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No Limits (No Shame #2)
No Limits (No Shame #2)
Nora Phoenix | 2017 | LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
No Limits (No Shame #2) by Nora Phoenix
No Limits is the second book in the No Shame series, and this time we focus on Josh, now that Indy and Noah have their HFN. Josh is happy for them, but wants a man of his own. At the same time, he doesn't want to lose Noah and Indy, so he doesn't really know what to do. With some 'subtle' prompting by Noah, Connor contacts Josh in the hope of going on a date. Josh deals with him in his usual blunt and honest style.

This story adds more to Indy and Noah's story, whilst filling in the blanks about Josh and Connor. Once again, this is original, so don't expect a 'normal' storyline. Nora Phoenix is pushing the boundaries between what you might expect and what you get. I for one think that it's absolutely brilliant, and once again, can't wait to read more.

Excellently written and with no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt my reading flow, this was once again a book to sit and read, whilst thoroughly enjoying every twist and turn. Absolutely recommended by me.
Poseidon (2006)
Poseidon (2006)
2006 | Action, Drama
An Upside-Down World
Poseidon- is a intense thriller.

The plot: After a huge tidal wave capsizes a luxury liner in the North Atlantic, individual survivors (Josh Lucas, Kurt Russell, Jacinda Barrett) band together and traverse a hazardous upside-down maze that they hope will take them to safety. As the wrecked vessel fills with water, the survivors must call on hidden strengths and skills to face the fight of their lives.

It has a good cast and a intense survival thriller.
Isla and the Happily Ever After (Anna and the French Kiss, #3)
Isla and the Happily Ever After (Anna and the French Kiss, #3)
Stephanie Perkins | 2014 | Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
6.8 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
In the third novel of the sries, we return to enchanting Paris. Isla, who we were introduced to in the fist novel now takes centre stage. Familiar characters like John and Rashmi's younger sister Sanjita join her. We didn't know much about the artistic Josh beyond his love of snogging and frequent altercations with his girlfriend Rashmi. I am pleased to be able to watch his character develop.

The banter, or lack thereof, between Isla and Josh just makes you smile. They're both endearingly awkward and adorable together. When they go to the comic book store and Josh finds out Kurt isn't her boyfriend, the interaction is very authentic. You can almost feel his dismay turn to confusion and then happy relief.

Despite the fact that Isla has had a crush on Josh for three years, its nice to see that it doesn't come between her and her best friend, Kurt. (Well, most of the time.) Loyalty is very impotant and she won't let anyone treat him badly. Her only other relationship ended because the boy she was dating couldn't get along with Kurt. She's not the best at confronting people and speaking up, but she never lets people take advantage of her best friend or mistreat him. That person will no longer be a part of her life.

Unlike Anna, when I read about Isla and Josh they feel like the shy, exhuberant high schoolers that they are. They experience the awkwardness of first live and the misunderstandings or insecurities that come with not being entirely confortable in a relationship yet. Falling so hard and so fast, but faced with the crippling fear that the rug is going to be pulle out from under you. Isla and Josh experience it all.

Just as I hoped, the Olympics brought the gang back to Paris - plus their new additions. The inseperable Anna and St. Clair, Meredith, lovebirds Lola and Cricket, and Josh. They claim they're back for the Olympics, but something even more important and magical happens. A proposal, in Paris, on the famed bronze marker. It was a return to the city where Anna and Etienne found their other halves and officially began their happily every after. It was a simple, yet touching scene.

I'm glad we find out how Calliope does in the Olympics, although there is very little detail given. I think her story would lend itself well to a novella. But, I'll be happy with what we were given even if that does not happen.

Despite all of the struggles and heartbreak, insecurities and mistakes - Isla and Josh still find their own happily ever after. The story and sweet and heart-warming. J'adore mon <s>petit chou</s>... mon livre - I fell in love with the series "the good parts and the ugly parts" and I hope you do as well.
Racing Dreams (2010)
Racing Dreams (2010)
2010 | Action, Documentary, Documentary
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I’ll tell ya, when you see a kid actually stop and focus because they love doing something — I mean something other than just goofing around or playing video games, right? Something next level — putting in the extra work and scraping together a few bucks to enter a race because they just want a shot at hugging a real track? THAT gets me. Watching kids like Annabeth, Josh, and Brandon… all different but all with the same grit and attitude and big dreams? THAT’S what gives me hope for this sport! And for the future! I get emotional just thinking about what they put on the line! Great. Now I gotta wipe my windshield. Thanks."

Season of Hope
Season of Hope
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<a href="">my link text</a>
Are you ready for a heart-searching, feel good, happily-ever-after type story? Well, then this is a book you definitely need to read! This is my first time reading a book by Carol James and I enjoyed the way she developed her story.

