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Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore (2022)
Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore (2022)
2022 | Adventure, Family, Fantasy
7.0 (11 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Fun (4 more)
Special Effects
Story (1 more)
Good, but had it's flaws.
Sadly this film did have it's work cut out due to the controversies surrounding two of it's main characters, Johnny Depp and Ezra Miller.

That being said the film is still very fun, and the writers keeps the twists coming that we've come to enjoy in the previous films. Eddie Redmayne and Dan Fogler were superb in this film, with Fogler honestly stealing the show this time around.

Unfortunately other actors did let the film down.

Firstly, the main culprit: Jude Law. Sadly in this film he can't seem to maintain control of his accent. All throughout the film, Law speaks with his normal English accent, but for some unknown reason the actor seems to add a strong Irish twang to random words. These take the viewer completely off guard and do distract.

Secondly, Mads Mikkelsen. But I would like to point out that this is not his fault. Due to him replacing Johnny Depp, the two different Grindelwald's seem very different in terms of personality and style. These differences are enough to make Mads' portrayal of Grindelwald quite jarring.

Overall though, overlooking the unusual accents and casting issues, the film is excellent, and continues the story perfectly!

Enjoy! :)
The Man Who Killed Don Quixote (2018)
The Man Who Killed Don Quixote (2018)
2018 | Adventure, Comedy, Drama
Terry Gilliam emerges victorious from his epic battle to the death with Miguel Cervantes' famous novel. Not quite the movie he famously never finished making with Johnny Depp, nearly twenty years ago, but a subtly different tale of a film director finding himself entangled in different versions of the Quixote story and, perhaps, looking for redemption.

After a slow and rambling start the film eventually becomes a charming, funny, and occasionally thrilling and moving adaptation (sort of) of the book - if it's picaresque and episodic, that's the nature of Quixote. The knowing wit and intelligence of the novel survive too. Strong performances, visually very impressive - the fact the film exists at all is remarkable, let alone that it's this good. Very reminiscent of Gilliam's movies from the 1980s: hugely imaginative, narratively chaotic, very individual, and equally easy to like.
The Tourist (2010)
The Tourist (2010)
2010 | Action, Mystery, Romance
5.7 (10 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Frank Tupelo, played by Johnny Depp, is a math teacher from Wisconsin who decides to take a vacation in Italy, in hopes of mending his broken heart. While traveling on a train bound for Venice, he befriends an interesting and mysterious woman who sits next to him. Elise Clifton-Ward, played by Angelina Jolie, has been on the run from the mob and the British police for the past couple of years because her lover, Alexander Pearce, embezzled over $2 billion from a mobster. The British police want their cut for taxes owed, but without really knowing what Alexander looks like, the police are essentially just waiting for Elise to make contact with him.

Elise picks Frank to play a part in her plans of steering the mob and the British police in a different direction. After arriving in Venice, they both go their separate ways, but still end up finding each other later while Frank is sightseeing. Elise invites him on her boat and then takes him back to her hotel. They share a few passionate moments as Elise attempts to make the police who are spying on them believe that Frank is really Alexander. When Frank awakens the next day, he realizes that Elise is gone. This is where the action begins. Not only are the police after Frank, so are the mobsters from whom Alexander stole, making for a messy situationi for Frank. With a lot of great twists and turns in this movie as well as smart dialogue, The Tourist succeeds in putting a smile on your face while keeping you on the edge of your seat.

Angelina Jolie’s Elise Ward knows the power of her beauty and uses it to her great advantage. The strong supporting cast includes the likes of Paul Bettany, Timothy Dalton and Steven Berkoff. Unlike most of Johnny Depp’s other movies where he exudes confidence, he is like a lost puppy being chased for something he is unaware of doing. I do have to say that I am always able to see some of Depp’s most famous character, Captain Jack Sparrow, shine through in his current roles. If you watch closely during a chase scene, he starts to run away from the mob exactly as Captain Jack would. Or maybe that’s just how Johnny Depp runs.

Directed by Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck, who makes great use of spectacular views and locales, The Tourist is a great action-adventure with storyline that keeps you interested. Sharp, witty dialog and two of the hottest stars playing the leads make The Tourist a movie worth watching.
Tarzan's New York Adventure (1942)
Tarzan's New York Adventure (1942)
1942 | Action
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
This trend would continue into the final outing with MGM and the original cast as Johnny Weissmuller and John Sheffield (Boy) would continue on with RKO, but Maureen O’Sullivan, who had clearly grown tired of the role after ten years would depart. And good.

