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MelanieTheresa (997 KP) rated A Quiet Place (2018) in Movies

Sep 24, 2018 (Updated Sep 24, 2018)  
A Quiet Place (2018)
A Quiet Place (2018)
2018 | Drama, Horror, Thriller
Not at all what I thought...actually better.
This movie was so well acted. Kudos to John Krasinski & Emily Blunt for the amount of work they must have put in.
Because the majority of the movie takes place in relative silence, the jump scares are that much more startling. 100% better than I thought it would be!
A Quiet Place (2018)
A Quiet Place (2018)
2018 | Drama, Horror, Thriller
Krasinski (0 more)
FINALLY! A creature feature that is worthy of the genre! John Krasinski pulls out all the stops in this monster flick-directing AND acting in it. With hardly any lines spoken this movie has an intensity that is off the charts. There's really not much gore but the monsters may be a little scary for young kids. The cinematography, effects, acting and storyline are great. If you enjoy movies like Cloverfield, Allens and other intense monster movies you'll really enjoy this one. The kids in this did an outstanding job. It had a sad beginning but it only added to the dynamic of the family story. This one is really worth a watch!
Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan- Season 1
Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan- Season 1
2018 | Action
Not sold on John Krasinski as Jack Ryan (0 more)
I watched all 8 episodes in one sitting, which is something I rarely do. I was super pumped to see Jack Ryan on screen.
I liked how they modernized it, and the story was all new. Well, as new as the standard foil a terrorist plot. Of course, if you've seen/read anything about Jack Ryan, you know certain characters are bound to show up... e.g., Cathy.
The last episode was definitely fan-fare, and riffed off all of the previous films.
I'm just not sure I'm sold on Krasinski as Ryan. I thought he did a better job than Alec Baldwin and Ben Affleck, but definitely wasn't as good as Harrison Ford.
I'm just glad Amazon is going ahead with a second season.

Lee (2222 KP) Sep 7, 2018

I've only seen episode 1 so far. Wasn't sure for the first half of the episode, but then it settled in and I felt it finished strongly. Looking forward to watching the rest but agree on Krasinski, I'm not sold either


Erika (17788 KP) Sep 9, 2018

I almost didn't watch the 2nd episode because the 1st one was so slow, but I'm glad I did. I can't actually pinpoint why I'm not sold on Krasinski, it's just this gut reaction to his performance.

A Quiet Place (2018)
A Quiet Place (2018)
2018 | Drama, Horror, Thriller
Emily blunt (1 more)
To say the least this film made me jump several times during the film when u think the cretures are going to attack. Not many films can do that to me. Anyway loved the movie intresting take on monster movie that attacks on sound. Emily blunt plays the mother under threat protecting her family while especally pegant john krasinski also stars and directs as the father does well for first time director thimbs up

Blazing Minds (92 KP) rated A Quiet Place: Part II (2021) in Movies

Oct 29, 2021 (Updated Nov 2, 2021)  
A Quiet Place: Part II (2021)
A Quiet Place: Part II (2021)
2021 | Horror, Thriller
If you enjoyed the first film then this is certainly one you have to see in the cinema, director John Krasinski has returned to the story with a passion and you can see that in the production of A Quiet Place Part II and also shows that the first film was indeed worthy of a superb sequel, could we get third times a charm, maybe. It’s been a long wait for this movie, but the wait has certainly been worth it.
A Quiet Place (2018)
A Quiet Place (2018)
2018 | Drama, Horror, Thriller
The acting, the nonverbal communication (0 more)
Almost too intense for my kiddo, who is seemingly immune to horror movies (0 more)
Contains spoilers, click to show
A short review. The jump scares were awesome if terrifying. The monsters or aliens or whatever they were sure sounded a lot like Jurassic Park raptors. John Krasinski looks hella sexy in his Ted Kaczynski beard. The little gal in here did an excellent job with her nonverbal communication. A quiet moody teen? I didn’t know there was such a thing. This movie is worth watching just to get to the last 30 seconds.
A Quiet Place (2018)
A Quiet Place (2018)
2018 | Drama, Horror, Thriller
I hate horror movies. And yet, from the first trailer, I couldn't wait to see this film.

I'm a huge John Krasinski and Emily Blunt fan, so that was the first part, but to know that he also had a part in the writing and direction, my interest was piqued.

I was blown away by it. It is the first time I have ever enjoyed myself in a horror film. Ever. I did get scared. There was definitely a psychological weight. Most importantly, I got choked up where I was supposed to.

It was a marvelously written and acted film and had a theme that I think will stand the test of time. A theme where to some extent... The monster... Isn't really the monster.

