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Hush (2016)
Hush (2016)
2016 | Horror, Thriller
7.9 (28 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Great tension builder (0 more)
Flawed in places (0 more)
Silent suspense
Maddie (Kate Siegel) is a deaf writer, living a “quiet” life in the woods, secluded and alone, trying to heal after the breakdown of her last relationship.

Queue the bad guy played by John Gallagher Jr... and what follows is an 82 minute, interesting game of cat and mouse.

 It’s a fresh take on the standard home invasion/slasher movie genre with the added element of her disability. Expect some great scenes, good acting from the small cast involved and no complicated storyline.

Try to overlook the inconsistencies, the plot holes and occasional predictability.
The Belko Experiment (2017)
The Belko Experiment (2017)
2017 | Action, Horror, Mystery
The beginning (0 more)
The ending descends into nothing special (0 more)
Work can be killer
John Gallagher, Goldwyn and Adria Arjona

Director: Greg McLean

Plot: 80 employees of Belko are locked in an office building. With instructions provided by a voice over the intercom, a game of death begins.

Result: This has a phenomenal 1st and 2nd act which pushes boundaries and raise great questions about the value of life and integrity. Tense and hugley entertaining. The third act starts the trend of generic survival horror but even then, it felt fresh and at no point was the film dull.
If you love Battle Royal or survival horror then this is an absolute must watch!
Underwater (2020)
Underwater (2020)
2020 | Horror, Sci-Fi
Wish I saw it in theaters (0 more)
Below The Surface
Underwater- is a highly entertaining sci-fi horror movie. Mixing sci-fi with horror with a underwater creature. The cast was really good, i liked Kristen Stewart, T.J. Miller, Vincent Cassel and John Gallagher Jr. The downfall was Jessica Henwick she was really annoying. He charcter was really annoying and wouldnt shut up. The plot/story was intresting, the sci-fi was good and the horror was just there/not really though.

The plot: Disaster strikes more than six miles below the ocean surface when water crashes through the walls of a drilling station. Led by their captain, the survivors realize that their only hope is to walk across the sea floor to reach the main part of the facility. But they soon find themselves in a fight for their lives when they come under attack from mysterious and deadly creatures that no one has ever seen.

Like i said a good movie.
10 Cloverfield Lane (2016)
10 Cloverfield Lane (2016)
2016 | Sci-Fi, Thriller
A fantastic gem of a thriller.
Let it be known, regardless of it's connection to Cloverfield, 10 Cloverfield Lane is a pretty solid thriller in its own right.

After walking away from a relationship, Michelle (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) ends up in a car crash and is knocked unconscious.
She wakes up shortly afterwards, apparently rescued, but chained to the wall in a closed off room.
She has been rescued by Howard (John Goodman) and is being kept in his nuclear bunker.
Whilst she has been unconscious, there has been some kind of attack and Howard claims that the air up on the surface is unbreathable.
As Michelle adjusts to her new life underground, she becomes suspicious to Howard's claims and starts to believe he's hiding something.

10 Cloverfield Lane is absolutely dripping with tension for the majority of the runtime.
John Goodman is absolute fantastic and unpredictable. His character is both caring, and dangerous simultaneously.
Mary EW is also great in her role, and the two of them alongside John Gallagher Jr, make up a pretty solid trio of well fleshed out characters.

As the movie reaches it's climax, you'll be on the edge of your seat.

The connections to Cloverfield become more apparent near the movies finale, and do feel a little tacked on (this movie did start out as a non-Cloverfield related thriller called The Cellar) but it actually works in a neat sci-fi way.
It would be nice though, to see it all tied together a little tighter in future installments.

Darren (1599 KP) rated 10 Cloverfield Lane (2016) in Movies

Jun 20, 2019 (Updated Jun 20, 2019)  
10 Cloverfield Lane (2016)
10 Cloverfield Lane (2016)
2016 | Sci-Fi, Thriller
Contains spoilers, click to show
Story: 10 Cloverfield Lane starts as we see Michelle (Winstead) walking away from her married life with Ben only to find herself in a car accident. Upon waking up she finds her chained up in a bed as she desperately looks for a way out. Michelle’s capturer is Howard (Goodman) who claims to have saved her from an attack on America. Michelle isn’t the only other person in the bunker with Emmett (Gallagher Jr) also there.

