Journey to the Centre of the Earth: The Remarkable Voyage of Scientific Discovery into the Heart of Our World
The journey to the centre of the earth is a voyage like no other we can imagine. Over 3000 km below...
Shackleton's Epic: Recreating the World's Greatest Journey of Survival
'Never for me the lowered banner, never the last endeavour' SIR ERNEST SHACKLETON APRIL 1916: After...
The Universe Next Door: A Journey Through 57 Alternative Realities, Parallel Worlds and Possible Futures
You are here. But what if you weren't? You could easily have ended up in a different reality...
Creative Cakes: World-Renowned Cake Designer Rosalind Chan Presents 14 Cakes Inspired by Her Journeys Around the Globe
Rosalind Chan is a world-renowned cake decorator who has traveled the globe to bring these 14 cakes...
World Economic Journal
Business and Magazines & Newspapers
World Economic Journal is an international publication on trends in the world economy, the situation...
World Economic Journal RUS (Edition)
Business and Magazines & Newspapers
World Economic Journal – ежемесячный журнал о трендах мировой...