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Vegas (725 KP) rated The ABC Murders in TV

Dec 30, 2018  
The ABC Murders
The ABC Murders
2018 | Drama, Mystery, Thriller
7.4 (34 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Production values (0 more)
Confusing (1 more)
Poor portrayal of Poirit
Huge dissapointment
I'm a big fan of Poirot and have seen many portrayals of the great detective, and this is probably the worst... John Malkovich however talented he may be - is not a Poirot...

I know the story of the ABC murders and I was still confused as to what was going on, so I can't imagine how it must have been for somebody that doesn't know it, it was over complicated in its narrative and writing and didn't flow in an easy to watch way.

I genuinely feel it is three hours of my life I cannot get back.
Hard Target (1993)
Hard Target (1993)
1993 | Action
7.4 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Yes it does border on cheesy at times and the acting and one liners from Van-Damme (and mullet) are pretty ropey but this is still definitely one of his better movies. Nobody watches these sort of films for an academy award winning performance, they watch them for the action and being a John Woo film the action scenes are largely very satisfying here ( complete with familiar Woo staples - birds and flappy coats) . I liked the 'Hostel' like plot of rich people hunting the poor and thought Lance Henriksen was on good form as a memorable bad guy. All in all it's a good fun easy bit of action.
Dads army
Dads army
1968 | Comedy
8.1 (19 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Arthur Lowe (3 more)
Clive Dunn
John le mesurier
Theme tune
Don't tell him pike
One of my favourite sitcoms classic comedy gold even after 50 years it hasn't lost any of its charm
Arthur Lowe is perfectly cast as the pompous bank manager captain mainwaring no one else should else could play him so well and the rest of the cast is perfect not forgetting the theme tune sang by Budd Flannigan is just right. For the show one of my favourite episodes has to be the deadly attachment with the classic line don't tell him pike still makes laugh after all these years highly recommend comedy
When The Devil Wants In
When The Devil Wants In
Cate Ashwood, J.H. Knight | 2018 | Mystery, Romance
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I LOVED this!
Independent reviewer for Divine Magazine, I was gifted my copy of this book.

When faced with a murder charge, John has to choose between his freedom, and his heart.

You know how sometimes, you read a blurb for a book, and your mind writes the plot out and its all wrapped up in a nice pink bow?? And then you read the BOOK, and your version is so very wrong but you have no idea why??

This book totally surprised me, and I cannot put my finger on WHY it did! I loved it!!

John is hiding in plain sight, driving 90 minutes to get his hook ups. Matt moves to Magnolia Ridge from San Fransisco, out and proud. But Matt knows he needs to reign it in. A hook up between the guys has both of them shocked and wanting more, so much more. A shocking discovery causes John to question what he really wants.

I loved both these guys. John, so far in the closet he's in the next room, and Matt who just knows when to say what about his sexuality. They both have their say, so we get every little bit that these guys feel, together and apart. I loved that Matt took to John's closed off-ness quickly, and without question.

The murder has you crying for John, it really does. And I was WAY off base with whodunnit, let me tell ya!! Did NOT see that one coming! I really love being proven wrong.

And I need to say something about that gorgeous cover. When I saw the cover FIRST, I thought its pretty, it nice, but somehow it doesn't fit. I had the blurb before I saw the cover. And I couldn't put my finger on WHY it didn't fit, still can't, truth be told, but that's what I felt, and ya'll know I gotta tell you what I'm feeling. And I'm reading the book, my brain is registering that they are in Magnolia Ridge, that there are magnolia blossom on the cover, I swear I knew that, but still it did not make any sense WHY they were on the cover!

Then! One word, one single word was all it took, and my brain exploded! Light bulb moment does not quite cover what went through my brain at that point! It was like a nuclear bomb going off, and that cover makes TOTAL sense now! Totally the right cover for THIS book.

Is there another book after this?? I feel with what John did for Matt's birthday, and the subsequent scenes kinda left me wanting more of a certain fellow!