Howard has been preparing this bunker for years and has everything needed to survive in luxury with electricity and plumbing. The three have to learn to live with each other as the paranoia about what has really happened keeps rising.

10 Cloverfield Lane is a very clever thriller that creates the paranoia of what could be going happening through nearly the whole film. We are sat wondering what is happening outside the bunker and what will happen inside the bunker. The downside from where I am sat was knowing it was a sequel, if this was just about the bunker and the final twist was that it was in the Cloverfield universe we would have found ourselves fully on Michelle’s side but as we know it is all real we kind of side with the paranoia filled Howard. This is good and tense throughout but the title alone takes away something truly special about the film.


Actor Review


John Goodman: Howard is the man who has built the bunker, he has let both Michelle and Emmett stay in his bunker as he believes America would come under attack from something. He is ex-navy and very paranoid, we are left wondering whether h is crazy or not though. John is great in this role where we see him using the talent he has.howard

Mary Elizabeth Winstead: Michelle is a young woman who is wondering about her life before finding herself being in a car crash. She wakes up in the bunker where she has to learn to live with Howard and Emmett. She is never comfortable there always trying to find a way out. Mary is great in this strong female role.michelle

John Gallagher Jr: Emmett was hired to help build the bunker and found himself inside when the attacks happened. He tries to be nice to Michele which only pushes Howard into his paranoia. John is good in this role if only the supporting of the three.

Support Cast: 10 Cloverfield Lane doesn’t have many other characters with most just being in one scene.

Director Review: Dan Trachtenberg – Dan gives us a thriller that really does keep up guessing what is real.


Horror: 10 Cloverfield Lane gives us the idea where we just don’t know what is going on showing the paranoia driving the horror.

Mystery: 10 Cloverfield Lane keeps us guessing from start to finish.

Sci-Fi: 10 Cloverfield Lane enters into a world which could have a post-apocalyptic world but never really understand.

Thriller: 10 Cloverfield Lane keeps us on edge for the whole film where we are left to wonder where the film will go.

Settings: 10 Cloverfield Lane has nearly the whole film inside the bunker where we see the tension rise.
Special Effects: 10 Cloverfield Lane has good effects when needed without being in the film being all about special effects.

Suggestion: 10 Cloverfield Lane is one for fans of the original to enjoy but just remember this is only in the same universe rather than a sequel. (Watch)


Best Part: Performances.

Worst Part: Title is misleading.


Believability: No

Chances of Tears: No

Chances of Sequel: We could have.

Post Credits Scene: No


Oscar Chances: No

Budget: $15 Million

Runtime: 1 Hour 43 Minutes

Tagline: Something is coming

Trivia: Howard states that he worked on satellites for the military. Michelle sees an envelope in the bunker from a company called Bold Futura. Bold Futura is the company responsible for the satellite that is seen crashing into the ocean in the ending of Cloverfield (2008) which is what is believed to be responsible for disturbing the creature.


Overall: Great concept we don’t see in sequels with this only being in the same universe only.
Underwater (2020)
Underwater (2020)
2020 | Horror, Sci-Fi
Fair play, Underwater doesn't fuck around - 2 minutes in and all hell starts breaking loose and shit hits the fan pretty relentlessly until the credits roll. It's clear that director William Eubank wants your attention from the beginning - unfortunately it doesn't quite stay like this throughout...

I actually enjoyed Underwater for the most part, it's just that somewhere in the middle, it really starts to drag a bit, and I'm not even quite sure why - there's always something going on but it just lost me a bit.
Fortunately, the up and down middle act is book-ended by a very strong and tense first act, and one hell of a final third - no spoilers here but holy fuck!!!
The ending 'reveal' honestly elevates Underwater to loftier heights.

It also benefits from a good cast. Kristen Stewart has really grown on me in recent years and she's a fantastic lead in this. Always a pleasure to have Jessica Henwick and John Gallagher Jr. onscreen as well.
As per usual, I couldn't really get on with T.J. Miller - there's just something about that dude that always feels a bit too try hard - people liked him in Deadpool and now he's just typecast as the comic relief - Underwater doesn't really need comic relief.

There are some genuinely tense moments here and there, and the Aliens vibes are prominent - it's of course a few tiers under Aliens, but the bottom of the sea feels just as empty and otherworldly as space, and the creature designs are suitably eerie. The low light levels cover up a lot of CGI, so it never looks too fake either, with the exception of a couple of dodgy gore effects.