In the early films, especially the first two, Tarzan and Jane’s relationship was paramount. A romantic fairy-tale of sexual and social freedom as Jane would shed her clothes and with them, the shackles of modern civilization in order to live with Tarzan in his idyllic Eden like Jungle home. Hopping from tree to tree, diving into lakes and frolicking where they fell.

By now, they live in a Flintstones style western home with more western trappings than we have today, with Jane being nothing more than an obedient, devoted housewife whilst Tarzan is becoming more civilized and their adopted some has somehow developed and strong American accent!

Jane’s journey was a dead end, and here, as the pair travel to New York to rescue Boy from a circus, she might as well not return to her jungle tree-house at all.

But having said that, this is fun if not a silly adventure, with the fish out of water tropes played out to some comic effect. The scene with Tarzan in the shower is funny but Cheeta’s rampage through Janes suitcase is just annoying as is the fact that she needed so many make up products in the first place!
The Brothers Grimsby (2016)
The Brothers Grimsby (2016)
2016 | Comedy
6.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
It's grim in England (apparently)
It’s probably accurate to say that Sacha Baron Cohen’s sense of humour is a little like marmite, it’s a love or hate kind of affair. Offering up characters like Borat and Bruno to the unsuspecting public has proved beneficial to him over the years; with the outlandish antics of those personalities drawing in massive audiences.

His latest offering, English football hooligan Nobby Butcher, promises to be one of his most controversial roles to date, but does the corresponding film, simply titled Grimsby, push the boundaries a little too far?

Cohen’s beer-drinking, benefit-swindling character stars alongside his long-lost brother Sebastian, played by an incredibly wasted Mark Strong. It just so happens that Seb is a secret agent, on the run after an incident at a global health event. What ensues is a formulaic Cohen comedy that utilises every orifice known to the human body – this is definitely low-brow humour.

After getting over the truly horrific portrayal of life up north, and the appalling representation of a town that is no-where near as bad as is reflected, Grimsby is actually a reasonably funny spy caper – not in the league of last year’s Spy – but certainly better than say Johnny English: Reborn or to some extent, Get Smart.

A talented cast bolsters Cohen and Strong with Nobby’s girlfriend Dawn, played by Rebel Wilson, providing some of the film’s funniest moments, despite her lack of screen time.

Elsewhere, Penelope Cruz’s role is a wasted opportunity and she suffers the same fate here as she did in Zoolander 2. Isla Fisher, Ricky Tomlinson and Johnny Vegas are unfortunately all underused as Clash of the Titans director Louis Leterrier focuses on the main pair.

Leterrier’s work on big blockbusters also helps move Grimsby through its ridiculously swift run time. At less than 90 minutes, the story is stretched to the brink, though there are some clever scenes, including a brilliantly choreographed chase through tight urban streets at the beginning.

Unfortunately, the gags miss their targets more than they hit. Your individual views on toilet humour will ultimately decide whether or not Grimsby is funny and some of the comedic elements intermittently cross the line, an ill-timed HIV joke being one of them.

It’s fair to say you’ll be cringing one minute, and roaring with embarrassed laughter the next.

Nevertheless, Cohen has promised time and time again that he has no time for personal opinions on his films and with each new character; he continues to deliver on that promise. Whether or not his target audience is getting tired is another story completely.

Overall, Grimsby is a movie that is unapologetic with what it is trying to achieve. From homophobic comments, casual racism and a grim depiction of life in Northern England, it’s everything we should despise in modern film-making. However, there’s just something about Cohen’s brazen attitude that keeps us coming back for more.

If you’re reading this Sacha, don’t visit Grimsby for a while, there’s a bounty on your head.
The Last Thing I Told You
The Last Thing I Told You
Emily Arsenault | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Different but enjoyable thriller
Dr. Mark Fabian is dead--found murdered in his office. Left behind is his former patient, Nadine, who continues to talk to Dr. Fabian in her mind, telling him about her life in the many years since she saw the doctor. Back then, she was a troubled teen, ostracized for a gruesome act while in high school. Investigating Dr. Fabian's murder is Henry Peacher, a detective most known in town for stopping a deadly shooting at a posh retirement community before the death count went any higher. Before Dr. Fabian died, he pulled two files from his archives: those of Nadine's and Johnny Streeter, the man responsible for the killing at the retirement home. Henry is left to puzzle through what this all means--for instance, what did Nadine and Dr. Fabian discuss when she returned to town a mere two days before his death? Is there a connection between Nadine and Johnny? And what led to the brutal killing of this doctor?

