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The Fireman
The Fireman
Joe Hill | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Long but an interesting story. Several Easter eggs for Joe Hill and Stephen King fans.

Amy Christmas (171 KP) created a post

Nov 27, 2017  
I'll be putting up a review of 'Half a King' by Joe Abercrombie sometime after 1pm Greenwich time.

Blodwyn (112 KP) Nov 27, 2017


Time Out of Mind by Bob Dylan
Time Out of Mind by Bob Dylan
1997 | Folk, Rock, Singer-Songwriter
6.7 (3 Ratings)
Album Rating
Rolling Stone's 410th greatest album of all time
Far from Dylan at his best, a series of dirgey whining tracks. Having watched Tiger King, Dylan just sounds like Joe Exotic to me now. An unfortunate but amusing slant when listening.

Amy Christmas (171 KP) created a post

Nov 17, 2017  
I'll be reading Half a King next by Joe Abercrombe an older release than some of the others I will be reviewing. So there will be new releases mixed in with older ones, just in case we missed a diamond in the rough.
The Kid Who Would Be King (2019)
The Kid Who Would Be King (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Drama, Fantasy
The young cast (1 more)
Patrick Stewart
Young merlin (0 more)
After the awful guy Ritchie legend of King Arthur this is ten times better telling of the sword in the stone this is how should be done Joe cornish has done a good job telling a modern take on the legend of King Arthur the young cast are all brillant expect the actor playing merlin so annoying thank goodness for Patrick Stewart playing older merlin overall good movie thumbs up

ClareR (5789 KP) rated NOS4A2 in Books

Apr 11, 2018  
Joe Hill | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.5 (23 Ratings)
Book Rating
This scared me half to death. It seems quite an innocuous story to begin with, but it just builds and builds. It's very reminiscent of a few Stephen King stories (involving cars or creatures of the night), but at the same time, we shouldn't compare Joe Hill to Stephen King (I have GOT to stop doing that!). He very much has his own stories to tell. And this is a good one. And I quite like being scared to death, for the record.
The Kid Who Would Be King (2019)
The Kid Who Would Be King (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Drama, Fantasy
The Kid Who Would Be King (2019) pulls contemporary adventure from the stone of legend.
Opening with exactly the same set-up and opening thematic point as “Justice League”, Joe Cornish takes the idea of a country and a world which has lost hope and, with a keen eye for contemporary resonance, weaves a wonderfully affirmative and inspirational tale from the ancient cloth of legend and the modern social fabric of present-day England...

In the Tall Grass (2019)
In the Tall Grass (2019)
2019 | Drama, Horror, Thriller
Not as good as I thought it would be
I was expecting greater things from a movie based on a book from Stephen King and Joe Hill.
Was a really slow start with a lot of shouting, but the acting was great from most of the characters. The middle of the movie picked up a bit and got me interested and then the ending arrived and just confused everything. I can kinda make sense of some of it, but it left too many questions that I don't even want the answers to.

Amanda (96 KP) rated You in Books

Mar 11, 2019  
Caroline Kepnes | 2014 | Crime, Mystery
8.0 (27 Ratings)
Book Rating
I first learned about you, Joe, when I sat one Sunday morning on Netflix and I could not keep my eyes off of the promo for this show about you fixating on a blonde woman. Naturally, I was intrigued and I had to learn about you, Joe, and how exactly you could see stalking as a way of getting close to someone and love them. I do wish you hadn't been a manager at a bookstore, Joe. I'm a booknerd, it was difficult to not like you, most of the time.

I watched your story and then I listened to your story. Joe, there are quite a few differences between the BookJoe and the NetflixJoe. Either way, Joe, I judge you harshly at each passing moment when you follow this girl, Guinevere Beck (can we just laugh at the irony that her name is Guinevere? If you haven't read King Author, you should) or stalk her using her old phone that she believed lost.

Just a little nit pick on my part, Netflix, Android and Apple DO NOT use the same cloud! They are ENTIRELY different companies with entirely different hardware. There was no way, NetflixJoe, that you could have seen the woman's emails or texts from an Android phone when she got a new phone that is an Apple. Rant over, now back to you, Joe.

BookJoe is more wordy and more story telling. Perhaps your warped mind may have believed Guinevere (Beck in both stories) might have flirted with you. This begs the question, what made her stand out from any other WOMAN who doesn't wear a bra (and don't state that you can't tell because you point that out about Beck every chance you got)? It couldn't have been the books she purchased as how you mentally made fun of the fact that she bought a certain book because the author was a relative of a celebrity.

