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You Were Never Really Here (2018)
You Were Never Really Here (2018)
2018 | Drama, Mystery, Thriller
286. You Were Never Really Here. One intense movie! Intense soundtrack, intense action, intense subject matter. We meet a guy named Joe, sure he looks homeless, but in reality he's a war veteran that lives with his aging mother. The audience gets just a few glimpses of Joe's background and they aren't pretty. Now he's dedicated his life to rescuing missing and exploited children, and more importantly for those that hire him, he punishes those responsible, very brutally, weapon of choice: ball-peen hammer. And the one case the film focuses on, turns out to be very sinister indeed. Joaquin Phoenix is intense as Joe, a man unafraid of violence, but extremely tormented by his past. Definitely worth a watch. (Side note: If you watch it, towards the beginning of the movie Joe exits his house, you can hear in the background a small dog barking like crazy. Joe pauses for a moment, twitches just a bit, camera cuts to his mom watching him out the front window, you hear the dog bark one final time, yelps as in pain and goes silent... Do you think Joe killed the doggy???) Filmbufftim on FB
Napoleon (2023)
Napoleon (2023)
2023 | History
7.3 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Whole Does Not Equal The Sum of it's Parts
The new Epic Motion Picture NAPOLEON is the perfect example of the term “the whole does not equal the sum of the parts”. There are some very, very good items in this film, they just don’t combine to make a Motion Picture above the average.

Directed by Ridley Scott (GLADIATOR), NAPOLEON tells the tale of the titular Frenchman who rises to great power only to fall to great defeat. It is a story ripe for a fascinating film, this just isn’t that film.

There are many, many things that work in this movie, like the performance of Oscar Winner Joaquin Phoenix (THE JOKER) as Napoleon. He plays him as an enigmatic figure who is over-compensating for a lack of…something. Bravery? Self-Confidence? Height? That’s the problem, the film never delves into it, it just gives us a quirky character - strongly played by Phoenix - who is, obviously, using his power and skills as a General to cover up a flaw…whatever that is.

Vanessa Kirby (Oscar Nominated for PIECES OF A WOMAN a few years back) is equally strong and enigmatic as Napoleon’s Empress, Josephine. Kirby’s performance is, probably, the strongest in the film as she plays Josephine as strong and independent, living by her own rules and knowing that she has the powerful Napoleon at her beck-and-call. But, again, we never really find out the person behind the facade and her scenes with Phoenix/Napoleon fall flat for there never is any really love or passion between the 2 of them, just a “baby boy” fawning all over Josephine and a manipulative (we think) social climber using this “baby boy”.

4x Oscar Nominee (but never a winner) Ridley Scott (GLADIATOR) knows how to produce an EPIC and he puts together some EPIC Battle Scenes and Napoleon’s Emperor Inauguration scene is one to behold (which is why you should see this film on the largest screen possible) but these scenes seem isolated and separated from the rest of the film.

And, there, is where the problem of the film is. We have an interesting performance by Phoenix, a strong performance by Kirby and EPIC scenes from Scott, but they all seem isolated and in their own film and never quite gel together to build any emotional connection. All seem cold, flat and calculated. There is none of the passion that Napoleon says he has for France.

Go to marvel at the craft of the film, leave feeling unfulfilled, emotionally by NAPOLEON.

Letter Grade: B-

6 Stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)
Joker (2019)
Joker (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama
359. Joker. A freaking phenomenal movie! A bleak look at society, health care, and a whole bunch of other stuff rolled into one. Starring Joaquin Phoenix an actor known for diving into his roles and he quite obviously dove into this one. All about Norman Bate-ish guy Arthur Fleck, an unfunny wanna be comedian, works as a human sign holder dressed as a creepy clown, society treats him like crap, and his state appointed head doctor has told him funding has been cut and doctor visits will be no more, and yes he lives with his mommy who is not well. And after being noticed by a famous tv talk show host, Murray Franklin, played by Robert Deniro, after being recorded doing stand up, and calling him out on his un-funniness, it seems a screw that may have been loose has now been lost. A fantastic movie!

Stop reading here if you don't want any more info... lol...

