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Trainwreck (2015)
Trainwreck (2015)
2015 | Comedy
Amy Schumer (0 more)
Nothing original (0 more)
Good Rom-Com-Drama
I've seen a few Amy Schumer films now, so have an idea what to expect, along with Judd Apatow who has done some funny comedies. This was OK, bit longer than many in the genre and with some more drama elements to it. It's funny a lot of the time and more raunchy than most. Amy is what makes it a better than average but still the predictable outcome by the end.
The King of Staten Island (2020)
The King of Staten Island (2020)
2020 | Comedy, Drama
An amateur tattoo artist is forced to grow up when his mom (who he is living with) falls in love with a new boo.

Acting: 10

Beginning: 7
The very first few moments sees main character Scott Carlin (Pete Davidson) driving on the highway with his eyes closed, seemingly trying to off himself. It’s a powerful scene followed quickly by Scott and his friends tripping out with the typical hilarious banter you find in a Judd Apatow movie. While both great scenes, you still don’t get a full sense of where the story is going after the first ten minutes hence the score.

Characters: 10

Cinematography/Visuals: 9
Shot in a memorable style that brings out the best and worst of Staten Island at the same time. Director Apatow has a knack for capturing extremely impactful moments, especially the awkward ones. Every scene, no matter how short makes the most of its time and tells its own story. It’s such a hard thing to do yet Apatow finds a way to do it repeatedly.

Conflict: 10
It’s funny, I can’t look at Scott’s character without thinking about my 16-year-old son. He’s kind of drifting about in the same aimless way and, like Scott, doesn’t seem to understand how his now actions will affect his later. The beauty of having a character like this is the ability to be able to drive external conflict through Scott’s internal growth. He is struggling for selfish reasons. He wants his mom to be happy, but not at his expense. The dynamic of conflict is perfect.

Entertainment Value: 9

Memorability: 10

Pace: 8
The story flows along pretty smoothly, although I wasn’t happy with the 147-minute runtime. That’s a bit extensive for a comedy in my opinion. Again, I was impressed about how time was maximized for the most part, but there were a few spots where I felt things could have been trimmed.

Plot: 7
The movie does cheat to meet its end, but I was ultimately ok with it because the rest of the story was pretty incredible. The cheat is a blip on an otherwise quality story that really enhances the growth of the characters. Every scene really does come together well to tell a great story.

Resolution: 10

Overall: 90
From jump, The King of Staten Island hits you in the mouth and keeps you entertained. I enjoyed this movie for multiple reasons, but mostly because it checks all the boxes. Even the things it falls short on is just slightly missing the mark. Highly recommended.
The Five-Year Engagement (2012)
The Five-Year Engagement (2012)
2012 | Comedy
7.3 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Based upon my past experiences with Judd Apatow movies, I knew what I was in for: witty banter, great “one-liners”, and lots of “oh dear god” moments. And, as with all of Apatow’s movies, I wasn’t disappointed.

The movie follows the love story of Tom (Jason Segel) and Violet (Emily Blunt). Tom is your typical Jewish geeky guy while Violet is your educated British ideal. Both meet at a New Year’s Eve party dressed as their respective made-up superheros and an unlikely romance blossoms forth. Where the movie set forth with the sweet set up of their engagement, from there it follows an utterly unique and random path. For one reason or another, their wedding is postponed and delayed. Family deaths ensue, hunting escapes and knitted sweaters happen, toes are lost, but, as with all romantic-comedies, the happy ending prevails.

Segel and Chris Pratt provide for excellent witty banter and dramatics while Blunt and Alison Brie make for a fantastic sisterly pair. Regardless if you cry from the cheesy sweetness of it all or from the hilarity of Segel’s antics, this movie provides for great entertainment all around.

I give it 4 out of 5 stars and yes, I will be using many of the movie’s quotes as part of my daily repertoire.

JT (287 KP) rated Bridesmaids (2011) in Movies

Mar 10, 2020  
Bridesmaids (2011)
Bridesmaids (2011)
2011 | Comedy
This was quite a nice change of pace from the regular rom-coms we have seen. The dull and somewhat boring 27 Dresses, Runaway Bride and Bride Wars as examples all try to leave you feeling fluffy and emotionally satisfied.

Bridesmaids is simply The Hangover for females. With brilliant ad-libbing and standout scenes it only lets itself down by trying to fill the humour gaps with a genuine romance for Kristen Wiig‘s Annie. Beneficial to the film is producer Judd Apatow who has brought us some fantastic comedies such as The 40-Year Old Virgin and Knocked Up to name a few. Each with a collection of colourful and extremely funny characters – Bridesmaids is not a lot different.

Here he almost certainly lends a helping hand in making sure this misfit group of women can cause as much havoc as possible, and they do. Laugh out loud moments such as a trip to the bridal shop after some rather dodgy food is a disgusting but hilarious highlight, as is the plane trip to Vegas in which a nervous Annie mixes pills and scotch and tries to slip into first class.

One of the highlights was the supporting role of Melissa McCarthy as Megan, almost a female version of the loveable Zach Galifianakis‘ character Alan in The Hangover . She nearly steals the show, but if not for a great performance from Wig. Given the film’s high budget it did very well to profit such a huge sum worldwide so it must have hit the right notes with film goers.

Overall I enjoyed Bridesmaids a lot. The actresses not following the the script and add-libbing takes a lot of skill, more so to make the scene funny, so hats off to that.