I'll give you credit, NetflixJoe, while NetflixBeck was still a bit off with her procrastination and her obsessiveness with a crack head and drinking, she still grew some character and made for someone with potential. BookBeck, on the other hand, BookJoe, you really could have picked a much better person to stalk.

BookBeck is highly ditzy, a pushover, loves to drink (a lot!), and prefers casual encounters (which you found that out by going through her email) with other men, except you! She claims she wants to write, yet spends little if any time doing it, and while you do somewhat encourage her, it doesn't work. She just wants to say she wants to write, but not do it. And when she does write, and BookJoe you have stated this a little annoyance before, it's pure pornography.

BookJoe, I often pitied you because you are highly intelligent yet so stupid. BookBeck was all wrong for you and you spent all this time trying to make her right and doing it all the wrong way. Oh, Joe, you just couldn't take it. And you couldn't see it. So stupid, Joe.

Okay, as fun as that was, here's the remainder of the review without me talking to Joe. The show on Netflix was so hard to turn off because it was that intense. No, I DO NOT ship Beck and Joe. HE IS STILL A STALKER!! The show really showed that even the people who seem all nice and laid back CAN BE THE PERSON THAT IS DANGEROUS! The book does the same thing as well.

In the book, it's all told in Joe's point of view, and he could very well be not a very reliable narrator. All of it is told from what he sees and sometimes what he wishes he could see. At least on Netflix, though Joe narrates mostly, you're able to see the evidence instead of going off by his word. He also gives off of how delusional he really is when it comes to Beck. He makes himself BELIEVE that Beck is just suffering from daddy issues with all these men and he can help her and make her only want him.

The story itself was really well put together. The book will definitely not give you the shipping feels like Netflix seems to do for some people. Most of the time, I do just say out loud how stupid Joe really is and how he maybe he should move on. I wasn't lying when I said BookBeck was all those things. She really was. I actually did not like her character at all. To me, there wasn't much growth except for small things here and there, but for the most part, she just remained this person who had daddy issues and tried to do everything she could to NOT write. I'll give her credit for finding out about Joe and trying to figure out how to get away, but that's about it.

The show is a great watch cause the story is pretty good. If you want to see everything and not go by Joe, watch the show first. If you are curious as to how BookJoe started and became NetflixJoe, read this book first. Do you think he's a reliable narrator?

I have to point out the similarities with these characters that of King Arthur, however. I mentioned that earlier because Beck's first name is Guinevere. Think about it (if you've read King Arthur when you were in school).

Joe is Arthur - he manages a bookstore and reads. He fixates himself on a woman who apparently is so enchanting that he must have her no matter what.

Benji in retrospect is Merlin - He may be hooked on drugs and a total douche, but he WARNS Joe about Beck and that she is indeed crazy and not faithful. Joe does NOT listen.

Dr. Nicky is Lancelot - he is a therapist to both Joe and Beck (separately and without the other knowing) and he tries to guide Joe through his therapy, but in the end, he falls for Beck and they have an affair.

Beck IS GUINEVERE - Not at all the person she appears to be for Joe and winds up being entirely unfaithful and suffers for it.

**I haven't figured out Peach, but she's just crazy**

It is a two part series - I need a break from Joe before I think about reading the second book.
In the Tall Grass (2019)
In the Tall Grass (2019)
2019 | Drama, Horror, Thriller
Contains spoilers, click to show
When Becky and her brother Cal hear a cry for help coming from a field of tall grass they go in to help. It soon becomes apparent that things are not what they seem in the tall grass.
In The Tall Grass is a Netflix film based on a novella written by Stephen King & Joe Hill. The film is a horror/suspense/thriller with a main cast only six people and only seven actors credited. The six main characters all become trapped in the grass and, like any good thriller it soon becomes apparent that at least one of them cannot be trusted as they get picked off one by one. However, Stephen King had a hand it writing this so you know it’s not going to be a normal film, there are no monsters in this, no killer Clowns and, surprisingly, no scarecrows although I guess that would have been too obvious for anything written by Mr King. There is a dog. The strangeness comes from the way the film plays with time, it soon becomes apparent that something is playing with time and space which leads to some interesting time loops.
In the Tall Grass is an interesting film which does a lot with a very small cast and a field and isn’t a mega long film like some of the other King films. If you can get your head around time loops, then I think it’s well worth a watch.