I heard Joker 2 of course is in the works. I wanna say boo to that. Tho the name Wayne is thrown around and all those connections... A lot of Arthur's reality was not reality. Is he really THE Joker? I think it works as a stand alone. A one possible scenario type thing. Maybe it's just me. Filmbufftim on FB

David McK (3204 KP) rated Joker (2019) in Movies

Oct 27, 2019 (Updated Dec 5, 2021)  
Joker (2019)
Joker (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama
So, we've had plenty of Batman movies, stretching right back to the Adam West era.

But, prior to this, never one about his most famous nemesis; about the Joker.

And that, I felt, was always part of the appeal: we never really had a clear hold on who the Joker was, why he was the way he was, where he came from.

As the character himself says in one of the movies: "If I have a past, I would prefer it to be multiple choice …"

With that said, this film does just that, giving the Joker a tragic past (and somewhat different than that he had in Tim Burton's 1989 Batman film), with - or so I thought, when I first heard about it - taking inspiration from the seminal comic 'The Killing Joke' ("all it takes is one bad day …").

Joaquin Phoenix puts in a powerhouse performance here as Arthur Fleck, a struggling comedian who suffers from a debilitating illness that causes him to break into uncontrollable laughter at the most inopportune of times, who also suffers from severe mental health issues.

With Bruce Wayne only making a short appearance, I do have to say, however, that (to me) the timeline see's somewhat 'off': I always saw Joker and Batman as being roughly the same age, but by the time this Bruce becomes the Dark Knight (and yes, his parent's murder does happen in the film), this Joker would be near retirement age ...

Gareth von Kallenbach (968 KP) rated Joker (2019) in Movies

Oct 7, 2019 (Updated Oct 13, 2019)  
Joker (2019)
Joker (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama
Arthur Fleck (Joaquin Phoenix) is a broken and troubled man. Arthur toils in as demeaning and berated Clown for Hire, and lives with his troubled mother in a dilapidated apartment.
Arthur meets with a Social Worker in an attempt as the seven medications he takes simply are not cutting it and he struggles to cope in a world that has ignored and discarded him.

Arthur dreams of being a comedian but sadly lacks the confidence and ability to pull off his material which is iffy at best. Undaunted he keeps toiling away even when life continues to beat him down mentally and physically.
This all changes when Arthur stops being the victim during and assault and fights back.

Arthur stops taking his medication and becomes more determined and is no longer afraid to confront those who antagonize him.

This leads Arthur to some renewed opportunities such as an appearance on a talk show which he has long idolized.
All of this happens against a smoldering Gotham City where tensions are high and rising even higher due to a Garbage strike and a perception that the elite of the city have abandoned those in need such as eliminating Arthur’s Social Worker due to budget cuts.

With nowhere to go but up; Arthur transforms from a disturbed individual to a violent and deeply disturbed and dangerous individual who is angry and ready for revenge.

Phoenix is fantastic and he is not afraid to let unglamorous scenes of his very thin body or lingering close ups at unflattering angels undermine him. He uses them to illustrate just how disposable Arthur is too many in the film and to also show how little he cares about such matters. The role is deeply dark and disturbing and will no doubt spark much controversy and debate ranging from making a dangerous person a sympathetic figure as well as commentary about class structure and the danger of unstable people inspiring others via a Cult of Personality.

There is a connection to the larger Batman universe even though the film is light on action and FX. This is a character study of a decent into madness and it is deeply disturbing as it is compelling.

4.5 stars out of 5
Joker (2019)
Joker (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama
Contains spoilers, click to show
Had this been released on any regular week I'd have seen Joker the day it came out and not been overly bothered by the Twitter frenzy that happened in the aftermath of the opening... but, Joker came out two days into the London Film Festival and that meant I couldn't see it straight away. I ended up taking a day off in the middle of it and going out to have a regular cinema outing, it was only 6 days after release but the barrage of feedback online was enough to make me bored at the thought of seeing it.

I do not know how to do this review. It's not that I don't have things to say about it, because I do, but there's a lot of grumbling. I'm going to try bullet pointing it as it covers things that cross audience feedback with moaning.

• What is real? We see the Sophie shots replayed without her in them and we realise he imagined it but we also know that he's imagined other things... everything could be a twist on reality.

• I did not assume that the man with Bruce at home was Alfred.

• I would not have found it unbelievable had Arthur and Sophie been a couple.

• This film could easily have been a pre-origin story for the Joker character.

• I know Arthur needs every push to make the story progress but I don't see that Thomas Wayne needed to be that aggressive.

