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Lindsay (1706 KP) rated The Beekeeper's Son in Books

Feb 15, 2018 (Updated Apr 9, 2019)  
The Beekeeper's Son
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Deborah and her family up and move to Texas. Anna decides it best and comes to live with her brother John and his family in Bee County, Texas. Deborah is surprised when she finds a strange animal. Phinas King is help unloading the truck and looks at her and thinks Deborah is horrid by what happen to him and his scar.

Anna is said to be committed to a man who want her has is wife. Though it possible that she find her second true love here in Bee County, Texas. Deborah is waiting to hear from her love in Tennessee. She is determine to return home. Though Deborah is somewhat courious of the man behind the scars. Is it possible that Phinias is hiding behind his scars.

Things start to get a bit turned upside down. There is tons of twist and turns. Whatever happens to Anna and Phinas dad or Stephen. Who will Anna choose. Deborah and Phinas will they find true love. What happens to them. Though Phinas happens to help Deborah and her family. There a house fire and what happens then goes from strange to something surprising. The book seems to have two love stories.
The Mummy Returns (2001)
The Mummy Returns (2001)
2001 | Action, Horror, Mystery
7.0 (26 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Brendan Fraser (6 more)
Rachel Weiss
John Hannah
Oded Fehr
Arnold Vosloo
Continuity of cast
Not as good as the first one, but still better than the next....
Introduction of concepts and elements that weren't present in the first - reincarnation, Rick's tattoo and it's significance, etc (1 more)
The Scorpion King's introduction looks like a PS2 cutscene.
A solid sequel
This is a solid sequel, even if it falls short of the mark set by it's predecessor. The entire (surviving) cast returns, which I appreciate in a franchise, and the story mostly delivers. There are a few frustrating elements, such as all of a sudden adding concepts such as reincarnation (especially given that the concurring reveal would have been relevant to the story of the first film) or Rick's tattoo that he's had since his childhood, except that he didn't have it in the first movie. Where this film really falls short, though, is a couple bad animation moments. Mostly the film is a lot like the first in terms of effects - decent animation for 2002, if occasionally dated, but a couple of sequences are jarringly bad, especially the Rock's entrance as the Scorpion King. Is it enough to keep me from watching? No. But I still cringe at that point every time.
I was pleased to learn recently that John Ashdown-Hill is due to be honoured by the Queen - I can't think of anyone who has contributed so much to our understanding of late medieval history or is capable or writing in such a clear and rational style.

This book deals with what is known of The Dublin King - probably what most of us might think of from our school history as 'Lambert Simnel'. There are no easy or clear answers here, but anyone with even a rudimentary understanding must wonder why a genuine Yorkist claimant (The Earl of Lincoln) would support such an obvious pretender as the 'Lambert Simnel' is always shown to be. Ashdown-Hill sifts through contemporary sources to give some thought provoking theories on what was really going on. so much is difficult to prove, which is a little frustrating, but it has been a worthwhile exercise to draw together all the known facts here. There are quite a number of references to his own other works, but then no one else has gone quite as far as he in studies of this period, so in many ways it is inevitable. He has such an accessible style that his books are definetly worth reading.
John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum (2019)
John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum (2019)
2019 | Action, Crime, Thriller
It started with a dog and a car...
If you are expecting to be wowed by unusual plot twists, stray from the formula or an exceptional screenplay then this isn't the film for you. If you are expecting all the elements that worked in the first two Wick tales, then this one will fill you up with a maelstrom of goodness!

I do enjoy when a sequel picks up right when the other film ends which is the case with Wick 3. John has just defied his superiors by performing his usual routine of dispensing the baddies at the Continental hotel which has caused him to now be considered "excommunicado" or free reign for other villains to find and kill him. After a round or two of assassinations, John tries to get his footing and figure out what to do next.

