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AJaneClark (3975 KP) rated Seventh Son (2015) in Movies
Dec 2, 2019
Ageing master wizard John, played by Jeff Bridges, needs an apprentice when a malicious witch (Julianne Moore) escapes from her confines. After searching high and low, John finds Thomas (Ben Barnes), seventh son of the seventh son and hopes that he can learn the art and help the locals as the blood moon rises. Set in the 18th century the battle between good and evil, light and dark, see Tom and his visions undergo battle training quickly, learn the skills needed to be an “exorcist” and try not to fall in love with a witch from the other side played by Alicia Vikander. With great casting, including appearances from Kit Harrington and Olivia Williams; we see some good acting. The storyline was good, but had some holes, a lack of believability in places and some of the scripting was poor. But overall worth a watch