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"This is another terrific piece of journalism written years ago about an even earlier time. It’s a portrait of the city of Boston during the racial strife of the ‘60’s and ‘70s. Lucas tracks the lives of three families — African-American, Irish, and upwardly mobile Yankee — to bring the struggles of that era back to life."

    Steele & Drex

    Steele & Drex

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    Steele & Drex offers a new outlook on news programming that meshes the award winning journalism of...

The Autobiography of Malcolm X
The Autobiography of Malcolm X
Malcolm X, Alex Haley, Paul Gilroy | 2001 | Biography
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Book Favorite

"I was certainly intrigued by this book because of the topic — Malcolm X is a fascinating guy in the Black Rights Movement. However, what really makes me appreciate this book is the top-notch journalism that Alex Haley exhibited, putting together these stories of Malcolm X's. I think about this book whenever I am at Red Rooster, located appropriately on Malcolm X Blvd."


Josh Sadfie recommended Streetwise (1984) in Movies (curated)

Streetwise (1984)
Streetwise (1984)
1984 | Documentary, Drama
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Movie Favorite

"As modern as a film can be while still remaining highly romantic. It's part journalism, part fiction, part poetry… Based on the photos and relationships the late great Mary Ellen Mark developed with street kids in Seattle for a photo series for LIFE magazine. LIFE magazine photos have birthed great films like this one and Little Fugitive (kind of). I’ll never forget Dewayne, Tiny and Rat."
