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Escape from New York (1981)
Escape from New York (1981)
1981 | Action, Sci-Fi
8.2 (20 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Kurt Russell (0 more)
Escape From New York is a excellent movie. That combines sci-fi, action, adventure, suspense and thrills.

The plot: In 1997, a major war between the United States and the Soviet Union is concluding, and the entire island of Manhattan has been converted into a giant maximum security prison. When Air Force One is hijacked and crashes into the island, the president (Donald Pleasence) is taken hostage by a group of inmates. Snake Plissken (Kurt Russell), a former Special Forces soldier turned criminal, is recruited to retrieve the president in exchange for his own freedom.

The cast is full of people who have or will work will john carpenter. Kurt Russell, Nick Castle, Tom Atkins, Donald Pleaseance, Jamie Lee Curtis and Nancy Stephens all in this film.

Its a excellent movie.
Old Man's War (Old Man's War, #1)
Old Man's War (Old Man's War, #1)
John Scalzi | 2007 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
If I hadn't read this for a book club I would have stopped reading it. Of course, now that I finished it, I have to read the next in the series.

In actuality, the book took me less than 4 hours to read. It just took 8 days to finish those 4 hours.

There wasn't anything wrong with the book. I just wasn't connected to the characters. I would have liked the whole Old Farts club to have been a major part of the book.

Edit - I just read someone's review of the series comparing it to the movie "Avitar". I wasn't a fan of the movie so, with the similarities, it would make sense I'm not overly enthusiastic about the book. If you get a chance, read the review of the 2nd book that describes an elevator ride between James Cameron and John Scalzi. I liked it more than Avitar.
Cherokee Summer
Cherokee Summer
Susan Antony | 2019 | Romance, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Cherokee Summer tells the story of two eighteen-year-old's who both have challenging family lives, although in different ways. Ace has a dad who is cheating, a mum who is a drunk, and also has to take the major responsibility of looking after her brother. John wants to leave the reservation and go to college whilst still dealing with the rest of his family and his addict mum.

In this story you get to see where each character comes from, with their own trials and tribulations, as well as seeing them grow closer together - mainly through adversity!

There are many characters in here, some of whom play a big role, some of whom don't. There are good characters and bad. What this means is you get rich, well-rounded story with plenty to keep you turning the pages. There is action and adventure, young love, suspense, and even some moments that had me shaking my head in gob-smacked wonder.

Full of drama, this is told from the first perspective from the viewpoints of both Ace and John. If you are on the lookout for an intriguing story then I can definitely recommend this one.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The cover of this book actually put me off the contents the first few times I saw it. It isn't as if the cover is bad, and it actually reflects the book fairly well&mdash;but I like books about <b>people</b>, and when there's not a person anywhere on the cover, I have to be prettty bored to read the book.

I'm glad I did read it, although there were some rough bits. I need happy endings in my fiction. I just do, okay? This is pleasure reading, after all. And at one point the main character was so very far down that I felt hopeless for the him! Having experienced major depression, I fully recognized that he was very close to suicide. That wasn't very easy for me to read.

If gender bending is an issue for you, stay away from this one. It goes well beyond <a href="">John Varley's</a> <a href="">Steel Beach</a>. I was tickled to see several casual references to polyamory.
Battle Beyond the Stars (1980)
Battle Beyond the Stars (1980)
1980 | Sci-Fi
Superior first-wave Star Wars cash-in from Roger Corman, recycling the plot of The Magnificent Seven (et al); writer John Sayles shows he knows his stuff by including all the requisite space battles and funny aliens, but also references to Kurosawa, whose films originally inspired George Lucas.

Peaceful alien yokels known as the Akira (told you so) are menaced by galactic despot on a tight timetable; farm boy is dispatched to recruit space mercenaries to help fend him off when he comes back. Ropy model-work courtesy of a young James Cameron is the film's biggest weakness (the best special effect is probably Sybil Danning's costume); rousing score from a young James Horner is a major plus. Robert Vaughn's performance here is just as good as the one in The Magnificent One - makes sense, as it's essentially the same one. Film has a lovely adventurous tone about it, isn't afraid to treat the audience with intelligence; much better than many other more prestigious sci-fi films of this period.
Star Trek Beyond (2016)
Star Trek Beyond (2016)
2016 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
Space ... the Final frontier ...
The latest (at the time of reviewing) Star Trek film - from 5 years ago, so 2016 - this is the third film to be set in the so-called Kelvin Universe (after 'Star Trek' and 'Star Trek: Into Darkness'), still starring Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Karl Urban, Zoe Saldana, Simon Pegg, John Cho and (the late) Anton Yelchin as Kirk, Spock, 'Bones' McCoy, Lt Uhura, Scotty, Sulu and Chekov respectively.

This time around, Idris Elba plays the baddie role as a character who later proves to have a surprising link with The Federation, with the film also apparently including 50 new alien species as it was released in the year of the 50th anniversary of the TV series.

And therein lies part of the problem: that was hardly broadcast at all - indeed, I feel that they missed a major trick in not broadcasting that fact at all!

