Dictator, the Revolution, the Machine: A Political Account of Joseph Stalin
It is a commonplace wisdom that from the authoritarian roots of the Bolshevik revolution in 1917...
The Last Days of Stalin
A gripping account of the months before and after Stalin's death and how his demise reshaped the...

Leon Trotsky
The name 'Leon Trotsky' is a controversial one. For some, he was a betrayer or a totalitarian. For...

Max Eastman: A Life
The definitive biography of a radical activist and intellectual Max Eastman (1883-1969) was a...

Dinner with Churchill: Policy-making at the Dinner Table
A friend once said of Churchill "He is a man of simple tastes; he is quite easily satisfied with the...

His Final Battle: The Last Months of Franklin Roosevelt
“By far the most enigmatic leading figure” of World War II. That’s how the British military...
Biography history politics