good bits: Ollie's glances to the camera are first class, and there are some epic double-takes from Jimmy Finlayson as Ollie's butler. It is undeniably funny, but you do get a sense of a film not quite making best use of its strongest assets.
Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)
Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)
1944 | Classics, Comedy, Mystery
8.0 (5 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"He identified in a way that was so joyously American; an innocence and a humanism. Just a beautiful heart, that he had, and was able to put into his work. Adding screwball comedy elements to it, but at the center of which were these important thoughts about how lucky we are to be alive. He was able to do that in ways that are cinematic and entertaining as well. And eliciting these performances — like Jimmy Stewart in Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939, 96%) and Gary Cooper in Meet John Doe (1941, 92%), Cary Grant and everybody else involved in Arsenic and Old Lace (1944, 90%)…"

Edge of The Grave
Edge of The Grave
Robbie Morrison | 2021 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
These are the mean, violent streets of Glasgow in 1932. It’s a time when police officers like DI Jimmy Dreghorn and his man-mountain ex-Olympic wrestlerDS Archie McDaid get the results that are needed in the way that is necessary.

Corruption is rife, as is poverty and unemployment (it’s the Depression). Everyone is out for themselves - and that includes the police.

This is a hard, gritty read, not for the faint hearted, but compelling nonetheless. I was gripped from start to finish, and I’ve spotted that there’s more to come from Dreghorn and McDaid in a second book - it’s on my wish list already!

Kayleigh (12 KP) rated Mudlark in Books

Jan 2, 2019  
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Although mudlarks were also found in London, diving for pennies in the Thames mudbanks, this book is set in Portsmouth, so I was really enthusiastic to read this, hoping I’d know where the characters were larking about. Going to stay with my grandparents every half term means I know the area fairly well. Sure enough, most of the time I knew where the characters were, which added to my enjoyment of the book. In general, though, Sedden describes the scenes well enough that anyone could pick the book up and become immersed in its landscape.

Jimmy and Reg, the first-person protagonist and his best friend, were really realistic too – there were things like Reg having a stutter, the number of dead-arms the boys give each other (!) and the sense of guilt Jimmy feels when he realises he’s in the wrong, which made the boys really 3D, relatable characters.

I loved that the book brought to life a picture of not only mudlarking, but the start of the First World War and everyday people’s reactions to it. The twists that take place in the book can’t be guessed from the blurb, and I found myself surprised a lot of the time. The solution to the mystery had to be explained to me just as much as it did to Jimmy and Reg, which is rare, as I can usually guess what’s coming from at least a couple of pages before. PLUS, the solution was historically accurate. Double tick!

I reckon this book will appeal to boys (and probably girls too!) around 11-14, especially those with a love of history. Mind you, once I get the book back I’ll be sending it to my grandpa, who I’m sure will love it. It’s his old stomping ground, after all, although he’s never been as nasty as the policemen in the book!

If you liked this review, I also went into some of the history of mudlarking in Portsmouth on my <a href="">blog</a>;; please feel free to check it out!
Run All Night (2015)
Run All Night (2015)
2015 | Mystery
7.3 (8 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Run All Night” is directed by Jaume Collet-Serra. The film stars Liam
Neeson, Joel Kinnaman and Ed Harris.
Liam Neeson plays Jimmy Conlon, an aging hit man who seems to be trying
to come to terms (and failing) with the bad things that he has done in
his life for Irish Mob boss Shawn Maguire(Ed Harris). Jimmy and his son
Mike (Joel Kinnamen) have no relationship, and Jimmy is alone in the
world except for Shawn.

In a convoluted story line, Shawns son Danny (Boyd Holbrook) tries to
“prove himself” to his father by arranging a deal with some drug running
Albanians, but since Shawn has taken his business away from dealing with
anything to do with drugs because of the people he has lost over that
sort of business, Shawn refuses the deal.
Things quickly head south, and in an even more convoluted story line,
Danny ends up dead, by Jimmys’ hand.

Shawn vows to get even, and the remainder of the movie is spent in car
chases, shoot outs, burning buildings, near escapes, and deaths.

I was pulled into the movie, and found myself caring what happened to
the main characters.
It was rather predictable, in the way that all “Mob” movies are
predictable, with the shooting and car chases etc.
What wasn’t so predictable was the amount of “caring” that Neeson was
able to project and portray and how invested he was able to make me as
an audience member. He played the part of an aging, emotionally and
physically beat down guy, with regrets about his relationship with his
son, trying against all odds to “make it right” this one last time, to
protect his family, at any cost to himself. I was pulling for him to be
able to get it done.