From the start, there is great tension and emotions between the characters without them being over the top or dramatic. They feel natural given the situation presented. Both Hope and her son were cute characters and I liked the conflicts between Hope and Josh. I felt they were very likely to happen to real people. The only thing I did not like was the way Hope’s son Mattie phrased things at times, it seemed like Carol James was trying to hard to get him to sound like a kid. Otherwise, I thought the characters were very well done.

The setting of this book takes place in a little Texas town near Fort Worth! I love all things Texas, and this was a fun addition to the storyline since I knew a couple of the places mentioned. The time period is set in the 1970’s right after the Vietnam War. I thought it was a unique timeline that I have not read very many books about. I truly enjoyed it.

I give the book 4 out of 5 stars for the creative characters, the interesting setting, and for the very prevalent aspects of finding faith and forgiveness.
*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
Let the Dead Speak (Maeve Kerrigan, #7)
Let the Dead Speak (Maeve Kerrigan, #7)
Jane Casey | 2017 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Mystery
8.3 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
For more reviews please visit
This book is seventh in Kerrigan series, but it was my first encounter with Jane Casey’s work, and I definitely will be reading some more of her books. The blurb above describes this book quite accurate, Chloe comes back home and finds her home full of blood and her mother missing. DI Maeve starts the investigation, and more she digs in, more loose ends she gets.

This novel offers a wide variety of characters to choose from, but main characters are Maeve and Josh. The whole story was told from DI Maeve Kerrigan’s perspective, maybe that’s why characters felt not fully explored. I would’ve liked to read different perspectives of the investigation, I think that would’ve allowed understanding characters better and would’ve made the whole book more appealing. I really liked Josh Derwent’s character, and I think Maeve was missing some qualities, like the ability to fight well or great insight into the issues, to be the main lead in this book. On the other hand, the lack of those abilities made her more relatable and believable.

What I really enjoyed, was the narrative of this novel. The investigation was riveting, with a steady flow of twists and turns, which kept me intrigued and the suspense going, and I couldn’t wait to find out, what will happen next. I really loved, that almost in every chapter, the author very smartly revealed some new clues, and constantly kept the action going not to bore the reader, and that steady built up suspense was a great transition between the chapters. I really liked the way the author portrayed police work in this book; it was not over the top and was really believable. Being a Londoner, author portrayed the places and atmosphere really accurately, and for me, it was a real pleasure to read it.

The writing style used in this novel is easy to read and the language used was not complicated, with decent chapter length which didn’t make the book boring. The ending of the book had a great new twist, and left me confused and intrigued all over again. So, to conclude, this book had an exciting plot with lots of twists and turns along the way and I quite enjoyed it, I hope you will too.
Was given this book by publisher and NetGalley for an honest review.
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
The cast specifically RDJ as Tony, Elizabeth Olsen as Scarlett Witch, Chris Hemsworth as Thor, Tom Holland as Spider-man and Benedict Cumberbatch as Doctor strange (1 more)
Josh Brolin is Phenomenal as Thanos The Score is Incredible The action sequences are awesome Every character has their moment That Ending!!
Even though every character has their moment they are all underused except Thanos and Thor (0 more)
"I hope they remember you"
Cosmic warlord Thanos begins his quest to gather the six Infinity Stones which will give him God-like power over the universe. The Avengers team up with the Guardians of the Galaxy in order to stop him, but can they?

It doesn't take long for "Infinity War" to make clear that this is not another typical summer blockbuster movie. Within the first five minutes the villain has already killed a ton of innocent people (among whom a beloved main character) and has beaten to submission Hulk, the strongest Avenger. Thanos isn't your cookie cutter bad guy who lusts after power for the sake of it. He is a man on a mission, and is determined to crush anybody who stands in his way. Unlike other Marvel villains, every time he appears onscreen the sense of apprehension is palpable. This time we aren't sure that our heroes will survive the ordeal. Josh Brolin's performance, together with the amazing CGI work, give us a character that is destined to be mentioned in the future along the likes of Darth Vader and the Joker.

The biggest concern about this feature was the ability of the Russos to successfully juggle almost 30 main characters and multiple plot-lines. They succeeded in this herculean task, as if through a miracle. The film's pace is relentless and despite it's considerable length at no moment do we feel any slack. The action is rousing and nicely balanced with more quiet and personal moments that provide crucial character development.

You can't talk about this film without mentioning its ending. Surprising and gutsy don't even begin to describe it. I understand why cynics might dismiss it as a stunt. But I also contend that this doesn't take away from its visceral impact on first sight. It's a gut punch because Marvel has gotten us accustomed in boisterous, fun, happy endings.
This one has hopelessness and futility written all over it.

Within the context of the MCU, "Infinity War"'s comparison to "Empire Strikes Back" is well deserved. The final shots of the surviving heroes reeling from their defeat, while a wounded Thanos savors his victory on a distant planet, are potent.
Hope Gap (2020)
Hope Gap (2020)
2020 | Drama
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
When picking things to watch at the London Film Festival the criteria was simple... read the synopsis and choose from that. If I got bogged down in anything more I was going to miss things that could have been "hidden gems", my list would also have been never-ending... but when you spot Annette Bening and Bill Nighy in a film together you can't say no really.

