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Terminator 3 - Rise of the Machines (2003)
Terminator 3 - Rise of the Machines (2003)
2003 | Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi
"She'll be back..."

Third entry in The Terminator series, which is no no longer considered to be in canon (nor are Terminator: Salvation or Terminator: Genisys), with Jonathan Mostow taking over the reins from James Cameron and with ol' Arnie - pre becoming The Governator (of California), I believe - reprising his most famous role of a Terminator, a killing machine from the future sent back to fulfill a mission.

And, here, that mission involves Nick Stahles (taking over from Edward Furlong's) now 25 year old John Connor, who is living off the grid and on the road.

There also yet another sleek Terminator sent back, here taking the form of Kristinna Loken's T-X, with her own mission: I must admit, as well, to being rather surprised at that downer of an ending the first time I saw this!
Old Man's War (Old Man's War, #1)
Old Man's War (Old Man's War, #1)
John Scalzi | 2007 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
If I hadn't read this for a book club I would have stopped reading it. Of course, now that I finished it, I have to read the next in the series.

In actuality, the book took me less than 4 hours to read. It just took 8 days to finish those 4 hours.

There wasn't anything wrong with the book. I just wasn't connected to the characters. I would have liked the whole Old Farts club to have been a major part of the book.

Edit - I just read someone's review of the series comparing it to the movie "Avitar". I wasn't a fan of the movie so, with the similarities, it would make sense I'm not overly enthusiastic about the book. If you get a chance, read the review of the 2nd book that describes an elevator ride between James Cameron and John Scalzi. I liked it more than Avitar.

Jerry Cantrell recommended Led Zeppelin IV by Led Zeppelin in Music (curated)

Led Zeppelin IV by Led Zeppelin
Led Zeppelin IV by Led Zeppelin
1971 | Rock
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Led Zeppelin, goddamn! I don't think they made a bad record! There's that classic line from Cameron Crowe's movie Fast Times At Ridgemont High where they're cruising around, talking about how to get chicks. And the guy says: ""If you wanna score with a chick, turn out side two of volume four!"" I've used that a few times actually. It works [laughs]! Anyway if it didn't work, it was a nice soundtrack while it was going down. Jimmy Page is another guitar player that means a lot to me. Every member of that fucking band: John Paul Jones was an amazing writer, arranger and producer, as well as Jimmy. Plus John Bonham and Robert Plant... that's one of the greatest rock & roll bands of all times. It's just straight-up, fucking sexy, kick ass and shit, man! All the way from dirty low-down rock & roll to the biggest orchestral tracks like ‘Kashmir’. They travelled a lot of ground while keeping their roots intact, the blues. You know, certain bands really resonate in certain areas and that was one band that was always popular up there where I come from, the Northwest. You have at least ten fucking Zeppelin songs that you can jam with anybody at any time."


Awix (3310 KP) rated Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) in Movies

Mar 14, 2018 (Updated Mar 15, 2018)  
Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
1991 | Action, Sci-Fi
Lavish juggernaut follow-up to 1984 original is essentially the James Cameron school of sequel-making incarnate: all the stuff from the first film, only busier, bigger, and louder. Two more time-travelling killers appear in the present day intent on eliminating future-saviour John Connor; lots of stuff blows up.

An extremely accomplished film, in technical terms at least, but once you get past all the pyrotechnic highs and gosh-wow CGI (which was admittedly game-changing 27 years ago), it's basically the same story told rather less effectively from a narrative point of view - man vs machine is a more effective conflict than machine vs slightly more advanced machine, which is what we have here, and the whole subplot forming the basis of the second half only undermines the atmosphere of inevitable doom that was so important to the success of the original film. Bigger than Terminator, but by no means better - builds off the first movie, but adds nothing to it.
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
To most people, if you mention the name Edgar Rice Burroughs the first thing that they will think of, in all likelihood, is his creation of the character Tarzan. Alongside this, however, he also wrote the <i>Barsoom</i> series of books, of which this is the first (published in 1912).

Commonly regarded as classics of the Pulp Sci-Fi genre of books, and with the new Disney movie <i>John Carter of Mars</i> recently released (even if it is getting a panning from the critics), and finally with <i>The John Carter collection</i> (consisting of <i>A Princess of Mars</i>, <i>The Gods of Mars</i>, <i>The Warlord of Mars</i>, <i>Thuvia, Maid of Mars</i> and <i>The Chessmen of Mars</i>) available on Apple's ibooks stores for 99p, how could I resist picking them up?

Having now read the first book, it's easy to see the influence these particular novels had on later writings and popular culture. James Cameron is on record as stating this particular work as an influence on his movie <i>Avatar</i>, while it is also possible to trace elements of <i>Star Wars</i> (inspired by <i>Flash Gordon</i>, itself inspired by this) back to this work.

In short: this is pretty much a prime example of early pulp SF!