Underwater is a decent enough sci-fi-horror thriller that suffer a bit from pacing issues, but a good watch for those of you who like movie monsters.

Jackjack (877 KP) Sep 11, 2020

👏👏 Couldn't agree more!!!

10 Cloverfield Lane (2016)
10 Cloverfield Lane (2016)
2016 | Sci-Fi, Thriller
Michelle (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) is a woman with many complications as we meet her just as she is leaving her engagement ring and fiancé behind to head off to a new future. We do not know what promoted this move other than an argument, but Michelle is unmoved by his plea-laden phone calls and opts to ignore them and move ahead with her life.

Things take an unexpected turn when Michelle is involved in a car crash and awakens chained to the wall in a concrete room. Her savior Howard (John Goodman) explains that he saved her life and that they are safe 40 feet below the surface following an unexpected attack which has made the world outside the bunker deadly.

This is the premise of “10 Cloverfield Lane” which teams Producer J.J. Abrams and Director Dan Trachternberg as they craft a film that is unsettling and at times hard to define.

Michelle believes that Howard is not telling her the entire truth and his flashes of anger over trivial things causes her and fellow guest Emmett (John Gallagher Jr.), to fear that things are not what they seem and that they are in serious danger.

This is where the film really becomes unsettling as Howard is shown as sympathetic and sensitive yet at times terrifyingly volatile and unstable. There are numerous things that can be inferred or deduced from what they discover, but many aspects of Howard are left for the viewers to figure out for themselves as there is much truth in what he says, but there are also several omissions and misdirection.

As the tensions mount, the film plays out as taught characters piece filled with tension that keeps you guessing what is coming next.

The film does take a Hollywood style turn towards where FX and some unexpected and to some, impractical outcomes and plotlines are introduced, but it is always compelling and does keep you asking what is coming next.

The film has some interesting loose threads that do hint that a sequel could be an option should they elect to do so down the road.

Goodman and the cast are very strong and they are able to hold your attention without having to rely on fancy visuals and other tricks.

For now, the film is a tense and compelling film that aside from taking the Hollywood way out at the end is one of the more pleasant and entertaining surprises of 2016.
Peppermint (2018)
Peppermint (2018)
2018 | Action, Drama, Thriller
Tragedy strikes Riley North (Jennifer Garner) when her husband and young daughter are gunned down in a drive-by shooting. The shooters were all part of a local gang ran by Diego Garcia (Juan Pablo Raba). Garcia thought Riley’s husband, Chris (Jeff Hephner), was part of a plot to steal money from him. Chris had actually turned down the job but it was too late and Garcia ordered his henchmen to make a statement out of killing Chris. Riley despite being shot in the heard and unconscious she was still able to identify the murders of her husband and her daughter Carly (Cailey Fleming). Thinking she would get justice she testified at a preliminary hearing. But to her surprise the defense lawyer said due to being her injuries that she didn’t really know what she saw. Shockingly the prosecutor did nothing to help her and the judge declared there was not enough evidence to proceed. Feeling cheated and everyone was working against her Riley disappears. On the five year anniversary of the murder of her family the three men responsible are found hanging from a Ferris wheel. When Detective Beltran (John Ortiz) and Detective Carmichael (John Gallagher Jr.) show up to the crime scene the immediately wonder could Riley North be back and exacting vengeance.

This vigilante action film is pretty much what you think it will be. There is blood and a lot of action. The acting is okay but not really the focal point of the film. But one thing that is not in doubt is the ending, don’t worry I won’t spoil it I don’t need to. With the somewhat recent success of films like Taken, John Wick and The Equalizer, and their sequels, this genre is not lacking in content. For me this dilutes the quality and original story telling of this type of film. The director, Pierre Morel (Taken, The Gunman), seems at home in this film type and does a decent job here. Jennifer Garner comes off as a bad ass and I enjoyed her in this film. The rest of the cast is good but pretty stereotypical of the genre also. This is not a bad movie just one I feel I have seen before. I will say I enjoyed all three of the movies I mentioned above and that should speak well to this movie. I just wanted a little more. It is also worth mentioning that in many of the scenes where Garner was exacting her revenge the audience was prone to laugh as a bad guy was getting a bullet to the head or a file cabinet dropped on their head. That makes it hard to take the movie too seriously.
If you are a vigilante movie fan this is definitely one to check out. The action is good and there is definitely a good amount of it. A little over the top with the blood for me but not too bad. It is nice to see Garner back in the action world and I hope this leads to more from her. I would say save your theater money for another movie and stream this one when it hits your favorite service.
Come Play (2020)
Come Play (2020)
2020 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
One of the more interesting and fresh horror films since “It Follows” has arrived and “Come Play” is a creepy film that captures childhood fears and captivates.