• Wouldn't it have been good if this film made no reference to anything Batman/Joker related and the first time we're actually shown the connection is in that iconic alley scene?

So there are the things I had thoughts, they all have me waffling on for ages when I voice them out loud.

Joaquin Phoenix really commits to the journey of Arthur and it's an incredible depiction. I'm not so bothered about the violence in the movie, what disturbed me more was how Phoenix manages to laugh without it showing on his face... that was chilling. Everything crafted around him really shows his life, the way he's captured in the shots, the way you see the darker side taking over him, you can see it in every scene. It's uncomfortable to watch him sometimes, but that's the way it needs to be.

As an environment you can feel the dirt and the story of the city really comes through in everything you see. There's a very clear divide between rich and poor and I really thought the sets and costumes worked perfectly.

I'm going to mention the song... it worked perfectly in the scene, it had the right tone for it and I thought it was very effective. As you look down the rest of the tracklisting it was nice to see that everything had a very theatrical leaning.

When we get to the point where Arthur, now under the guise of Joker, appears on Murray's talk show there's an element of uncertainty about what's going to happen. The escalation is chilling and when he starts his speech you can feel the change in him. That speech had a moment of understanding in it before you remember everything we've just seen. I would happily have seen the film end with that test card.

What happens after this is a big piece that feels like hallucination moments rather than real ones. I really didn't need that... BUT... it did bring us to that iconic alleyway scene. It was perfectly captured and would have been amazing if we saw the clown slip into the alleyway and then... no pearls. I groaned when I saw that. I'm fed up with it, it took that tense moment and could have left you with that sense of knowing without hitting you with that now rather common slap in the face of an image.

Unlike other films I still don't have a very clear idea of how I feel about this film, there are lots of issues I had with it but then there's that brilliant performance from Joaquin Phoenix. I'm sure this needs another viewing, but even then I'm not sure I'd be totally certain about how I felt.

Originally posted on:
Walk the Line (2005)
Walk the Line (2005)
2005 | Drama
Condensing something as vast and complex as the life of a person into a film is often a daunting task. With so many events that comprise the span of an individual, knowing what to cover and what to omit is a daunting task for any writer. For an icon like Johnny Cash, this task becomes monumental as not only does the history and humanity of the individual need to be captured, but the very soul of the artist as well.

Thankfully in the film Walk the Line Writer Gil Dennis and Writer/Director James Mangold capture the very essence of The Man in Black. Unlike many biopics that focus on the rise and fall of an individual, Walk the Line strives to balance than man and his demons without losing the compassion of the character.

The film stars Joaquin Phoenix as Johnny Cash, a man who rose from poverty in Dyess Arkansas to become on of the most beloved and enduring entertainers in history. Chronicling portions of his childhood, and the hardships he endured as well as his sting in the Air Force, we are shown things that helped shape the man he was to become. Shortly after his Air Force career, Johnny marries Vivian (Ginnifer Goodwin), and they start a family. Struggling to make ends meet as a door to door salesman, and facing pressure to take a job with her father in San Antonio Johnny manages to gain an audition for Sun Records in Nashville.

When told in the audition that his Gospel songs will not sell, Johnny instead performs one of his own compositions and earns a record contract. Before long, he and his band are on the road playing with the likes of Jerry Lee Lewis, Elvis Presley, and June Carter (Reese Witherspoon). June who has been part of a singing family

as well as an object of admiration for Johnny since their childhoods soon becomes a friend to Johnny as he copes with rising fame and the pressures and temptations of life on the road.

As Johnny spends more and more time on the road, tensions between him and Vivian grow causing Johnny to delve deeper into the temptations that are available to him as a star. During this time, Johhny becomes obsessed with June, who wile attracted to Johnny has just come from a failed marriage and does not want to break up Johnny’s family. It is against this backdrop that the unusual courtship between the two begins. They spend time with one another on the road, they talk for hours on end, and even perform duets with one another on stage, yet Johnny’s love for June remains a source of frustration that only leads him deeper into his destructive behaviors.

While the addition that grips Johnny is a driving part of the film, the main focus of the story is the love between Johnny and June and their unusual courtship that survived despite marriages, addictions, denials, and their own insecurities. Phoenix and Witherspoon are amazing and give Oscar Caliber performances that are easily the best in recent years. Not only do they both convey the mannerisms of their flesh and blood counterparts, but they convey solid chemistry and compassion from the audience.

