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We Own the Night (2007)
We Own the Night (2007)
2007 | Action, Drama
6.5 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Two Brothers
We Own The Night- is a good crime drama film. It does have action, suspense and thrills as well.

The plot: In 1988, New York's police wage an all-out war on drugs, and guilty and innocent alike become casualties. Bobby Green (Joaquin Phoenix), manager of a nightclub that is often frequented by gangsters, tries to remain neutral but hides a potentially fatal secret: His brother (Mark Wahlberg) and father (Robert Duvall) are both cops. After his brother is wounded in an assassination attempt, Bobby can no longer remain neutral. He joins forces with his brother for an all-out assault on the mob.

Its a decent crime drama.
8MM (1999)
8MM (1999)
1999 | Action, Mystery
Look at this Photograph
8mm- is a underrated mystery thriller, it was directed by Joel Schumacher, yes the person who destoryed and ruined batman two years before this movie came out. Joel Schumacher is better with mysterious and thrillers than Batman. Anyways the plot:

Private detective Tom Welles (Nicolas Cage) lives a normal life with his wife (Catherine Keener) and young daughter, until he receives a startling new case. A widow named Mrs. Christian (Myra Carter) has found what appears to be a snuff film among her late husband's belongings, and she wants Welles to determine if the movie is real or fake. Welles heads to California, where a video store employee (Joaquin Phoenix) helps him infiltrate the dangerous and depraved world of illegal porn movies.

Its suspenseful, horrorfying, twisted and overall a good movie.

Sarah (7798 KP) Nov 7, 2019

This is definitely a hugely underrated film. And one of the few times Nicolas Cage is actually decent!


AJaneClark (3962 KP) Nov 7, 2019

the only Nicholas cage film that I enjoy

Joker (2019)
Joker (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama
Forget the hype and controversy, and look at what's on the screen
Alot has been said about the storyline, the meaning, and the depiction of mental health and society, but this really overlooks a truly phenomenal piece of acting from Joaquin Phoenix, who is always value and exciting to watch. It's a seriously impressive turn from an actor already hugely respected, but in this he really does something special. From his contorted physicality, to his powerful striding, his smile behind broken eyes, moments of inspired spontaneity that in other films just wouldn't work, he creates a character that is heartbreaking, terrifying, and utterly human. Throw in some of the best cinematography you'll see in a long time, and a sombre score throughout, and this film becomes an absolutely astonishing piece of work.
Joker (2019)
Joker (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama
Like a mash up of ‘Falling Down’ and ‘ The King Of Comedy’ this take on the Joker origin story was hugely satisfying and should be praised for doing something different and very un-comic book with the material . I could see where the story was going and wasn’t hugely surprised by how it ended , but the journey there..WOW. Joaquin Phoenix is simply outstanding as Arthur Fleck/Joker and if there is any justice in the world should surely be showered with awards for his mesmerising and twisted performance. Like Michael Douglas in ‘Falling Down’ you know he’s supposed to be “the bad guy” but you can’t help but sympathise with him after the shitty hand society has dealt him. Solid support also comes from Robert DeNiro in a small but memorable role. Highly recommended.

Lee (2222 KP) rated Joker (2019) in Movies

Oct 6, 2019 (Updated Oct 6, 2019)  
Joker (2019)
Joker (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama
Arthur Fleck (Joaquin Phoenix) is a down on his luck loner, currently taking seven different kinds of medication and living with his frail old mother (Frances Conroe). Arthur fantasises about living a ‘normal’ life, with hopes of becoming a stand up comedian and dating his next door neighbour, and the lines between reality and fantasy begin to become just as blurred for us during the movie as they do within Arthur’s mind.

We’re in Gotham City during the early eighties. A garbage strike means that the city is currently suffering from a build up of garbage on the streets and the subsequent arrival of ‘super rats’. The rich are getting richer, the poor and the underprivileged even more so. And, at the forefront of all the wealth and power in the city is Thomas Wayne, who is currently looking to run for mayor. There is growing divide and unrest throughout Gotham, all of which serves to add fuel to the increasingly unstable mind of Arthur Fleck.

We’ve had our fair share of Joker portrayals over the decades, the most memorable of which being in 2008, and Heath Ledger’s brilliant take on the character in The Dark Knight. But Joaquin Phoenix brings a side to the Joker we’ve not experienced before - all skin and bone, abused, downtrodden, ridiculed and with a neurological condition that sees him suddenly laughing maniacally and uncontrollably, even during times of stress or sadness. Throughout the movie, we learn that Arthur also had a pretty unpleasant childhood and, for a while, you really can sympathise with him and the suffering he experiences. “I just don’t want to feel so bad any more” he says at one point.