Well, this was a different sort of psychological thriller. It wasn't quite what I was expecting, but one of my favorite things about it was that it was different, even if it favored the varying point-of-view aspect that is quite popular these days. The narration flips between Nadine and Henry, and because both are often telling stories that go back in time, it can vary in time periods as well. It takes a little getting used to, but it's also quite compelling. I read the book in a day while on vacation, finding it to be quite suspenseful and intriguing.

For me, the main draw to this one was the characters. Nadine is nuanced, complicated, and imperfect, but the real star was Henry. I enjoyed the book the most due to him. He's hard to describe, but he too is multi-faceted and flawed. He's a father to spirited twin girls (only a year older than mine), and I felt drawn to him immediately. Nadine and Henry are both different on the surface but each searching for things in a similar way--again, I was very impressed with their characterization. So much of the book takes place in and is shaped by the small town in which the characters live, and it's all quite well-done.

I don't want to go into much more to spoil the plot, as it does keep you guessing. A lot of what happened surprised me, which I always enjoy (doesn't often happen in a thriller). Overall, this one was different but enjoyable, buoyed by its strong characters and complex plot.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Edelweiss/Librarything in return for an unbiased review (thank you!).
Fantastic Beasts: Crimes of Grindelwald (2018)
Fantastic Beasts: Crimes of Grindelwald (2018)
2018 | Adventure, Family, Fantasy, Mystery
Newt Scamander (Eddie Redmayne), is back in the second installment of the
Fantastic Beasts series. The film opens with Grinderlwald (Johnny Depp),
conducting an elaborate escape from custody which in turn starts off a
search to find him and bring him to justice.
After a few months of fruitless searching; the Ministry of Magic offers
Newt a chance to have his travel ban lifted if he will locate and
eliminate Grindelwald. Newt refuses especially since he would have to
join his brother’s division as an Orator and instead opts to travel to
Paris to help Jacob and Queeenie find Tina. Newt still has strong
feelings for Tina and is eager to resolve a misunderstanding which has

At the same time, Grindelwald as well as forces from the Ministry are
eagerly trying to find Credence (Ezra Miller), who has become obsessed
with finding his mother.

To say there is a lot going on would be an understatement as I have not
even touched upon Dumbledore (Jude Law) and his conflicts with the
Ministry over his unwillingness to fight Grindlelwald and you can get a
sense of just how busy and at times convoluted the plot can be.
There are plenty of nice visuals and the cast works well with one another
but the film has a darker tone than the previous one and there are aspects
of the film which will appeal to the hardcore fans but will be lost by
newer or more casual fans.

The entire films plays more as a setup to the next chapter in the series
so aside from a few moments, there is little real resolution as most of
the film is simply setting up what is to be the focus of the remaining

While it does entertain; it does seem to be better suited to the hardcore
versus the casual fan who might need more than the magical splendor it
For Love or Money (2019)
For Love or Money (2019)
2019 |
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: For Love or Money starts when former bullied school kid Mark (Kazinsky) meets the former love of his life Connie (Barks) at her boyfriend’s funeral, when Connie and her business partner Johnny (Speleers) learn Mark might become mega rich, Connie gets involved in dating Mark hoping to get half his money once he gets it.

When Mark learns about Connie’s plan, he decides to go on his own mission to make her life a living hell until he can finally break her giving away her plan.


Thoughts on For Love or Money


Characters – Mark is the average joe, he has worked hard to get where he is, he doesn’t have much luck with the women though, he finds a way to be awkward around them, he thinks his life has turned around when he meets an old school friend, only to learn the truth about her intentions, forcing him to go out to get revenge with on her. Connie is the gold digger that is using Mark for a big payday, she is pretending to love Mark and even agrees to marry him, only she finds herself being put through the ringer, once he learns the truth. Kendra was once Connie’s best friend who was left embarrassed by Connie, she is willing to help with the revenge as she wants to be involved too, only she starts to question just how far they are going. Johnny is the business partner of Connie, he gives her the idea to use Mark for money, he is the kind of guy that you just look at and go, what an asshole, calling every single woman sugar tits. Tim is the best friend to Mark, that gets laughs of plenty through the film, along with his dog Ducky, he is dry to everything that happens in the film.