The film follows Oliver (Azhy Robertson); a non-verbal autistic boy living with his mother Sarah (Gillian Jacobs), and his father Marty (John Gallagher Jr.). Oliver communicates via an app on his phone and he awakens one evening to find a story called “Larry the Misunderstood Monster” on his phone. While he attempts to read it, unusual things start to happen such as lights going out on their own and the belief that there is something in the room.

When morning arrives we see that Oliver is picked on at school due to his disability and a past incident where he struck another student. The fact that his parents are strained does not help but Oliver continues to experience unusual events especially in the evening.

Oliver starts to believe that Larry from his story is indeed real and is attempting to enter his world and take him. Unable to communicate this clearly, Oliver soon has his concerns confirmed when students come to his home and he sees Larry via a camera on a found tablet.

As the situation unfolds, the tension mounts Larry begins to manifest himself more and more in our world forcing Oliver and his parents to confront Larry who has become more and bolder in his manifestations.

While the film is shot in darkness for several parts of the movie which makes some things harder to see; it does add to the tension and the story is a nice deviation from the usual killer monster on the loose and provides a more restrained but suspenseful take on the monster on the loose film. The smaller cast works well as it is at the core a story about family and the extent parents will go for their children as well as a look at the problems of loneliness amongst children; especially those with disabilities.

In the end “Come Play” is a creepy, memorable, and refreshing horror /suspense film that stays with you long after the movie ends.

3.5 stars out of 5
10 Cloverfield Lane (2016)
10 Cloverfield Lane (2016)
2016 | Sci-Fi, Thriller
Surprisingly Entertaining
Contains spoilers, click to show
THIS REVIEW MAY CONTAIN MILD SPOILERS, but honestly nothing more than I’d already gathered from Twitter and talk /reviews on various other forms of social media. Still, you have been warned. Read no further than the following first paragraph if you don’t want to risk mild spoilage.

10 Cloverfield Lane was surprisingly entertaining. I’m not really a huge fan of movies shot in an enclosed space because, in general, how often does that work out well? (Remember the Ashley Judd movie about bugs? Mmhmm.) However, it worked, and worked well in this. Part of this, no doubt, belongs to the fact that John Goodman put on a freaking amazing performance. That man just OWNED this movie. You knew something wasn’t right with him. It was obvious he had some crazy going on. The way he was able to yo-yo between affable and scary, though, was fantastic and kept you guessing as to just how crazy his crazy was. Everything was nailed, from the look in his eyes to the flexing of his hands when he was struggling to keep himself under control. Top-notch!

The other two, Mary Elizabeth Winstead and John Gallagher Jr, also brought good performances to the table and perfectly complimented Goodman’s acting. Winstead, who has one of those “I knowwww’re…you were in something I’ve seen!” faces (she’s actually got quite the list of acting credits to her name), did a great job as a solid female lead. She sold her confusion, wariness, intelligence and strength to you with all the skill of Joel Olsteen convincing christians that their tithes were actually going to go for good works. Considering the man has a multi-million dollar mansion and people still buy that line – that should tell you something! Great job by Winstead. She didn’t shine like Goodman did, but she never faltered either.

This movie quite literally had me on the edge of my seat leaning forward, tips of my fingers near my ears at one point because I was expecting bad loudness. Trachtenburg delivered. From the absurd to the affable family moments, and from the crazy-scary to the Cloverfield freakouts, the only weak part of the film really seemed to be the fact that the ending they gave it wasn’t really necessary. It would have been just as strong if they’d ended it before it went full Cloverfield. It might have even been stronger. It felt like Trachtenburg gave in to ever-present “Action! ACTION! WE NEED ACTION!” push that seems to present in Hollywood now, even if its unnecessary, and then wanted to put everything in a basket with a pretty bow. But ending it right before it went BOO! would have left people walking from the theatres, feeling vaguely disturbed, and talking only about the fantastic performances by the three actors.

Overall, great job by all involved and it was definitely worth the price of the tickets, beer, popcorn, and mnms!