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Apocalypse Now (1979)
Apocalypse Now (1979)
1979 | Action, Drama, War

"Apocalypse Now. I would ordinarily say The Conversation, because it was so ahead of its time, but Apocalypse Now — another masterpiece. Also, a lot of these movies would never be made today. But — I’m leaving out Scorsese, I’m leaving out David Fincher; you know, I’m leaving out some of the great Europeans. I’m leaving out 100, or a 1000 movies that we could talk about. I’ve been a fan of Chris Nolan’s since I saw his black-and-white film, Following. I saw that movie in Paris years and years ago and I thought, “We’re gonna hear from this guy, this is an amazing talent.” I’m glad people really recognized it early enough to support him. There are so many other movies we could talk about. There are at least five David Leans. There are at least five Fellinis. Five Viscontis. John Ford. John Huston. Minelli. And Kubrick! I didn’t say Kubrick! I should be thrown out of film for that. It’s really hard. I don’t know how you do it."

The Quiet Man (1952)
The Quiet Man (1952)
1952 | Classics, Comedy, Drama
A good old fashioned love story
John Wayne and Maureen O'Hara make a perfect couple in a romantic turn for director John Ford mostly known for his western epics.

When a man returns to his Irish roots looking to purchase his former family homestead, some of the locals are not too keen on the idea. After the purchase, he begins to court the sister of the man who was also interested in the property. After things are worked out, they are married; however, her brother still hold her dowry and she holds to her traditional family values o not being truly happy until she acquires her family fortune.

The two men must work out their differences so the couple can make a life together for themselves and their families.

A film from 1952 can hardly be called anything except "classic", so some of the values expressed by characters in the film reflect those of the times they were made. Traditional is also probably a word to describe the situations and relationships here.

I could see how this could turn off some today who hold more progressive opinions.

Whatever your values, this film has some fantastic moments and watching the two leads together onscreen is just magic. Director Ford takes full advantage of the sprawling Irish countrysides and thy feel like characters themselves.

I thoroughly enjoyed viewing this film and it left me with a warm feeling in my heart.

P.S. does anyone know which 1982 film recreated the most famous scene in The Quiet Man for an unforgettable moment in that film as well?


Awix (3310 KP) May 11, 2019

I think you use 'classic' in a different sense to me. :)


Andy K (10821 KP) May 11, 2019

Just because a movie is old doesn't mean it is good, but this one sure is.

Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan- Season 1
Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan- Season 1
2018 | Action
Not sold on John Krasinski as Jack Ryan (0 more)
I watched all 8 episodes in one sitting, which is something I rarely do. I was super pumped to see Jack Ryan on screen.
I liked how they modernized it, and the story was all new. Well, as new as the standard foil a terrorist plot. Of course, if you've seen/read anything about Jack Ryan, you know certain characters are bound to show up... e.g., Cathy.
The last episode was definitely fan-fare, and riffed off all of the previous films.
I'm just not sure I'm sold on Krasinski as Ryan. I thought he did a better job than Alec Baldwin and Ben Affleck, but definitely wasn't as good as Harrison Ford.
I'm just glad Amazon is going ahead with a second season.

Lee (2222 KP) Sep 7, 2018

I've only seen episode 1 so far. Wasn't sure for the first half of the episode, but then it settled in and I felt it finished strongly. Looking forward to watching the rest but agree on Krasinski, I'm not sold either


Erika (17788 KP) Sep 9, 2018

I almost didn't watch the 2nd episode because the 1st one was so slow, but I'm glad I did. I can't actually pinpoint why I'm not sold on Krasinski, it's just this gut reaction to his performance.


Ron Perlman recommended Pan's Labyrinth (2006) in Movies (curated)

Pan's Labyrinth (2006)
Pan's Labyrinth (2006)
2006 | Fantasy

"I don’t think I would name films as much as I would name filmmakers. You have to have a Frank Capra movie, you’d have to have a John Ford movie, and you’d have to have a Steven Spielberg movie in there. And then as a specific film, Pan’s Labyrinth would have to be in my Top Five. Because what Gabriel García Márquez was to fiction, that movie is to cinema. It’s magical realism, and it’s something that can only exist cinematically. It cannot be confused with any other medium. That makes it the perfect film. It’s also unlike anything you’ve ever seen before or will see again, it’s completely unique and not derivative, and it’s brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. Setting fascist Spain — or fascist anything, for that matter –against this fantasy world created by this perfect, pristine, beautiful, pure girl."

The Call Of The Wild (2020)
The Call Of The Wild (2020)
2020 | Drama
7.4 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
402. The Call of the Wild. The tale of a CGI dog named Buck. With its all too human eyes, and unrealistic facial expressions, Buck is the main character, he doesn't speak, for that we have Harrison Ford narrating, then later becomes a character, John Thornton. Buck is the mayors dog, and everyone loves him for his all too human ways, but danger lurks. In the Yukon there's a dog shortage?? Ok then, Buck gets kidnapped, beaten into submission, in a Disney way, don't worry. Luckily tho, Buck is purchased by a super nice postal worker, Perrault and partner Francois who needs him on his sled, and at this point we realize there must be a dog shortage, because the CGI dogs he has are rough, missing eyes, ears, old as Walk Disney's decapitated head waiting to be reborn with a trillion bucks in the bank! Buck becomes lean and tough, learns to be part of a team and ultimately lead that team! And when that job dries up, Buck meets John Thornton, a sad kinda guy, suffering from a huge loss in the past he can't move past. John saves Buck from another dog sled operator, who seems to be hellbent on going on a suicide mission. The two become the best of friends going on grand adventure off the map, and showing Buck his true place in the world! Filmbufftim on FB
Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
1981 | Action, Adventure
Action Serials in the 1980s? Yes Please
Released in the summer of 1981 and the idea of George Lucas after American Graffiti and the film he'd pursue with Steven Spielberg after the hit known as Star Wars, Raiders of the Lost Ark is a film that plays upon the cliches and tricks of the classic action serials of the 40s and 50s that both men grew up on. Starring Harrison Ford, Karen Allen, John Rhys Davies, Paul Freeman and became the highest grossing film of 1981. Lucas and Spielberg also wanted this to be shit quick and really dirty like the action serials of the past. What we get is an adventure that has not only been regarded as one of the best action films ever made, but for some, one of the greatest movies ever made. And it truly is a tour de force. Visuals amazing. Acting is great