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Black Christmas (1974)
Black Christmas (1974)
1974 | Horror
8.4 (12 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Black Christmas is one of those all timers, a horror film that is ground breaking, brimming with well written characters, and most essentially, is still scary as fuck 40+ years after it's release.
Considered by many to be one of the first modern slasher horrors alongside The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (and predating Halloween by 4 years), it's importance can't be understated, and still remains at the top of the pile in terms of quality.

Straight off the bat, Black Christmas is genuinely unsettling. The largely unseen killer makes his presence known mainly through phone calls, but the things he says, and the tone of his voice is genuinely disturbing, and all too realistic. The couple of glimpses we do get are iconic, namely the underside shot during the infamous glass unicorn scene, and then the goosebump inducing moment where lead character Jess spots a singular eye of his staring at her through a crack in a door. It's honestly horrific. Pair that with other creepy shit, such as the corpse in the rocking chair from the poster, and you have some pretty nightmare inducing stuff.
The Christmas setting also provides an unsettling atmosphere, a time that is mostly considered a happy and festive, soured by all of the unpleasantness going on here, and it's all topped off with a pretty bleak ending.

The characters are great - the mostly female cast are all likable, intelligent, well developed protagonists that you want to see win. Stands outs include Olivia Hussey and Margot Kidder, both great actresses who's early career appearances here bring a touch of class to proceedings. It's always nice to see genre favourite John Saxton too.
The narrative is pretty straight forward stuff - little is revealed about the killer so nothing gets bogged down in exposition, and it's perfectly paced. It's never gets boring, and the dialogue centric scenes are engaging. It also deals with heavy topics such as abortion, toxic masculinity, and manages to be subtly feminist, a quality that propels the movie as a whole even further, especially being a 70s film.

Black Christmas is pretty much perfect in my opinion, and easily stands shoulder to shoulder with Halloween in terms of slasher greatness.
A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors (1987)
A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors (1987)
1987 | Horror
The introduction of funny Freddy (2 more)
Welcome to primetime, bitch!
Death Scene's
Welcome to primetime, bitch!
Contains spoilers, click to show
A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors- is a excellent movie, coming off the disappointed Freedy's Revenge, Dream Warriors goes back to the oringal formula, Scary, twisted, dramatic and excellent deaths. Dream Warriors adds more like taking place psychiatric ward, a excellent line that was on the spot, "Welcome to primetime, bitch!". Also Heather Langenkamp and John Saxton return. Also you new charcters that will return in later sequels like Kristen, Kincaid and Joey. A great cast of charcters, a great story and also introduces Freddy's mom and her back story and adds more to Freddy's back story.

Lets talk more: production and deaths.


Craven's very first concept for the film was to have Freddy Krueger invade the real world: Krueger would haunt the actors filming a new Nightmare on Elm Street sequel. New Line Cinema rejected the metacinematic idea, but years later, Craven's concept was brought to the screen in Wes Craven's New Nightmare.

Before it was decided what script would be used for the film's story, both John Saxon and Robert Englund wrote their own scripts for a third Nightmare film; in Saxon's script called How the Nightmare on Elm Street All Began, which would have been a prequel story, Freddy would ultimately turn out to have been innocent, or at least set up for the murders by Charles Manson, who along with his followers would have been the main culprit of the murders; Freddy would be forced by the mob of angry parents to make a confession of the crimes, which would enrage them further. After they lynch Freddy, he comes back to avenge his wrongful death by targeting the parent's children.

In Englund's treatment called Freddy's Funhouse, the protagonist would have been Tina Gray's older sister, who would have been in college by the time Tina was murdered, and ends up coming back to Springwood to investigate how she died. In the script, Freddy had claimed the 1428 Elm Street house for his own in the dreamworld, setting up booby traps like Nancy did against him.

The death scenes: I love the death scene's in this film. Their are both memorable and excellent and probley my favorite out of all the franchise. You have Phillip's death: Veins pulled out/manipulated into falling off high ledge by Krueger, Jennifer's death: Head smashed into TV screen, Taryn death: Leg slashed with bladed glove, massive amounts of heroin injected into veins and Freddy saying "let's get high", William's death: Lifted, chest impaled with bladed glove and Freddy saying " Sorry kid, but I don't believe in fairy tales", Donald's death: Thrown/impaled through back on car's tail fin by a skeleton verison of krueger and Nancy's death: Stomach impaled twice/gutted with bladed glove/bled out, in dream world cause she sees her dad but its krueger. Also you have the Freddy worm that attacks Kristen.

The plot: During a hallucinatory incident, young Kristen Parker (Patricia Arquette) has her wrists slashed by dream-stalking monster Freddy Krueger (Robert Englund). Her mother, mistaking the wounds for a suicide attempt, sends Kristen to a psychiatric ward, where she joins a group of similarly troubled teens. One of the doctors there is Nancy Thompson (Heather Langenkamp), who had battled Freddy some years before. Nancy senses a potential in Kristen to rid the world of Freddy once and for all.

Dream Warriors: is a return to the oringal formula, and adds more. Adds memorable lines, better deaths, intoduction of comedy side of Freddy and above all a excellent movie.

The ending is sad cause Nancy and John doe die by freedy but it ends their story for now and starts a new story with Kristen, Kincaid and Joey. Its a percent, but sad ending. Ending the oringal maim charcters arc/story, while senting up a new trio of charcters.

Also you can't forget about that excellent theme song, "Dream Warrors" by Dokken.