Simultaneously, a strange woman shows up at the hotel telling the Manager he has 7 days to remove himself from the premises since he had allowed Wick to escape and aided him in doing so. The same ultimatum is given to the Bowery King among his rooftop full of birds.

John makes his way to Morocco and meets up with Sofia and her cool two attack dogs who help him get in front of another man who knows where the head of the High Table can be found. Wick ends up back in the US after wandering through the desert to have a final showdown with yet another mega posse of hooligans.

The "Wick" trilogy certainly is gushing with style, great looking facades and non stop action which lets me forgive the repetitive nature of this film of the trilogy especially. The screenplay won't win any awards especially the way Wick seems to wander through the story talking with random bystanders on his "quest" to fulfill his destiny. The Halle Berry character was not really necessary as I enjoyed seeing her killer attack dogs dive at opponents gonads more than seeing her shooting thugs the same as Wick.

The choreography is the reason we watch as it is like a ballet of bullets and this film does not disappoint there. This time we get an impressive knife throwing barrage as well as a sword fight motorcycle chase (both stunning) which keeps things interesting and moving quickly through the lack of an intricate plot.

There really isn't even an assigned antagonist other than maybe the Adjudicator, but even she has others perform her dirty work for her. I am assuming we will see more of her in John Wick 4 - 10.

No real complaints as the 130 minute run time rushed by and I was enthused the entire time other than when I was yelling at my dog every time she jumped down from sitting on me to watch other canines kicking human asses.

I think this was her favorite film of all time!

King's Man (The Outlaw Chronicles, #3)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I first heard of/read Angus Donald about 2, maybe 3, years ago, when I read his novel <i>Outlaw</i> - a visceral retelling of the Robin Hood legend - and which proved to be one of the best 'new' books I read that year.

I also read the sequel to <i>Outlaw</i>, <i>Holy Warror</i> - in which Robin and his men travel to the Holy Land to fight in what would become known as the Third Crusade - but found it was not quite as good as its predecessor.

The third novel in the series - <i>King's Man</i> - is a return to form. Set back in England and, like the previous two novels, presented as the elderly Alan Dale retelling the story of his younger days, this novel takes the struggle between Richard the Lionheart and his brother Prince John for the throne as its bedrock. With Richard imprisoned on his return journey home from the Holy Land - a historical fact also used as the basis for the famous novel/film <i>Ivanhoe</i> - the throne of England is left vulnerable. Most of the Robin Hood legends acknowledge this fact; in most of them Robin remains loyal to King Richard, with this novel no exception. As a partial result, Robin is once again outlawed and once again takes up his old ways ...

Looking forward to the next installment!

David McK (3233 KP) rated The Mummy Returns (2001) in Movies

Sep 6, 2021 (Updated Sep 3, 2023)  
The Mummy Returns (2001)
The Mummy Returns (2001)
2001 | Action, Horror, Mystery
7.0 (26 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Brendan Fraser as Rick O'Connoll (1 more)
Rachel Weisz as Evie
Went down the annoying kid route (0 more)
There was a time in the mid to late 90s/early 00s where Brendan Fraser was a Bona Fide movie star, back before he took a break from acting.

A large part of that appeal was due to his (very) Indiana Jones-alike Rick O'Connell, a role he first portrayed in 1999s The Mummy and reprised in this (which is the middle of the Mummy films).

Unlike the sequel to this, this one also sees the return of Rachel Weisz as his now-wife Evie O'Connell (a role recast in the third film) alongside returning players from the first movie: Arnold Vosloo's Imhotep himself, John Hannah as Evie's no-good brother, Oded Fehr as the Medjai Ardeth Bay - here on the O'Connell's side throughout - and Patricia Velasquez as the reincarnated Anck Su Namun.

As such, there are strong links to the original move here, with this particular entry also seeing Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson's breakthrough to acting, as the titular Scorpion King (although some of the later effects haven't aged all that well).