Anyways, loved the book, loved the cover and read it in one single sitting, so...

5 full stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Nowhere Boy (2010)
Nowhere Boy (2010)
2010 | Drama
Well acted
This is a film that has been fairly underrated and almost forgotten which I think is a shame, as it's actually a good film driven by some stellar performances.

Aaron Taylor-Johnson excels in this as John and he's what makes this film so good to watch. I always forget that he's actually English until I see him in a film with an English accent, but even still his scouse accent in this is pretty impressive. And the rest of the cast too from Anne-Marie Duff to Kristin Scott-Thomas (there's a load of double barrelled names in this!) all perform admirably in this. The story in this is probably what lets it down. Yes it's interesting to see what happened in John Lennon's early life and how The Beatles first came to be, but there are some aspects with his mum and aunt that get a little too soap opera-esque at times. Personally I wouldve preferred a little more concentration on the music side. And i know the era this film is set in, but I got sick of every scene featuring cigarettes and someone smoking. It was just so noticeable all the time that it became irritating.

Overall this is a pretty decent film about John Lennon's early life made better by some brilliant performances.

Gruff Rhys recommended Barafundle by Gorky's Zygotic Mynci in Music (curated)

Barafundle by Gorky's Zygotic Mynci
Barafundle by Gorky's Zygotic Mynci
1997 | Psychedelic, Pop
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Gorky's were one of the greats. Whoever the greats of the rock canon are – and it's no use me bothering to name various people – Gorky's are as important as any of these people. Euros Childs is a phenomenal songwriter, has a pitch perfect voice and this record is their classic line-up with John Lawrence still in the band. This is also produced by Gorwel Owen and he was perfecting his vision in a way as he was getting more and more into simplicity; the song Heywood Lane was recorded with just one microphone and they bypassed the mixing desk and went straight to tape! It's a really great sounding record. It was really bizarre that the singles all charted in the low-40s without ever breaking the Top 40. You could release two versions of a single at the time to get it into the charts but they never did that even though they probably sold as much as chart-claiming people! But the records are there. It's aged incredibly well and still sounds really fresh and complete."


David McK (3248 KP) rated John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum (2019) in Movies

Sep 5, 2019 (Updated Mar 27, 2023)  
John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum (2019)
John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum (2019)
2019 | Action, Crime, Thriller
I'm going to start by saying that I originally wondered why this film was subtitled Parabellum, until a character in the film quotes the famous line: 'if you desire peace, prepare for war' in its original Latin (with English subtitles).

And that is pretty much what this film is about, picking up almost directly after Chapter 2 and with Keanu's super assassin John Wick now with a 14 million USD price on his head after killing a man on company (sacred) ground - i.e. The Continental Hotel - in the previous instalment.

I'm still a little hazy on the society itself - just how much are those hitman tokens worth? They constantly seem to change value! - and on why the world and its neighbour seems to be some sort of assassin, leading me almost to wonder are we in some sort of Matrix reality (not helped by Keanu even saying he needs 'Guns. Lots of guns'), but - putting that aside - this is still quite an enjoyable, albeit very violent, action movie.
A Beautiful Mind (2001)
A Beautiful Mind (2001)
2001 | Drama
Story: A Beautiful Mind starts as we see John Nash (Crowe) start his time at Princeton University where we meet fellow students Sol (Goldberg), Hansen (Lucas), Bender (Rapp), Ainsley (Gray-Stanford) and his roommate Charles (Bettany). Struggling to find his place in the University it takes an everyday occurrence for John to final start rolling on his theory.

After becoming the brightest student John moves onto becoming a teacher while secretly working for the government on code breaking reporting to Parcher (Harris). While teaching he meets the beautiful Alicia Nash (Connelly) and the two strike it off before starting their lives together.

When it becomes apparent John is struggling to manage both live the people that care about him with Charles returning to his life, Parcher pushing him too much and his wife wondering what he is up to, but this beautiful mind is about to be tested when Dr Rosen (Plummer) a psychologist enters his life.