Performances – Robert Kazinsky is great in the leading role, he gets to show comic timing and enjoyment for what his character puts Connie through, in a way where we support him. Samantha Barks is great in this role, she manages to give us a character that we hate, but also sympathise for. Rachel Hurd-Wood does get plenty of strong moments in the film, with her character getting the important moments in the film. Ed Speleers does seem to have a lot of fun with his role in the film where he gets to play a complete asshole, it could be argued the Tony Way is a scene stealer in this film nailing the comedy every time in the film.

Story – The story here follows a man that starts dating his school crush, only to learn that she is only dating him to get to his money, where he decides to use this against her to get revenge. This story does put everything on the table early on which does give the story a nice spin on what we are used to seeing. It is nice to see a story where the victim gets to turn the tables, having fun knowing that the truth is only going to hurt them, seeing how far he can push things before breaking her. It would be fair the story doesn’t paint love in a very god way, though it does show how difficult it can be to move on with life when you believe somebody is perfect for you.

Comedy – The comedy in the film will give you plenty of laughs, Tim gets most of the laughs, while Johnny is the one you laugh at the most.

Settings – The film gives us an everyday setting which shows how life can keep on going even if the big plan is going on in the background, no location is used for an iconic moment.

Scene of the Movie – Camping.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – The final moments.

Final Thoughts – This is a funny romantic comedy that gets to show just how life can go in different directions, it turns a gold digger character on its head too.


Overall: Funny comedy that will leave you laughing most of the time.
The Outfit (2022)
The Outfit (2022)
2022 | Crime, Drama
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Smart, Intelligent and Understated
So much of the success or failure of a film at the Cineplex Box Office depends on the marketing of the film and the timing of it’s release. In the case of the wonderful crime drama THE OUTFIT (who’s release was buried in late January/early February 2022), the marketing did it no favors.

And that’s too bad, for this Mark Rylance film - which could easily be a stage play - is an intriguing SMART cat and mouse drama between some mob types and their tailor.

Yes, their tailor.

Rylance stars as Leonard, a tailor (he prefers to be called a “cutter”), who has a shop in Chicago in the 1950’s, THE OUTFIT tells the tale of said cutter who’s business is booming thanks to patronage of local gangsters (the titular OUTFIT) who not only frequent his shop for suits, but also to use it as a place to make “drops”. The intrigue of this film comes when “things get real” for THE OUTFIT and they use Leonard’s shop as a hideout. Leonard must outsmart the outfit - and their foes - if he hopes to survive the night.

It’s a smart premise made all the more interesting by the understated performance by Rylance who, once again, shows that his genial demeanor is disguising a very intelligent and fast-working brain. It is another in a long string of strong performances by Rylance (who won a Best Supporting Actor Oscar for his work in 2015’s BRIDGE OF SPIES).

Rylance is joined on screen by some very good performances by Zoey Deutch (ZOMBIELAND DOUBLETAP), Johnny Flynn (EMMA), Stage Actor Simon Russell Beale (THE DEATH OF STALIN) and, most surprisingly, Dylan O’Brien (THE MAZE RUNNER). They bring a Broadway stage performance sense of style to this work - and it is absolutely the right approach to this material, for the entire film takes place inside Leonard’s tailor shop.

Credit for this must go to Director Graham Moore (THE IMITATION GAME) who wrote this film with Johnathan McClain. He has a firm grip on what he is attempting to do - and he does it well. He sets up the premise and the players well and then pays off the circumstances - sometimes surprisingly - in satisfying ways. It is a strong showing by Moore and I’ll be looking to see what he does next.

Intelligent, understated, stage-like, smart…no wonder the suits at Universal had no idea how to market it.

So, I’ll market/champion this film that perfectly casts Rylance. He is in almost every scene and it is his intense and interesting performance that will pull you into his shop - and into the world of the OUTFIT.

Check it out - you’ll be glad you did.

THE OUTFIT is streaming for free for those of you subscribed to PEACOCK and can be rented (or bought) on most of the major outlets for those types of things.

Letter Grade: A-

8 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)