Joker features no CGI, no costumed antics (other than the clowned kind), or any of the traditional comic book movie themes that we’re now so used to seeing. Instead, Joker treats us to something of a slow-burn character study, one mans slow descent into madness, and the birth of one of the most iconic villains of all time. Joaquin Phoenix is incredible in the role, supported by an outstanding cast, including Robert De Niro as a late night talk show host idolised by Arthur and Zazie Beets as the neighbour Arthur becomes obsessed with.

Joker isn’t exactly enjoyable in the traditional sense, uncomfortable at times and a brutally honest depiction of extreme mental health issues. But it’s beautifully shot, subtly weaving itself into the familiar DC universe while remaining unique and original. I was gripped from start to finish and I just hope that the upcoming Robert Pattison incarnation of The Batman fits into the universe and style that has been introduced here within Joker.
Joker (2019)
Joker (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama
The whole fuckin thing (0 more)
So dark... So twisted... So.... Right
So. A Sunday Night... Nothing happening... Just me and a stepkid.... Lets watch Joker.
This movie grabbed me from the begining and never let me go.
Phoenix put in the performance of a lifetime as Arthur Fleck, a depressed, somewhat BiPolar Clown who does board spinning work and birthday parties for a shit company in shitty Gotham City.
After being beaten by a group of teenagers he begins to snap... And slowly over the course of almost 2 hours. His descent into madness begins.
Without unveiling too much... As I'm certain anyone worth a proverbial fuck has already seen this film.... Phoenix's acting prowess is stretched to the limit in fulfilling a Joker character that makes you feel something other than disdain and hatred. Speaking for myself, this was without a doubt the best Joker preformed for film since Jack donned the makeup for Tim Burton.
Don't get me wrong... Heath Ledgers Joker was phenomenal.... But I felt no sorrow for him. I felt no pain emanating from the screen like I did every time he was in a frame...
Phoenix floored me with the painful portrayal of a man pushed to the edge by his surroundings. The key to this happened a mere 3 minutes before the film ended. When Jokers police car is smashed into by the ambulance and he is removed from the car by his new followers...
Phoenix awakens, stands on the hood of the police car, and with the blood that is running from his nose and mouth, he repaints the smile of his clown makeup and proceeds to do his little dance on the car hood.
The look of insanity that crosses his eyes made my skin crawl.... With anticipation hoping they never cast anyone else in this role ever again.
Joaquin Phoenix... You are now to be known as Arthur Fleck aka.... Joker.
Joker (2019)
Joker (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama
Joaquin's Performance Elevates This Film
Give Joaquin Phoenix the Oscar right now. His bravura performance as the titular character in JOKER is one for the ages. He is on the screen in every scene of this film and captivates and repulses you at the same time. This performance raises this film to another level.

The question is - what level was this film at, and where does this performance raise it to?

Set in Gotham City right around the time of the murder of Bruce Wayne's parents, JOKER tells the origin story of...well...a character that calls himself JOKER. This sad sack, with the name of Arthur Fleck, is a part-time clown (standing outside of store closings with a spinning sign or going to Children's Hospital). We watch his origins as he rises (or perhaps...falls?) to the anarchic symbol that is JOKER. And that's the interesting thing about this film. You are watching the fall of a man and the rise of a symbol - does Fleck find comfort or madness in this journey - or, perhaps, maybe he finds comfort in madness?

Embodying this broken spirit that keeps getting up despite whatever beatings (sometimes physical, sometimes mental, always with the potential to finally break him) is the unique talent that is Joaquin Phoenix. You can tell from his portrayal of Arthur that there is something just "off" with him and you continually wait for the breaking point that will drive him down the road of JOKER. But it is not only his acting that is on display here, it the manipulation and movements of his body that is amazing and outstanding. Much like a professional dancer, Phoenix/Fleck waltzes through this film like there is a musical score that only he can hear - and that is both fascinating and disturbing at the same time. There is a fine line that needs to be trod here, for if you don't, this character and performance can easily be one of total madness (a.k.a. Jack Nicholson as Jack Torrance in the SHINING) but Phoenix balances sanity/insanity very well and you are waiting for the final blow that will send him, inevitably, over the edge. It's like watching a ticking time bomb that you cannot see the clock counting down to zero - but count down to zero you are sure it will do.