Lee (2222 KP) rated Next Gen (2018) in Movies

Oct 15, 2018 (Updated Oct 15, 2018)  
Next Gen (2018)
Next Gen (2018)
2018 | Action, Adventure, Animation
Beautiful Animation (1 more)
John Krasinski
Fantastic Family Movie
We're in the futuristic city of Grainland and robots are everywhere, helping humans with all aspects of life. From robotic teachers and police, right the way down to the smaller, task orientated robots. Friendly robot hairbrushes leap on kids heads and start brushing their messy hair while robot toothbrushes, programmed by mum to ensure their kids regularly brush their teeth, seek out the children who are trying to avoid them. It's all done in good humour, even if in reality it would all be just a little bit creepy. The opening credits introduce us to Mai Su, whose parents split following an argument. As Mai grows up, her mother compensates for her loss by filling her life with servant robots called Q-Bots, making Mai feel neglected and eventually resentful towards all robots. She's a very unhappy teenager, bullied at school for being different.

At the big launch of the next generation of Q-Bots, Mai breaks free from her excited mum and, following a run in with some security robots, finds herself in a hidden lab. There, Dr Rice, who is the technical brains behind the Q-Bots, has been developing a robot of his own: Project 7723 (voiced by John Krasinski). As the curious Mai goes to investigate the robot, security bots catch up with her once more and she has to leave quickly, leaving behind her backpack. Project 7723 picks up the backpack and sets about returning it to its rightful owner at all costs. As 7723 travels along the highway, following the car that is transporting Mai home, we begin to discover just how technologically advanced 7723 is - packing some serious weaponry, which it uses to effectively take out the police robots that are in pursuit. Nothing stands in its way.

The backpack is eventually returned, but Mai is initially disinterested in the robot. That is, until it takes out the annoying robot toothbrush with a laser! The pair form a friendship, and Mai hides 7723 away in her garage at night. Unfortunately though, 7723 sustained damage to his core memory during the earlier chase and each night has to decide which of the memories he made with Mai that day he can delete in order to prevent his storage from reaching critical capacity. As they have fun together and become good friends, this gets harder to do each day, and you just know that eventually this isn't going to end well.

I really enjoyed Next Gen. It's very reminiscent of movies like Big Hero 6 and The Iron Giant and John Krasinski brings 7723 to life brilliantly. The animation is of such a high standard, beautifully detailed, and there are some fantastic action sequences, along with plenty of good humour throughout. And, as suspected, it does manage to pack a real emotional punch at times too. I sat and watched this with my daughter and it really is just a great family movie.
A Quiet Place (2018)
A Quiet Place (2018)
2018 | Drama, Horror, Thriller
This film is amazing.
John Krasinski delivers a truly original piece of film. A story of a family surviving in a world where silence must be maintained, otherwise you get killed by some monsters. I was glad we didn't get a load of pointless explanation about the monsters, our knowledge is limited to what we see in the main characters basement.
As you would expect a film with very little dialogue has to rely on score and cinematography both of which work to amazing effect. Acting from all the family is spot on with the actress that plays Regan a very strong performance as also is Emily Blunt.
A Quiet Place is at it's best when it is just silence, even the viewer is scared to make a noise.
Only negative, maybe the ending isn't that great but that's been very critical.
This is a superb original concept and let's be honest there hasn't been many of them recently
A Quiet Place: Part II (2021)
A Quiet Place: Part II (2021)
2021 | Horror, Thriller
Initially, when I saw A Quiet Place 2 for review, I wasn't expecting to enjoy it anywhere near as much as I did because of how disappointing I found the first movie. However, sometimes I am very glad to be proven wrong and this is one of those times.

A Quiet Place 2 does what all good sequels should do, in that it builds upon the foundation laid down by the first movie, whilst upping the stakes and increasing the intensity felt by the audience when watching the film. A parallel that I can't help but draw a comparison to is the change in tone between Alien and its more action-based sequel Aliens.

If the first Quiet Place movie strives to capture the suspense and slow burn slasher-inspired horror of Ridley Scott's Alien, then A Quiet Place 2 nails the faster, more ferocious tone of James Cameron's Alien's. Whether this was intentional or not, I do not know, but the difference in tone is evident from very early on in John Krasinski's sequel.

While the film does star John Krasinski and Emily Blunt as their characters from the first film, Cillian Murphy's Emmett and Millicent Simmonds' Regan are arguably the main characters of the sequel. Whilst Krasinski appears as Lee via flashback, (SPOILER, because he died pretty unceremoniously in the first movie,) and Blunt features as Evelyn in what is pretty much a glorified side-quest, they definitely aren't the main characters in part 2.

The choice to focus on two different characters in the sequel is a welcome one as it help the film feel more fresh and when you have stellar performances from Murphy and Simmonds to wrap your movie around, that also helps. I really felt that Millicent Simmonds upped her game greatly from the first movie and although CIllian Murphy's character was added for the sequel, he is a good enough actor to fit naturally into the plot without feeling shoehorned in.

You can read the rest of my review right here: