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The Following  - Season 1
The Following - Season 1
2013 | Crime, Drama, Mystery
Character Development (4 more)
Kevin Bacon
Joe Purefoy
Connections and references to Poe
An insight into the mind of shepherd and sheep
Some of the characters are lacking (0 more)
Excitement, Twists and Tension.
So if you read my review on 'The Raven' then you know my love for Edgar Allan Poe and how these stories use his work to create brilliant murder mysteries that keep you on your toes thinking about what might happen next.

However, this show is different, because you know who the murderers and the head of the cult are, but what makes this show so thrilling is trying to figure out what is going through Joe Carroll's (portrayed by Joe Purefoy, who is absolutely brilliant and charming) twisted mind when toying with ex-detective Ryan Hardy (portrayed by Kevin Bacon who also excels as a brilliantly charming character). One of my favourite aspects of this show is the on screen relationship between Kevin Bacon and Joe Purefoy because solo, they are entertaining but together they are very very tense and humorous which can make the audience feel uneasy at times.

The show is very graphic which might put off some viewers, but if a lot of blood and a lot of stabbing, quite often with the eyes in the first season, doesn't bother you that much then you may enjoy this show.

My favourite aspect of this show however, is that the writers delve into the minds of the shepherd and his sheep as it were. Joe Carroll is well written as a manipulative psychotic serial killer who is able to convince many young followers to do his dirty work and toy with Ryan Hardy, and yet they are given very strict instructions about what to do, how to do it, and when.

This is brilliantly written, beautifully shot for both the action sequences and the slow thought provoking sequences that help move the plot along, and to top it all off, each episode is a thrilling and exciting experience that lead you to a grand finale.
Looper (2012)
Looper (2012)
2012 | Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi
In the world of 2072, it is learned that time travel has been invented and is declared illegal by all the governments of the world. Naturally, the criminal elements of the future embrace the technology. Apparently getting rid of bodies and people in the future is tricky because of innovative tagging and tracking technology.

The criminal bosses of the future send a man named Abe (Jeff Bridges) 30 years into the past to serve the criminals of the future with a new type of hit man called a Looper. In the new film “Looper” Joseph Gordon-Levitt stars as Joe, a Looper who never lets morals get in the way of his job. He is happy to promptly dispatch anyone sent from the future without a second thought.

Joe is well paid for his work, and is happy to enjoy the drugs and women that come with his job. Yet Joe desires to leave it all one day and travel to France. For a Looper to be retired, he is forced to kill a future version of himself, and in doing so, gets a fantastic retirement payout and 30 years to live it up since that is how long it will take for time travel to be invented. Naturally an older version of yourself cannot be sent back to be killed by your younger self for at least 30 years. But the increase in retirements is a bit disconcerting for Joe.

Things change drastically for Joe when his older self (Bruce Willis), appears and manages to escape before he can be killed by his younger self. For a Looper to have his target escape is a serious infraction, and in no time, Joe finds himself not only hunting his older self, but also on the run from his former friends and allies who have made him both older and younger a priority.

At this point in the film, I was hooked, as my mind raced with twists, possibilities, and the promise of the film. Sadly the momentum grinds to a halt in the second half as the older Joe attempts to ally with his younger self to stop a future crime boss while he is a child. This quickly becomes a very blatant “Terminator” rip off as older Joe attempts to locate and kill children who may be the future crime lord while younger Joe is biding his time hiding from his former associates while protecting a young child and his mother from his older self.

It does not take much thought to see where this is going but sadly the remainder of the movie is underwhelming and disappointing as the film recycles scenarios that we have seen many times before in better movies. The second half lacks any real action and climactic finale to give the audience the well-deserved payoff they waited for.

Willis, Bridges, and Gordon-Levitt do solid work but seem to be going through the motions as they never really earn any sympathy from the audience. Much like last year’s “In Time”, “Looper” has a great premise that starts well and then fails to live up to its potential.

Tallulah22 (211 KP) rated You in Books

Jan 4, 2020  
Caroline Kepnes | 2014 | Crime, Mystery
8.0 (27 Ratings)
Book Rating
Compelling read. I picked it up in the morning because book 2 was on order and it was finished by that night. All in, it was around a 5 hour read. (0 more)
It was a great read that I didn't want to put down. The tale of Joe is an imaginative one and you want to keep reading to find out what is going to happen between he and Beck next. Lots of swearing and sex scenes so it is not suitable at all for younger audiences. It is a thrilling view of what people may really be thinking about in the real world without you knowing about it.
The Blade Itself
The Blade Itself
Joe Abercrombie | 2007 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
So, 'The Blade Itself'.

Like some other of these sprawling epic fantasies, this was a novel that, while I'd heard of it and had heard good things, I'd never actually got round to reading: put off, perhaps, by the sheer size of it?

That is, I'd never read it until now.

Following a group of disparate characters who eventually, by the end of the novel, more-or-less come together (in the same geographical location) or, at least, very obviously heading towards doing so, I have to say that I did quite enjoy it.

While I was initially concerned that the book may drag a bit (again, due to the sheer size ...), thankfully this did not prove to be the case. OK, there may have been certain sections that (IMO) it would have been better where they pruned somewhat, overall the story did move along well enough, and did hold my attention.

Like a heavy dinner, however, I think I may need a break before moving onto the next ([b: Before They Are Hanged|902715|Before They Are Hanged (The First Law, #2)|Joe Abercrombie||2116927]): two back-to-back is one too many!