The Cambridge Companion to Judaism and Law
The Cambridge Companion to Judaism and Law explores the Jewish conception of law as an essential...

Universal Aspects of the Kabbalah and Judaism
Leo Schaya, Patrick Laude and Roger Gaetani
Leo Schaya (1916-1986) was a brilliant author and editor whose only book to appear in English was...
Sacrifice in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
An examination of the practice and philosophy of sacrifice in three religious traditions In the book...

The Norton Anthology of World Religions: Judaism
This magisterial Norton Anthology, edited by world-renowned scholars, offers a portable library of...

Future Tense: A Vision for Jews and Judaism in the Global Culture
Historically, Jews have thought of themselves in terms of the biblical phrase, 'The people that...

Judaism and Other Religions: Models of Understanding
With insight and scholarship, Alan Brill crisply outlines the traditional Jewish approaches to other...