The one part of the movie that i didn’t like was the “swooping” with the
camera angles, when jumping (literally) from one scene or location to
the next in the movie. I found it to be dizzying and I had to close my
eyes until those parts were done.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Raven Black in Books

Mar 18, 2021  
Raven Black
Raven Black
Ann Cleeves | 2015 | Contemporary, Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Mystery
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
An atmospheric and intriguing mystery
This is the eighteenth book in my #atozchallenge! I'm challenging myself to read a book from my shelves that starts with each letter of the alphabet. Let's clear those shelves and delve into that backlist!

Magnus Tait, a longtime resident of Shetland, was suspected a while ago in the disappearance of an eleven-year-old girl. Magnus lives alone now and is seen as "different." When his neighbor Fran Hunter stumbles across the body of another girl, teenager Catherine Ross, Magnus is the immediate suspect again. But DI Jimmy Perez isn't so sure. Working with a team from "the outside," he must try to solve Catherine's killing in this tiny and sheltered place.

I read Cleeves' book The Long Call a bit ago and really enjoyed it, so figured reading Raven Black was a great idea for my "R" book. I'm glad I did. This seems like the start of a great series, and I've already nabbed the next book. Raven features an intriguing story that kept me guessing the entire time--something that's rare and always appreciated. The setting is atmospheric, making you feel as if you're part of the Shetland countryside. I quite liked Jimmy Perez and the cast of Shetland folks.

Overall, I can see this shaping up to be a series I'll quite enjoy. I'm a sucker for an interesting mysteries with a strong lead. 4 stars.
True Love (Songbird, #5)
True Love (Songbird, #5)
Melissa Pearl | 2015 | Contemporary, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I love the Songbird series. Melissa Pearl has managed to make each book individual to the characters involved, whilst still having other characters cameo in them for that added something special. We met Nessa in Josh and Rachel's book and I found myself looking forward to seeing where this quiet girl with a broken heart would go. Never did I imagine the journey I would take with her.

I fell in love with both Nessa and Jimmy - they both have their faults and fears but they are perfect for each other. I think I spent at least half of this book blinking madly to get rid of my leaking eyes! Nessa has some serious issues to work out - both from her past and present. Jimmy is doing his best to make things right between them but has his own fears throwing spanners in the works, as well as Nessa's lack of trust (which was his own fault anyway!)

Exceedingly well-written, with a smooth pace and enough feels to keep Kleenex in business, I really can't recommend this highly enough. Loved every single word. Just one thing - please tell me that Ralphie gets a story! He is such a sweetheart.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Nov 18, 2015

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Lola on Fire in Books

Feb 25, 2021  
Lola on Fire
Lola on Fire
Rio Youers | 2021
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A dark, fast-paced thriller
Brody Ellis has lost his job: desperate for cash to pay rent and to help take care of his younger sister, he robs a gas station. On his way out, he bumps into a woman. It's only once he's home that the realizes he's lost his wallet. He's waiting for the cops to arrest him when he receives a call. A woman named Blair Mayo, the one whom he ran into, has the wallet. She'll return it if he'll do something in return: steal her late mother's diamonds from her father's hateful new wife. But when Brody executes Blair's plan, he finds something else: a murdered woman and a security camera watching his every move. After he flees, slipping in blood, Blair tells him someone has already taken care of the footage. The woman's husband, the notorious mobster Jimmy Latzo. But he wants his own special revenge on Brody (and his sister, Molly, by default). The two flee, with the mob hot on their tail, and get caught up in a tangled web that involves Jimmy, Blair, and a woman named Lola Bear who came up against Jimmy years ago.

This book was amazing: completely raw, emotional, and brutal. Reading it felt like watching a "shoot 'em up" movie (one with a little heart, though). It's gory and dark, so if you're not able to handle some blood and violence, this read isn't for you. However, I found it nearly impossible to put down. I was completely invested in Brody, Molly, and Lola. This book weaves a tangled web, and I was there for every little spin.

It was honestly great to read a book where there's a pretty clear delineation between "good versus bad." Still, the story is certainly complex, filled with deep emotions and complex familial tensions, but you always know who to root for. It takes your mind off things (aka real life) for a bit.

Overall, I really enjoyed this one. I love violent movies, where the good guys are good and the bad guys really bad. It was fun seeing that translated into a book. I also loved the rawness of this book and the underlying tenderness that accompanied it. It's a fast, dark read. 4.5 stars.

I received a copy of this book from Netgalley and William Morrow / Custom House in return for an unbiased review. It releases in the U.S. on 2/16/2021.