Edward and Grace have been married for 29 years but the humdrum living has become too monotonous, for Edward at least. He's felt like his life needs something different for a while, knowing that Grace will react badly he invites their son to aid in his plan to leave, but he too is in the dark about what on the cards for his visit.

I was keen to enjoy this one but I think sadly the film doesn't hit all the right notes. The set up of Edward (Nighy) and Grace (Bening) in the house together perfectly reflects their relationship. Everything is together and yet they're separate. They work in different rooms, their backs to each other and while they acknowledge each other and interact it's more habit than anything else.

I'm not the best at picking up subtle things when watching films the first time around, but I noted down a couple of times that there seemed to be a lot of colour coordination. Both main characters seemed to match with parts of the house and yet those colours never seemed to cross together at any time... one of the perils od not being able to rewind a film to check is that I'm left wondering if I actually saw something or not. Perhaps I imagined it! The similarities also extended to their son Jamie and his room... according to my unverifiable notes.

I thought that Josh O'Connor and Bill Nighy had a great dynamic together, their characters share many "inherited" traits together and that played out well on screen. Annette Bening's performance was strong at times and you could definitely see the progression clearly in Grace... but...

With those good touches came a lethargic pace. The laid back sense of the whole film with just Grace as the energetic feature was a struggle to watch. I can see that it could be exactly how it would happen in reality but that doesn't mean it will work on film when you aren't invested in the parties involved.

Hope Gap touches on some strong points but never seems to address them very directly. I'm not sure I can see another way that this would have jumped off the screen, in my head it feels more suited for the intimate setting of a theatre.

Originally posted on:
Safe Limits (Kiss of Leather #2)
Safe Limits (Kiss of Leather #2)
Morticia Knight | 2015 | Erotica, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
darker storyline, but excellent follow up!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Book two in the Kiss of Leather series and I strongly recommend you read book one, Building Bonds, first. Master Gavin and Kyle's relationship continues in this book.

Master Derek agrees to watch over David's best friend, Corey, while Master Josh and David are away. Faced with the young man, Master Derek can't help but soften his natural growlly voice; Corey is scared, and when Master Derek finds out WHY?? Oh my days! Protective instincts abound! Corey needs to know: whatever HE did, he did not deserve what happened to him.

Again, Master Derek and Corey's relationship moves rapidly, far more so that I was expecting, especially when the truth about what Corey ran from becomes clear. Master Derek needs to temper his natural bear-ness, although Corey does has a thing for a bear! It doesn't take long for these two to admit their feelings, though and I rather enjoyed being made to wait for them to consummate their relationship.

Also enjoying again, the EMOTIONS involved! Corey is, by his own admission, a bit of a mess and it takes all of Master Derek's experience as a Master to bring out just what Corey is feeling. I think the event that bought Corey to Master Derek might run on into future books.

Things are progressing at the club, although still not yet open!

Loving these books so far. Loved this one a bit more than book one! Quite a bit more! I hope they are all up to this standard. Trying NOT to read them back to back though! Loving that ALL the guys seem to be taking a part in these books.

This one carries a darker story line, and some readers may find it difficult reading.

5 full stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
Good use of humour throughout (0 more)
Emotionally upsetting (0 more)
Contains spoilers, click to show
After winning this in @Smashbomb giveaway recently I sat and watched the movie again. I must admit when i watched it at cinema I nearly walked out after the first five minutes of the movie having watched Loki die, my favourite character. And after having watched it four or five times it's not any easier to watch.
I like this movie as it feel a bit more grown up in terms of the story line than the other avengers movies. You know that this is the build up to the big showdown, and something serious is going to happen.
Having said that they do still manage to keep the humour going all the way through the movie which lightens it up a bit.
I think my favourite thing about it is all the separate characters coming together I.e Dr strange and the guardian's being introduced. The only downfall being Hawkeye and Antman are absent.
Also as much as your supposed to hate him. I kind of love Thanos in the movie, Josh Brolin played him brilliantly, and I would have maybe liked to have known a little more of his back story.
Also the end of this film was so edge of seat suspense, I've never felt like that before watching a film. You so want them to win but know that they won't. I was practically screaming in the cinema at the screen. It has been a ten year journey with the marvel franchise and I've got to say I feel like these movies are a part of me. I think the cliffhanger this movie left on, left everyone in my cinema screen in utter shock and speechless.
The only reason I've marked it down is because there more and I would hope that all this is leading up to a ten out of ten for the final one, as heart breaking and soul destroying that one may be.
Thankyou @Smashbomb for my dvd

Eleanor (1463 KP) Jul 18, 2019

Had the same Loki moment... 😭🙄


Emma (519 KP) Jul 18, 2019

Even Heimdall made me emotional, worst five minutes of a film ever 😥