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BookwormMama14 (18 KP) rated Unbreakable (Unblemished #3) in Books
Jan 2, 2019
***Please be aware this is the third book of the Unblemished Trilogy. I have done my best to keep this review spoiler free. Not an easy feat, let me tell you.***
Oh, be still my heart! What a rollercoaster this series is. I wonder if the author knew what the outcome was going to be when she started this series...Or did the characters surprise her just as much as they did me? Haha!
Eliyana Ember has grown so much. And in Unbreakable she has to face even bigger obstacles. Get ready for a whirlwind of events as you hold your breath with every turn of the page! As you travel from Reflection to Reflection with Ky, Joshua, El (or Em), and Ebony, you will lose yourself in the world that Sara Ella has created.
Even though my heart aches that this series has come to a close...I look forward to visiting these stories again soon. And...Sara's NEW book, Coral, will be releasing next year!
A fabulous creation of words, Unbreakable, is a must-read!
I received a complimentary copy of Unbreakable from the publishers as part of the publicity tour with JustRead. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
Oh, be still my heart! What a rollercoaster this series is. I wonder if the author knew what the outcome was going to be when she started this series...Or did the characters surprise her just as much as they did me? Haha!
Eliyana Ember has grown so much. And in Unbreakable she has to face even bigger obstacles. Get ready for a whirlwind of events as you hold your breath with every turn of the page! As you travel from Reflection to Reflection with Ky, Joshua, El (or Em), and Ebony, you will lose yourself in the world that Sara Ella has created.
Even though my heart aches that this series has come to a close...I look forward to visiting these stories again soon. And...Sara's NEW book, Coral, will be releasing next year!
A fabulous creation of words, Unbreakable, is a must-read!
I received a complimentary copy of Unbreakable from the publishers as part of the publicity tour with JustRead. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.

Merissa (12492 KP) rated Unlike Any Other by Ed Londergan in Books
May 18, 2022 (Updated Jun 19, 2023)
UNLIKE ANY OTHER is the story of Bathsheba Spooner, the first woman to be executed in the new United States of America. You find out, through her eyes, what it was like to live a life of privilege, to be passed on in an arranged marriage, to have all her hopes and dreams dashed, to a point where murder is the only way out.
Bathsheba was brought up to speak her mind, to be strong-spirited. She had dreams of marrying a wealthy man from Boston and joining Society. So when she finds out her father has arranged a marriage to a local merchant, she's not happy but eventually agrees to it. Her marriage isn't a happy one, with Joshua frequenting the local taverns more than he does his home. That doesn't stop him from his conjugal rights though. When a young man, half of Bathsheba's age, stays at their home to recover from an illness, she feels the stirrings of desire she hasn't felt for a long time.
This was a well-written piece of history that I thoroughly enjoyed. I found out more about what it was like for the people of America at that time, as well as the Boston Tea Party! Bathsheba's options were so limited at a time when a woman's rights were close to zero. I do wonder why she didn't contact her brother but, at a time when the war was dividing families, I guess I'm not 100% surprised.
I would have liked to have heard a little from Ezra Ross but maybe there isn't enough written from his account to tell his story.
A historical fiction based on a true story that I have no hesitation in recommending.
** same worded review will appear elsewhere **
* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *
Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
May 12, 2022
Bathsheba was brought up to speak her mind, to be strong-spirited. She had dreams of marrying a wealthy man from Boston and joining Society. So when she finds out her father has arranged a marriage to a local merchant, she's not happy but eventually agrees to it. Her marriage isn't a happy one, with Joshua frequenting the local taverns more than he does his home. That doesn't stop him from his conjugal rights though. When a young man, half of Bathsheba's age, stays at their home to recover from an illness, she feels the stirrings of desire she hasn't felt for a long time.
This was a well-written piece of history that I thoroughly enjoyed. I found out more about what it was like for the people of America at that time, as well as the Boston Tea Party! Bathsheba's options were so limited at a time when a woman's rights were close to zero. I do wonder why she didn't contact her brother but, at a time when the war was dividing families, I guess I'm not 100% surprised.