Mostly enjoyable, although (and, IMO, unfortunately), they went down the 'annoying child actor' route, with the whole plot about their child getting kidnapped that kicks the journey into motion ...
Women in medieval England
This is a book packed with history, told from the points of view of a priest, a female castellan, a female Keeper of the Kings Forest and a Knight (he gets about a chapter). It must have been very unusual for there to be female Castellans and Keepers of the Forest in a time where a womans primary function was to get married and give birth to sons who could inherit a title. The women in this story seem to have to prove themselves constantly to outsiders - the people who live under their rule don't need to see the proof, they have experience of how good these two women are at their jobs.
The years after the Magna Carta was signed were very unsettled. King John had problems with Phillip of France, losing lands in France and allowing the French in to England to take over castles and land by force. With the death of John, his 9 year old son succeeds him and William Marshall becomes his Regent. I have read other books about William Marshall, and what I read here seemed to be in keeping (most writers seem to be in agreement at the kind of man he must have been).
Nicolaa of Lincoln and Matilda of Laxton were not weak females. I really liked how they were portrayed, and I enjoyed reading the chapters from their points of view as it showed how strong and independent they were. I really liked Father Barnards chapters too. It gave an objective look at how these two women reacted in their situations.
I am a real sucker for historical fiction, and I feel that this was a really well researched novel. There was nothing overly sensationalised, which made it more believable for me. I will probably read the next book in this series. I'm interested to see if there is more from these two impressive women.
Many thanks to Sapere Books for a copy of this book to read and review.
Outlaw King (2018)
Outlaw King (2018)
2018 | Action, Drama, History
After more than eight years of war with King Edward I of England (Stephen Dillane) the Scottish Nobles swear allegiance to the crown, ending the brutal. This includes Robert Bruce (Chris Pine) who is one of two men in line to be King of Scots. But by pledging his loyalty to they agree to be under the supervision of the Earl of Pembroke, Aymer de Valence (Sam Spruell). Robert’s father, Robert Bruce Senior (James Cosmo), had pushed for the peace with England but when he dies and the younger Robert is in charge a new fight for independence seems eminent. When the last remaining outlaw, William Wallace, is killed by the English Robert knows the time to fight is now. He decides to meet with his rival for the crown, John Comyn (Callan Mulvey), to have a united Scotland fighting for freedom. When Comyn denies Robert’s request and tells him he will use the information to be named King by Edward I, Robert kills him. This proves costly as it divides the Scottish Lords. Robert is determined and will take a small group loyal to him and fight one of the largest and most feared armies in the world.

This film is based on historical events and follows Robert the Bruce in his guerilla warfare battle for independence against the English. The film definitely seemed to take some poetic license with the story, but overall it feels realistic. Set in the medieval Scotland this is both a gritty and beautifully shot film. The wide shots show the beautiful country and coasts of Scotland. Then the day to day life and the battle scenes are dirty and grimy. The film is a brutal as advertised not only in the battle scenes but also throughout the film. Director David Mackenzie (Hell or High Water, Starred Up) crafts a well thought out story that moves briskly along. I had a couple of issues with the CGI not being super realistic. One brutal scene where someone drawn and quartered, I’ll let you research that, and the body looks like a blob rather than a torso. There were also some awkward cut scenes that didn’t make sense to me. Really not making sense. The opening sequence of the film is done in one shot and might be one of the most impressively shot sequences I have seen in a movie in a long time. The performances are also really good. Billy Howie, Prince of Wales, is a good antagonist and Aaron Taylor-Johnson, James Douglas, is a marvelous madman protector of the Robert the Bruce.

