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We Were Soldiers Once... and Young: The Battle That Changed the War in Vietnam
We Were Soldiers Once... and Young: The Battle That Changed the War in Vietnam
Harold G. Moore | 2002 | Biography, History & Politics
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"The flip side of the “The Sorrow of War,” this book is a brilliant and telling account of one brutal battle in Vietnam from the American perspective. Moore was the commander of soldiers who were airdropped into the jungle, only to be promptly surrounded and massively outnumbered by North Vietnamese troops. The reporter Joseph Galloway had rare access to the troops, witnessing this desperate battle for survival. I love it for the story of heroic journalism. It is why I so admire books like “Once Upon a Distant War,” by William Prochnau, which is the Vietnam war seen through the eyes of legendary correspondents like Neil Sheehan, David Halberstam, Peter Arnett, and others of that generation, providing stark evidence of their courage and fearless contributions to history and truth."

    TV9 Telugu Live

    TV9 Telugu Live

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    ABCL’s TV9 is a leading 24-hours Telugu News channel that presents the complete picture of news...

The Assassin (1961)
The Assassin (1961)
1961 | Crime, Thriller
9.0 (1 Ratings)
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First film directed by Elio Petri, which at first may seem simple and superficial, but after watching it I kept thinking and thinking about it and ended up being referred to The Usual Suspects (Bryan Singer, 1995), because at no time do we have an account of the impartially, all flashback scenes are narrated by Marcello Mastroianni's character. There are no absolute truths in the film. The direction is very competent and the performance of Mastroianni, as always, perfect. In the end there are some exaggerations and they miss exploring some aspects, but I really liked the movie. Nowadays there would be a good discussion about him being featured on the cover of a newspaper as a murderer while he was a suspect, something quite common in journalism to this day.