Gay Directors, Gay Films?: Pedro Almodovar, Terence Davies, Todd Haynes, Gus Van Sant, John Waters
Through intimate encounters with the life and work of five contemporary gay male directors, this...

Blowing the Lid: Gay Liberation, Sexual Revolution and Radical Queens
The Gay Liberation Front founded in 1970 urged gay men and gay women to unite around a simple set of...

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Presents a Day in the Life of Marlon Bundo
The tale of 2 male bunnies who fall in love and the stink bug who declares that boy bunnies can only...
LGBTQ LGBT gay homosexual kid's kids

Gay Pornography: Representations of Sexuality and Masculinity
Gay pornography, online and onscreen, is a controversial and significantly under-researched area of...

The Oldest Gay in the Village
'I was a tall, good-looking gay man who had resolved to marry an innocent (read virginal) woman, and...

Going for a Song: An Anthology of Poems About Antiques
Bevis Hillier and Peter MacKarell
95 illustrations and 104 poems, from the extremely funny to the most rarefied, about collectors and...

Spacecraft navigates the white space of the page and the distance between people. Margins, edges and...

An Honest Life: Faithful and Gay
An Honest Life is a poignant memoir - much more than a gay coming-out story. With searing honesty...