I enjoyed this movie in the theater and think a Netflix view is going to be perfect. It is brutal so the faint of heart should be prepared to look away multiple times. It may get compared to another famous Scottish film from not too long ago and I think this is a nice update. But this is not that film, both in good and bad ways. I enjoyed my watching experience and will definitely catch it streaming on its release date.
Empire of Grass: Book Two of the Last King of Osten Ard
Empire of Grass: Book Two of the Last King of Osten Ard
Tad Williams | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Better than the previous book, still *too* epic
*** I received an advance copy of this book from the publishers and NetGalley ***

The second book in The Last King of Osten Ard series is a continuation from The Witchwood Crown. There was no grand finale of that book, so this coming straight off the back of it seems natural.
Where the first book was all about bridging from the previous series to the new one, and setting up some of the plot to come, this one was allowed to get on with the job at hand. And boy does it - there is so much plot. We chop and change from one character's PoV to another. At times this is a little jarring as they don't tend to be closely linked. And at certain points, we are reunited with a character we haven't seen for 100 pages or so and frankly have forgotten what they were up to.
This massive cast of characters, and epic strands of plot which barely converge throughout the book, is something I don't take well to. I found this with John Gwynne's books and the same is true here - I find it quite hard to remember who is who. And it doesn't help that some of the characters are fairly interchangeable, having very similar backstories and positions in their respective houses.
Some of the plot is revealed as we go through the book, which keeps the reader guessing (why are they doing that, why are they going there etc). However the narrative style is a little towards the "describe everything"/Stephen King end of the spectrum, which can get tedious at times.
There are key points in this book where characters converge together and they are truly wonderful pieces to read and really engage the reader. However there are so many tiresome trudges through the forest, and a few too many times where people suddenly meet up at the right time to be rescued.
An epic fantasy tale in every sense of the word, and definitely something different to the current crop of writers in the genre. But a massive commitment is needed from the reader (I think of myself as a medium speed reader but this took me nearly 4 weeks to finish).
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Ross (3282 KP) May 28, 2019

They are pretty enjoyable, but really really long. Over the last couple of years I have read less and less epic fantasy so was out of practice a little. I think these are the longest books I've read on kindle, and it gets too depressing not seeing that percentage marker change for ages (which shouldn't matter but it does!). I haven't read the Memory, Sorrow and Thorn series, but have heard this one is back to that quality (though the Witchwood Crown a step down).


Cori June (3033 KP) May 28, 2019

Hmm.... Thanks for the heads up. I've noticed that with ebooks it sometimes takes until the second or third swipe before you reach a "new page" (depending on your screen and font settings) and that bothers me. If you read the Otherworld books on kindle be prepared those are 1000+ pages per paperback book.


Laura Doe (1350 KP) rated 11.22.63 in Books

Mar 12, 2021  
Stephen King | 2012 | Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller
8.8 (47 Ratings)
Book Rating
I would rate this 3.5/5 stars.
I’ve never been able to find myself wanting to read Stephen King, and after a few attempts when I was younger to start one of his novels, I still couldn’t and so until this book I have never finished a Stephen King. I persevered through this one because it had been lent to me by a friend with a good review and I had watched the tv series based on it a few years ago.
The start of this novel was very slow and confused me in a few points (but I think that was intentional as our main character – Jake Epping – was also pretty confused at the same time). But because not much was happening, I kept putting the book down, distracted to do something else and really having to force myself to pick it back up. Once I managed to get to part 2, I found that I was much more interested in the story and the plot line and it wasn’t such a chore to make the time to read it. I then had a difficult time to put the book down, and most nights I was only putting it down because I was falling asleep in the middle of a sentence! I read the last quarter of the book in a day, because I just wanted to know what was going to happen and whether he was going to be able to stop the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
Overall, I found the concept very interesting and not just the time travel. I found the concept of the past not wanting to be changed and actively trying to stop someone from changing it interesting, and sometimes it was quite comical the amount of things that went wrong when Jake was trying to change the past. I did, however, find the ending very disappointing. It felt like it was starting to be set up for a different ending and then at the last minute the author decided to change it completely. It just didn’t seem to fit with the set up of the last chapter or so, but I can see why it was done and that the ending that was being set up wouldn’t work in terms of not changing the past.
A very interesting read, but with a disappointing ending, but I would still recommend it!