A Beautiful Mind is a wonderfully drama showing us the story of one of the greatest minds of our generation. We see how difficult the life was for John before learning of his mind being damaged due to his schizophrenia. We follow from his time in school until his Noble Peace Prize. We see John deal and learn with his condition to still go on achieve greatness in his life. This is such a brilliant story that shows how success you can achieve your potential regardless.


Actor Review


Russell Crowe: John Nash is the brilliant mathematician that believes he has been working for the government cracking codes, but when we and he learns the truth we discover this beautiful mind is damaged in other ways. We see John’s life from early Princeton till his final acceptance in the scientific world. Russell gives the best performance of his career her where he shines in the drama.john

Ed Harris: Parcher is the man John believes works for the government as he lives the life of mystery and code breaking John believes he is part of. Ed is great in this supporting role.parcher

Jennifer Connelly: Alicia Nash starts off as a student of John’s before being the only person that sees there is something wrong with his mind, she supports him through every decision in their lives. Jennifer is brilliant in this role of the patience wife.

Paul Bettany: Charles is the roommate John has at Princeton that helps him break out of the problems he has been suffering through but we learn the truth about Charles once we learn John’s mental state. Paul put himself on the map with this great supporting role.charles

Support Cast: A Beautiful Mind has a brilliant supporting cast that all give performances worthy of this subject matter.

Director Review: Ron Howard – Ron shows that he can handle the serious films that are important to see the greatest people in human history.


Biographical: A Beautiful Mind shows the struggles John Nash had with his own sanity to achieve unlocking all of the potential inside his mind.

History: A Beautiful Mind is one film that shows the mind of someone so troubled achieving so much.

Settings: A Beautiful Mind uses the real life location re-created for the story to be unfolded in.
Suggestion: A Beautiful Mind is one for everyone to watch at least once. (Watch)


Best Part: The Pen scene.

Worst Part: Slightly too much time on the imagined side of John’s life.

Favourite Quote: Dr Rosen ‘Imagine if you suddenly learned that the people, the places, the moments most important to you were not gone, not dead, but worse, had never been. What kind of hell would that be?’


Believability: Based on the John Nash and his amazing story.

Chances of Tears: Maybe a few nearer the end.

Chances of Sequel: No

Post Credits Scene: No


Oscar Chances: Won 4 Oscars including Best Picture, Director and Supporting Actress with another 4 Nomination including Best Actor.

Budget: $60 Million

Runtime: 2 Hours 15 Minutes

Tagline: The Only Thing Greater Than the Power of the Mind is the Courage of the Heart

Trivia: John Nash is shown smoking in the film. In reality, he was a militant anti-smoker.


Overall: Brilliant Biographical film that is a must watch for all.
Rocketman (2019)
Rocketman (2019)
2019 | Biography, Drama
Taron Egerton Jamie Bell (0 more)
More of a musical than a biopic (0 more)
Anyone expecting a biopic in the same way bohemian rhapsody was will be somewhat disappointed.This is more of a musical with elements of Elton's life thrown inbetween each musical number.

This film was never gonna reach the same heights as b.r did but does contain some very strong performances by egerton and bell as john and bernie taupin.The relationship (or lack of) between the young elton and his parents could have been explored in a bit more detail instead of just portraying them as the cold and unloving people they seemed to be.

This film wont win any Oscar's but is still enjoyable and worthy of watching.

Tianalovesmovies (1 KP) created a post

Dec 19, 2018  
Miracle on 34th street has been one of my favourite classic christmas movie. That I would love to watch with my mom every christmas. It's a John Huges production which makes it even better. This one of course is the remaken of the older version. I would have to say I love this one way more than the first verison.
I still will always watch this movie every year because it's a pretty awesome watch and I reccomend it to you guys.
My favourite part in the movie would have to be when the santa a.k.a Richard Attenborough meets the little girl who is played by Mara Wilson for the first time.
Such a great moment.