I would have liked to have heard a little from Ezra Ross but maybe there isn't enough written from his account to tell his story.
A historical fiction based on a true story that I have no hesitation in recommending.
** same worded review will appear elsewhere **
* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *
Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
May 12, 2022

Joe Goodhart (27 KP) rated The Flash, Vol. 9: Reckoning of the Forces in Books
Nov 30, 2020
This review pertains to the last three Flash trades, this one and the previous two.
Vol. 7: PERFECT STORM was quite good. I found it to be an interesting addition to the Gorilla Grodd stories. I was so inspired that I took it upon myself to read Vol. 8 & 9.
Vol. 8: FLASH WAR was like a ride on the BARRY ALLEN ANGST and SELF-LOATHING EXPRESS! But, even with that feeling in mind, I continued reading, eventually taking on the even more difficult task of taking on Vol. 9, which turned into yet another ride on that same depressing train ride!
I had read Vol 1, Joshua Williamson's first outing with "REBIRTH" Barry Allen's Flash. That one I found to be lifeless and missing something that Geoff John's Flash definitely had! But, I thought I'd give it one more try with that Gorilla Grodd story, which I turned out to like more than Vol. 1!
Vol. 9 just continues to show us overly-doubting-himself Barry as well as Wally West's Flash, only now with more angst as well as Barry-centric anger! Yeah, not good! NOPE!
It seems like writing for the Flash would be a fun writing assignment, then factoring in Wally West, it should be that much more fun! Unfortunately, that was not the case! DC allowed Barry to experience a sense of self-loathing and a lack of self-confidence, doing a huge disservice to a character with such a rich history as his!
Equally frustrating was the way Wally was treated! I know he and Barry are both comic characters, meaning they are not real. I get that, but I still felt the need to want to buy them each a short stack of pancakes (my treat, of course) and then offer to give each of them a "bro hug" and maybe a Mini Schnauzer puppy as well!
Oh, and how about that shit Williamson did in regard to the Speed Force? I am pretty sure <b>NO ONE</b> wanted there to be other Forces, especially ones as unnecessary as the ones he was serving up!
And how about that art? What the hell?!!? I felt like the dude was trying to emulate Scott Kolin's style of art, only failing to not even come close!
I understand there may be those of you reading this review who like Williamson's Flash. Hey, good for you. No, really. But, I am not gonna be one of them!
Shame on you, DC Comics! BOOOOOO!
Vol. 7: PERFECT STORM was quite good. I found it to be an interesting addition to the Gorilla Grodd stories. I was so inspired that I took it upon myself to read Vol. 8 & 9.
Vol. 8: FLASH WAR was like a ride on the BARRY ALLEN ANGST and SELF-LOATHING EXPRESS! But, even with that feeling in mind, I continued reading, eventually taking on the even more difficult task of taking on Vol. 9, which turned into yet another ride on that same depressing train ride!
I had read Vol 1, Joshua Williamson's first outing with "REBIRTH" Barry Allen's Flash. That one I found to be lifeless and missing something that Geoff John's Flash definitely had! But, I thought I'd give it one more try with that Gorilla Grodd story, which I turned out to like more than Vol. 1!
Vol. 9 just continues to show us overly-doubting-himself Barry as well as Wally West's Flash, only now with more angst as well as Barry-centric anger! Yeah, not good! NOPE!
It seems like writing for the Flash would be a fun writing assignment, then factoring in Wally West, it should be that much more fun! Unfortunately, that was not the case! DC allowed Barry to experience a sense of self-loathing and a lack of self-confidence, doing a huge disservice to a character with such a rich history as his!
Equally frustrating was the way Wally was treated! I know he and Barry are both comic characters, meaning they are not real. I get that, but I still felt the need to want to buy them each a short stack of pancakes (my treat, of course) and then offer to give each of them a "bro hug" and maybe a Mini Schnauzer puppy as well!
Oh, and how about that shit Williamson did in regard to the Speed Force? I am pretty sure <b>NO ONE</b> wanted there to be other Forces, especially ones as unnecessary as the ones he was serving up!
And how about that art? What the hell?!!? I felt like the dude was trying to emulate Scott Kolin's style of art, only failing to not even come close!
