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Dean (6927 KP) rated Face/Off (1997) in Movies

Jun 28, 2018  
Face/Off (1997)
Face/Off (1997)
1997 | Action
7.6 (40 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A great totally over the top action packed film. Plenty of humour too and typical John Woo slow mo scenes.

Aaron Katz recommended The Killer (1989) in Movies (curated)

The Killer (1989)
The Killer (1989)
1989 | Action, Crime, Drama

"Though so much in The Killer came to be parodied by others or exaggerated by John Woo himself, it is a monumental achievement in camera direction, atmosphere, stylized violence, and genre storytelling. Woo is at the peak of his directorial powers, and Chow Yun-fat is at his most charismatic. Action really doesn’t get any better than this."


Mike Allred recommended The Killers (1964) in Movies (curated)

The Killers (1964)
The Killers (1964)
1964 | Crime, Drama, Mystery
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"My wife got a big crush on Chow Yun-Fat after seeing these two John Woo gems (and she doesn’t get starstruck very easily). A movie star is a movie star—if you’ve got it , and Chow has got it. And John Woo knows how to work it. It’s one of the great collaborative pairings between star and director, along with Eastwood/Leone and De Niro/Scorsese. I have some very jealous friends since I have these two out-of-print beauties, which I hear are now next to impossible to find."


Dean (6927 KP) rated Paycheck (2003) in Movies

Feb 17, 2018  
Paycheck (2003)
Paycheck (2003)
2003 | Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi
6.3 (9 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A good action film by John Woo. Has some cool effects and the way the story unravels as Ben Affleck uses his random objects to good use after having his memory erased is good fun. Will have to watch again sometime!
Windtalkers (2002)
Windtalkers (2002)
2002 | Drama
A very good film with huge battle scenes that reminded me of Saving Private Ryan. It's a good story if a little drawn out, but the action/battle scenes are on a huge scale. Quite different to most films directed by John Woo.
Red Cliff (Chi Bi) (2009)
Red Cliff (Chi Bi) (2009)
2009 | Action, History, War
7.0 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A decent big battle epic film by John Woo. The fight scenes are good and on a huge scale. Sadly there wasn't a great deal of plot, just waiting for the next big battle to take place, so it did become repetitive in that sense. Which isn't helped by a long run time.
Hard Target (1993)
Hard Target (1993)
1993 | Action
7.4 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Yes it does border on cheesy at times and the acting and one liners from Van-Damme (and mullet) are pretty ropey but this is still definitely one of his better movies. Nobody watches these sort of films for an academy award winning performance, they watch them for the action and being a John Woo film the action scenes are largely very satisfying here ( complete with familiar Woo staples - birds and flappy coats) . I liked the 'Hostel' like plot of rich people hunting the poor and thought Lance Henriksen was on good form as a memorable bad guy. All in all it's a good fun easy bit of action.
Le samouraï (1967)
Le samouraï (1967)
1967 | Crime, Film-Noir
8.8 (8 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"The ultimate existential gangster film. Hypnotic, detailed, ritualistic, it has influenced
 films like John Woo’s The Killer and the more recent Drive. Alain Delon
 gives his most memorable performance as an ice-cold assassin above such mundane
 concerns as moral conscience. Though violent in its subject matter, Jean-Pierre
 Melville’s film is also cool, meticulously lit, and classically framed. It
 operates in a kind of dream state. It’s the opposite of the fevered emotional style of
 most gangster films. The pauses and silences help make it the visual equivalent of Harold
 Pinter’s dialogue. This is my favorite Melville film, and the extras are among 
Criterion’s finest, including an interview with John Woo and one with Melville himself."

Robin Hood: Men in Tights (1993)
Robin Hood: Men in Tights (1993)
1993 | Comedy
Everything (0 more)
No sequel (0 more)
You have to be a real man to wear tights!
Cary Elwes stars a robin hood in this comical retelling of the legendary hero who after returning to England after fighting in the crusades and then being captured, enslaved only to escape from prison in Jerusalem and seim home to England (what a guy ;) ) to find that the evil Prince John (Richard Lewis) has confiscated his family estate and is following the script and ruining Nottingham. Robin enlists his family's loyal blind servant Blinkin (Mark Blankfield), Will Scarlett O'Hara (Matthew Porretta) and Little John (Eric Allan Kramer) to help rebel. Robin also hopes to woo the beautiful Maid Marian (Amy Yasbeck), but her chastity belt may prove a challenge (and her keeper)

Great jokes, Mel Brooks, hilarious performances, subtle nods and a robin hood who can speak with an England accent.

A classic spoof on the legend who had it coming.

David McK (3505 KP) rated Mission: Impossible 2 (2000) in Movies

Mar 24, 2021 (Updated Jan 22, 2023)  
Mission: Impossible 2 (2000)
Mission: Impossible 2 (2000)
2000 | Action, Mystery
5.6 (19 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I'm writing this in early 2021.

I don't think I'd seen this film since the early noughties.

If you asked me what I remember of it, I probably would have said

Thandie Newton
Slow motion. Lot and lots of slow motion.

And that is actually pretty accurate: directed by John Woo, this has an overabundance of Slo-Mo shots and has Tom Cruise and Ving Rhames both reprising their role from the first film.

It's also slightly uncomfortable watching this now (with the world still in the grip of a global pandemic), as the driver for the plot is - guess what - a deadly virus getting loose.

(oh, and in one of cinemas great 'what if' : I believe that Dougray Scott had to turn down the role of Wolverine as he was busy filming this)