While the loose outline of the plot deals with ageing, and with a farewell given to Ambassador Spock, this is perfectly serviceable but not as good as the original film in the Kelvin trilogy (IMO).
The Limehouse Golem (2016)
The Limehouse Golem (2016)
2016 | Horror, International, Mystery
The community of Limehouse in Victorian London have been rocked by a series of murders. They have called the mudered the Golem, as only such a creature could have done these heinous acts.

Elizabeth Cree, the music hall star, has been arrested for the poisoning of her husband John Cree on the same night as the last Golem murder. But when evidence is found by Inspector John Kildare that links John Cree to the murders, he sets about trying to solve both cases so that he might save Elizabeth from hanging for her crime.

Their investigation leads them to an exclusive reading room at the library, and a book on the art of murder. Within its pages are hand written notes chronicling the Golem murders to date. Only four men entered the reading room when the last entry was made; Dan Leno, Karl Marx, George Gissing and John Cree. Can the inspector eliminate the other three men and prove Cree is the Golem in order to save Elizabeth?

I was looking forward to this one. Some top actors were involved, and I love a bit of Victorian era murder. The film itself was good throughout, I can't fault it for the scenery and acting.


Those of you that know me, know that I don't think about films. I'm sure I keep saying this. I watch them to have some fun, to escape reality, so what's the point in picking apart something that's made as a fiction to entertain you?

Even with me suspending my brain function for the duration of the film, I paused and thought... oh, this is what's going to happen... and it did. It felt a bit cliche, like the twist had been overused in every film like this that I'd seen. I don't think it was designed that way though. There was a clear moment in the film where they want you to know what is happening, but the realisation of the ending cam much earlier than this. And it was disappointing. I was enjoying the film a lot until I realised what was coming. Talking to my movie buddy I discovered that I wasn't the only one who had this feeling. It's such a shame, but the twist felt so obvious to me that I was suddenly very disappointed.

I have taken to looking at Rotten Tomatoes after seeing a film, and this one is currently sitting at 77% with critics and 61% with the audience. I'd say that's about right. I've left the major spoiler out of here, but if you're familiar with this sort of story then I don't think you'd be hard pressed to work it out. It is an excellent film in it's genre, but it was let down, for me, by the obvious direction it went in.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated The Visitors in Books

Jan 10, 2018  
The Visitors
The Visitors
Catherine Burns | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Character-driven (0 more)
Very slow-moving (0 more)
Creepy character study into very disturbed siblings
Marion Zetland and her brother John live in a decrepit old home near a seaside resort town. They inherited the house from their now deceased parents and neither sibling works, having to worry little about money thanks to their inheritance. Marion--in her 50s--still sleeps with stuffed animals and relies on her mercurial older brother for everything. As for John, he spends a great deal of his days down in the house's cellar--a place Marion never sets foot--tending to his "visitors," who arrive at their home, but then never come out of the cellar again. Marion spends her time puttering about the house and studiously ignoring John's visitors, even while she sees him preparing them meals and when she does their laundry on Mondays. But one day, John winds up in the hospital, and Marion is forced to confront everything she has been avoiding for years.

I was really excited when this book showed up as "read now" on Netgalley, as I'd heard so much about it. It was a really quick read--yet a slow burner, if that makes any sense. The description touts about Marion going into the cellar after John's heart attack, but that doesn't happen until over 75% way in... I kept waiting, waiting, and waiting for that major plot to occur. It seemed like a lot of build up for that event and then a rush of events after. I guess I had expected more creepiness and not as much messed up characters - this novel is far more of a character study than I had expected.

That's not to say it's not good, because it is; it's just not what I was expecting, and it's definitely a slow read that focuses far more on its character development than action. The novel is basically told entirely from Marion's point of view (with just a few snippets of emails from John's visitors). As such, we get an in-depth look at how Marion's childhood formed the person she is--and how it influenced John, as well. We learn about their terrible and neglectful parents. We see how John vacillates between kindness and torture toward his sister. We see how Marion is stuck in some sort of childlike, helpless state thanks to all of this. But, you also can't help but wonder, how truthful is Marion being with us?

All of this information about Marion and John's life and information about the neighbors was great and definitely gave us excellent insight into their character and actions. I still couldn't help but want to know more about the visitors actually living in the basement of this horrible, creepy house and I kept hoping and waiting for more to actually happen. There's a few great "aha" moments, but still.

Overall, as a creepy character study into a very disturbed brother and sister, this book exceeds admirably. I would have hoped for a slightly quicker pace, but oh well. I'd be curious to see what comes next from Catherine Burns. 3.5 stars.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Netgalley (thank you!) in return for an unbiased review.
Mission: Impossible 2 (2000)
Mission: Impossible 2 (2000)
2000 | Action, Mystery
5.6 (19 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Short of Average
When you spend two hours on a movie like Mission: Impossible 2, you can’t help but wonder, “Did they make this just to piss me off?” I knew the answer was no, but I was pissed nonetheless. In the franchise’s first sequel, Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) is back at it trying to recover a deadly virus from a rogue agent.