I understand there may be those of you reading this review who like Williamson's Flash. Hey, good for you. No, really. But, I am not gonna be one of them!
Shame on you, DC Comics! BOOOOOO!

Nicole Hadley (380 KP) rated Upon a Spring Breeze (Every Amish Season, #1) in Books
Jun 18, 2018
Upon a Spring Breeze by Kelly Irvin is a beautiful, emotional Amish book. At 20 years old Bess is newly married and pregnant, life couldn't get better. Then, as she's making stew for her husband one evening she get's the news of his death. After her son is born he looks just like her late husband and coupled with her exhaustion and her babies colic she has a very hard time dealing with it. Her hormones are out of whack because she has postpartum depression and doesn't realize it. She feels like a total failure with things. Her mother-in law has dementia and thinks Bess's baby is her son who passed away and tries to care for him which just adds to Bess's stress. Bess takes a job at a Bed and Breakfast Inn close by and the son of the owner falls for her. he is an Englisher. She now has two men that have fallen for her, Dusty the Englisher and Aidan, who was her husbands best friend since childhood. Aidan has been in love with her since childhood but she married his best friend. He still carries the strong feelings for her.
Aidan, Caleb and Bess’ best friend since childhood, does his best to repress his guilt over Caleb’s passing. Try as he might, he blames himself for sending him into town that tragic day. He promises on Caleb’s dying breath to watch over Bess and their unborn child. He tries to make that a reality but his long standing feelings for Bess start to get in the way.
Bess tries to find her way working in a B and B in town. When the rumor mill runs wild with stories of her and the English owner’s son, she has to begin to face reality instead of living in her own world of grief. She soon learns to rely on a group of widows in her community. The guidance and love that they giver her along with Aiden’s unyielding support soon give Bess hope that there might be a future for her and young Joshua after all.
Kelly really has a way with bringing her characters to life. The reader is quickly drawn in as the characters are so easy to identify with and root for in their quest for happiness. I really enjoyed the many strong female voices in the book. The group of supporting widows that reached out to young Bess was easy to connect with and understand their loss and struggle with their own stories. Even though at first I was not a Mattie fan, my heart began to ache for her and the fact that Soloman left his wife’s dementia untreated for so long. The author did an excellent job delicately working Mattie’s tale into the story, although I hoped that in the epilogue she would have found treatment and possibly have recovered.
Kelly Irvin's writing is easy to follow. Intriguing, clean, and charming. The charcaters are believable. Their life situations are realistic. I was able to connect with both characters. Loss, grief, love, and faith are themes commonly found on every page.
I received an ARC from Thomas Nelson and Zondervan via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Aidan, Caleb and Bess’ best friend since childhood, does his best to repress his guilt over Caleb’s passing. Try as he might, he blames himself for sending him into town that tragic day. He promises on Caleb’s dying breath to watch over Bess and their unborn child. He tries to make that a reality but his long standing feelings for Bess start to get in the way.
Bess tries to find her way working in a B and B in town. When the rumor mill runs wild with stories of her and the English owner’s son, she has to begin to face reality instead of living in her own world of grief. She soon learns to rely on a group of widows in her community. The guidance and love that they giver her along with Aiden’s unyielding support soon give Bess hope that there might be a future for her and young Joshua after all.
Kelly really has a way with bringing her characters to life. The reader is quickly drawn in as the characters are so easy to identify with and root for in their quest for happiness. I really enjoyed the many strong female voices in the book. The group of supporting widows that reached out to young Bess was easy to connect with and understand their loss and struggle with their own stories. Even though at first I was not a Mattie fan, my heart began to ache for her and the fact that Soloman left his wife’s dementia untreated for so long. The author did an excellent job delicately working Mattie’s tale into the story, although I hoped that in the epilogue she would have found treatment and possibly have recovered.
Kelly Irvin's writing is easy to follow. Intriguing, clean, and charming. The charcaters are believable. Their life situations are realistic. I was able to connect with both characters. Loss, grief, love, and faith are themes commonly found on every page.
I received an ARC from Thomas Nelson and Zondervan via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.