Exchanging blows with Phoenix for about 1/3 of this film is Robert DeNiro as talk show host Murray Franklin (think a meaner version of Johnny Carson). DeNiro is VERY good in this role and it is good to see that he still can "bring it" as a serious actor when he wants to. Unfortunately, DeNiro's character isn't really in the first 2/3 of this film and that's too bad. Phoenix' Arthur Fleck is a force to be reckoned with and he really could have used another character just as strong to play against.

Unfortunately, Writer/Director Todd Phillips (THE HANGOVER films) doesn't really give Phoenix anyone strong to play against for the first 2/3 of this film though Frances Conroy (overbearing mother), Zazie Beetz (potential love interest) and Brett Cullen (billionaire Thomas Wayne, father of Bruce) come and go in all too brief appearances that never really are on screen long enough to stand their ground (though Conroy comes close). This makes the first part of this film very on-sided, dreary, depressing and dark. I get that Director/Writer Phillips was going for the "Decaying of Gotham" theme as seen through the eyes of Fleck, but it became a slog after awhile. I wanted to yell at the screen at about the 1 hour mark "All right, I get it!" give Phillips credit, he creates an interesting version of this world that we all know well (through the Dark Knight and various other DC Universe films), so I give him points for originality. And...he really NAILS the ending (the last 1/3 of the film - the part WITH DeNiro). I thought it was effective and potent and left it's mark.

Which brings me back to my opening thought. Phoenix raises this film up with his performance - the question is "from where to where". I'd have to say (because of the slowness of the first 2/3 of this film) that Phoenix fearless performance raises this dark and dreary film from a "C" to a "B". So with that in mind, I give JOKER...

Letter Grade: B

7 (out of 10) stars and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)

Nick Beaty (70 KP) rated Joker (2019) in Movies

Nov 25, 2019 (Updated Nov 26, 2019)  
Joker (2019)
Joker (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama
And the Oscar goes to...
First things first, you can not start a review of Joker without mentioning the lead performance from Joaquin Phoenix as Arthur Fleck. I would say he is probably an evens favourite to take home the best actor Oscar at next years ceremony.

As for the movie itself, Tod Phillips take on Joker almost feels like a tribute to early Martin Scorsese movies, with the most obvious being Taxi Driver & The King of Comedy, both starring Robert De Niro who also appears here. This is certainly not a bad thing as they are brilliant pieces of cinema, that will stand the test of time. As will Joker in my opinion for it's excellent cinematography & gritty authenticity, I think people will still be talking about this movie for many years to come.

There are a few very slight flaws that I could point out. The first being that because it is so Scorsese like, for me it loses the feeling of being set in Gotham city and just feels very much like we are in New York city. Secondly the Wayne's and Alfred are very much portrayed as the bad guys in this movie, in my opinion I felt myself siding with Arthur/Joker a little too much maybe, which makes you lose all sympathy for the reason Batman became the Dark Knight in the first place. Last but not least the very controversial choice of adding a Gary Glitter song at a pivotal point of the movie, is a strange choice to say the least.

Overall Joker is an exceptional character study of a very disturbed individual with many mental health issues, add to that a superb performance by Joaquin Phoenix and I think you have a movie that will only get better with time and become a genre classic. With the huge box office success, I just hope DC keep this grim, very true to life approach for their future Batman projects.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Joker (2019) in Movies

Oct 4, 2019 (Updated Oct 4, 2019)  
Joker (2019)
Joker (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama
Striking riff on some elements of the Batman mythology looks good but simultaneously feels like it's trying to do too much and struggling to justify its own existence. In an early 80s Gotham City, severely troubled clown/comedian Arthur Fleck (Phoenix) is struggling to maintain his grip on reality, not to mention his own sanity. But a powerful force of nihilistic chaos is incubating within him...

A very strong performance by Joaquin Phoenix is the main reason to see this film, as he manages to be pitiable, frightening, and occasionally very funny. The sustained grimness and intensity of it is also surprising and impressive. That said, it does take rather a long time for the traditional Joker characterisation to begin to appear, and the question of whether this character can actually support a whole movie has clearly troubled the film-makers, too - hence, presumably, the attempts to make points about anti-capitalism, social unrest, and the mass media. These don't chime especially well with the period setting, which is presumably to facilitate the homages to King of Comedy, Taxi Driver, French Connection and Network which the film is filled with. One inevitably wonders what the point of the Joker is without Batman, unless it's simply to shock and provoke. This film does those things, but only up to a point and to no very obvious end. A good-looking, well-made, well-played film, but perhaps just the tiniest bit portentous.