Acting: 8

Beginning: 9

Characters: 8

Cinematography/Visuals: 3
I wish I could have been in the editing room when they were working on this movie. Everytime director John Woo would mention anything about slow mo, I would send an electric shock down his spine. Enough already. You can slow the camera down, great! It doesn’t add to the value of the action. The John Wick movies are a perfect example of that. He cuts through guys with efficiency and speed. And you know what else? He does it without the damn doves! M:I 2 is a visual mess.

Conflict: 8

Genre: 3
When I think of great actions movies, this ain’t it. Not even close. It had flashes, but falls well short of being even average.

Memorability: 5

Pace: 6

Plot: 5
This movie breaks two major rules of filmmaking by having: 1. A love relationship that develops way too quickly and 2. A plot that advances based on sheer coincidence. You can’t be clever with screenwriting and take shortcuts at the same time, good writing just doesn’t work that way. At best, the story is mediocre.

Resolution: 7

Overall: 62
Mission: Impossible 2 reminds me of those cheesy action movies of old that you knew would be bad, but you suffered through it because you just wanted to see stuff blow up. Actually, it’s worse than that because it actually attempts to be a good movie and, in the process, takes itself way too seriously. Flashes of greatness, but moreso just a flash in the pan.
Don&#039;t Stop Believin&#039;
Don't Stop Believin'
Olivia Newton-John | 2019 | Biography, Health & Fitness, Music & Dance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was obsessed with Olivia Newton-John as a little girl. As a little girl, I knew all of her songs by heart, and I had watched all of her movies over and over. I do admit that as I grew up, my obsession faded. However, when I saw Olivia's autobiography, Don't Stop Believin', on the shelf at my local library, I decided to give it a read. While it was enjoyable, it just came across as kind of preachy.

Olivia Newton-John rose to fame in the United States as the character of Sandy in the movie Grease. She also had a bunch of hit songs and records afterwards. Olivia's autobiography does mention her rise to fame although I felt as if there wasn't enough time spent on her rise to fame. She does write about her time with Grease and other films as well as recording her songs throughout the book. I felt the movies and songs were written about well.

We get a taste of her life as a child in England and Australia, although I felt she didn't discuss her pre-fame life too much. I would have liked to read more about her childhood instead of just being rushed into when she started performing. I know Olivia Newton-John likes to keep her private life out of the limelight, but when writing an autobiography, it's important to give the reader a little more details than what Don't Stop Believin' gave us.

There was so much name dropping throughout this book! While I understand that famous people know other famous people, sometimes I felt as if Olivia was dropping names just for show instead of because it fit the story. You have a lot of famous friends. We get it!

Another thing that annoyed me about the book was how some parts seemed like an advertisement for her Olivia Newton-John Cancer Wellness and Research Centre as well as for her husband, John Easterling's, herb company. I know she's done so much for her cancer center, (which I give her mad props for), but she goes on and on about how great and lovely of a place it was especially after she was an inpatient there. Of course the staff would treat her better when her name is on the building! There's more than one chapter devoted to how great the place is. I'm sure it is lovely, but I felt like I didn't need to a chapter (and more) about how great it is. As for her husband's herb company, she went on and on towards the end of the book how his herbs really helped her out which is great, but again, does the reader really need the specifics and being told over and over again how helpful it was?

The major thing that annoyed me was how preachy Don't Stop Believin' was in a lot of chapters. In fact, it made me feel guilty sometimes that I rely on modern medicine. Olivia writes how she'd rather take the natural approach to fighting off viruses and diseases, and I get that because I don't like to take medicine needlessly either, but sometimes, it's the best thing. However, I just felt that Olivia was berating those who choose to go the medicinal route. I felt like she was implying that natural remedies work better than modern medicine. This can be dangerous especially if someone gets off their medicines they need to survive to try the natural approach. People should always discuss any changes of medication with their doctors.

To me, Don't Stop Believin' writes like someone who's always been privileged and sheltered throughout their life. A lot of it feels like Olivia Newton-John is out of touch with reality and like she's living in La-La Land. I just found it hard to relate to her throughout the book. Yes, she has gone through some hardships such as deaths in the family, her cancer diagnoses, and her ex-boyfriend disappearing, but for the most part, her autobiography is just too sunshine and rainbows for me to truly relate.

Don't Stop Believin' flows beautifully though, and the writing is done very well, so it has that going for it. I did find myself enjoying the book most of the time when Olivia wasn't been preachy or advertising something. There were some interesting tidbits about her life throughout the book.

Trigger warnings include some profanity use, death, cancer, drinking, and smoking.

Overall, Don't Stop Believin' isn't a bad book, quite the contrary. It's just a bit too hippie dippy for me to have truly enjoyed it to its fullest. I did find the book interesting though despite some flaws. I would recommend Don't Stop Believin' by Olivia Newton-John especially to those who have been diagnosed with cancer as this book does come with a bunch of positivity when it comes to dealing with cancer.