While one can say that Johnny was an adulterer and a drug addict, his gentle nature, compassion, and humanity are abundantly clear in the way he is portrayed by Phoenix. We do not see Cash as a stuck up rock star, we see him as a simple human being, who used his gifts to connect with the masses yet never lost site of his heart. His tenderness, honesty, and devotion to his music, June, and eventually himself are clear and Phoenix is able to portray this by a reserved and endearing manner that captures the man he is portraying. Far too many films of this type are loaded with scenes of conflict, screaming, conflict and destruction that it was refreshing to see Johnny attempt to win June by stubbornness, and persistence yet never losing his easy going mannerisms despite being wracked by addiction.

Much has been made of the decision to let Phoenix and Witherspoon sing their parts rather than dub the voices. Unlike in the film “Ray” where Jaime Foxx had his singing dubbed over, the accurate and heartfelt interpretations of the songs only underscores the triumph and complexity of their performances.

Not just a good film but a great film, Walk the Line is an endearing and entertaining film that keeps you engrossed from start to finish. If you are not a fan of Johnny Cash when you see this film, at the least you will find a new found respect for this American Legend.

Darren (64 KP) rated Joker (2019) in Movies

Oct 27, 2019  
Joker (2019)
Joker (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama
Everything (0 more)
Nothing but it has to be pure greatness to be a ten. (0 more)
People misunderstand this film.
Watching Joker, I knew that this would not be your average DC film. Knowing this, I think this is why i enjoyed it and i can understand why a lot of people didn't. Arthur Fleck is isolated and bullied by society, He has dreams of being a comedian except,He's not very funny. Arthur takes jobs to earn money and also cares for his mum. Arthur is already a man on the edge, He takes pills every day to suppress a personality disorder. The further we go into the film the further, we feel Arthur's Pain. He does not fit in anywhere. Arthur just wants to be accepted and to make people happy through comedy. When a social service program receives funding cuts which stops him from having his medication. Arthur finds out a shattering piece of news, which, in his fragile state of mind, tips him over the edge.

I can't really say anymore with spoilers and i don't want to spoil the film for anyone who has not yet seen it. For me personally, I went in with the mindset of watching Joker as a film about a mentally ill and unstable man rejected by society. That's why i enjoyed it. If you go in expecting Batman to pop up then , My friends, You will be seriously disappointed.

All i can say is, it's a slow burner of a film and that is for good reason so we fully understand the trauma of being Arthur. I've no doubt if nominated Joaquin Phoenix will win all awards given out in awards season. His performance is that brilliant. Is he the best Joker though? ....We'll leave that up for debate.
Uncut Gems (2019)
Uncut Gems (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Crime, Drama
The performance of Sandler's career. (2 more)
Nail biting, stressful viewing.
The resolution is worth the slow burn that climbs and climbs.
Sandler's gem.
Often throughout Uncut Gems, I found myself biting my nails to the nearest inch of my skin. At one point, closing in an hour, I realised I started to bleed from my index finger. The blood hadn't even occurred to me until the credits rolled, took a deep breath, and looked. The stressful nature of a character like Howard Ratner was difficult to understand, whether you sympathized with him or not. I neither routed for his destructive behaviour, nor wanted harm to come his way. Sitting on the fence didn't feel comfortable either. And this is why Uncut Gems is so special.

(No spoilers ahead.)

Howard's spiral towards more trouble is so nerve inducing it's hard to watch, even more hard to look away. His bad decision making creates a cause and effect chain, and often when you think his luck will turn around, he weasels and worms his way into even more trouble, all created by his constant addiction to make it big. Undeniably, this is all down to a masterclass from Adam Sandler.

The Safdie Brothers opened a can of worms, and Adam Sandler brought everything out. His slow burn decent towards losing it all is all the effective because he brings so many layers to the role. Ratner is a creep, a loser, a cheat, and a liar. He's also ambitious, outspoken, and sometimes even sympathetic. I never liked him as a person, but I did feel sorry for him.
I've seen some fine performances this year in cinema, and Sandler is most definitely up their with Joaquin Phoenix.

Uncut Gems is pulsatingly good, exhausting and draining, and one of the best thrillers you'll see in years. Adam Sandler, you're redeemed for Jack and Jill.