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Hellraiser (1987)
Hellraiser (1987)
1987 | Horror
All these years later, and Hellraiser is still a treat. I've always had respect for Clive Barker's directorial debut. It came out in a decade where the genre had become more schlocky and less serious with each passing year, and dared to go for the jugular with its straight shooting, no nonsense brand of horror.
It has an engaging plot, focusing primarily on a forbidden love between Julia, and her husband's brother Frank. When Frank is quite literally torn apart after messing with an ancient puzzle box, it quickly becomes apparent that he can return to the land of the living through blood sacrifice, resulting in Julia luring unsuspecting victims to their doom in order to be with Frank once again. It's a twisted love story, effectively making Hellraiser a romance-horror, centering around a toxic relationship. The cast performances are varied for sure, but of course Clare Higgins is a stand out. Her portrayal of Julia is sympathetic as she is quite clearly besotted with and somewhat scared of Frank, whilst also managing to be a confident and calculating villain.
Then there is the iconic Pinhead, one of several cenobites that are summoned when the puzzle box is completed, and a horror antagonist that stands shoulder to shoulder with the likes of Michael Myers and Freddy Krueger. His presence here is effective in the way that it's seldom. When he does appear, Doug Bradley delivers every line with terrifying conviction, with some hugely memorable dialogue.
The practical effects on display are fantastic as well. Frank's ressurection scene in particular is striking, and one of the finest examples of practical horror effects out there. The cenobites themselves boast some memorable designs, and looks suitably unsettling. It also has a haunting and beautiful music score, courtesy of Christopher Young, that really ties everything together nicely.

Hellraiser is an all timer. A film that deserves its place in the horror hall of fame without question.
Nothing Tastes as Good
Nothing Tastes as Good
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I happened to see this book by chance, in my local library. I was drawn to it because it's cover, it's title - I'm anorexic, and I happen to be drawn to things relating to mental health. It doesn't expressly say on it that it's about anorexia, but the cover made it pretty obvious to me. A warning to anyone that wants to read it: it's hard. If you suffer from something like this, like me, then you will probably have difficulty reading something so close to home. Especially if you're recovering. But it gets better. (I mean the book; I'm not using that "life gets better" crap.)

So Annabel is dead. I'm studying The Lovely Bones at school so the whole beyond-death narration isn't that special to me now. But Hennessy does it pretty differently to Sebold.

We don't know much about Annabel, not at first. But we begin to learn about her while she helps her assigned "soul-in-need" - The Boss (definitely not God) has promised her a final communication with her family if she helps Julia. And this looks easy, at first - Julia is from Annabel's old school, with a loving family and good grades. Everything is fine, except she's fat. Annabel thinks this should be easy - after all, she's an expert in weight loss. She lost weight until she died.

But Annabel soon finds out that Julia's issues are a whole lot more complex than her weight. At first, losing weight helps. But then her old scars come back to haunt her, and Annabel realises that maybe losing weight isn't going to fix all her problems.

Aside from the obvious issue, this book does talk about a lot of important topics. It covers friendships and relationships, like most YA novels do, but it also combats ideas on feminism, affairs with older men, and people all having their own hidden demons.

At first, I wasn't keen on Annabel. I wanted to like her - I felt I should, because I could relate to her story so much. But she was a bitch. She wanted other people to be like her, and rather than encouraging recovery and health and happiness, she shared tipped on weight loss. It really did hurt to read. Her ideas on "perfection" and being weak for eating just really hit a nerve for me. Not because it was wrong (though I'd never encourage an eating disorder in someone else), but because it's exactly how I'd think about myself. Her behaviours, her worries, her anger - they were so real.

But Annabel, despite being dead, grows alongside Julia. Yes, she tells Julia to starve herself and run on an empty stomach and hate herself, but eventually she starts to feel for her. She wants Julia to combat her issues, to actually be happy. And she realises, despite having been so upset with her old friends for recovering, that maybe she wasted her life. Maybe she could have been something more, rather than striving to be less.

I found this really emotional. Annabel's love for her sister, the sister she neglected for years while she was focused on her goals, and the future she cut short. The way Julia's life changed when her passion for writing and journalism was overtaken by her obsession with food, calories, exercise. It's so real and so sad. And the ending isn't "happily ever after" - Annabel's still dead, Julia's in counselling - but it's real. It gives hope that things can change, that Julia can really achieve happiness.

At first, I didn't like this that much. I know Annabel is just a character, but I just didn't like her. She was one of those girls that makes anorexia sound like a choice, a lifestyle, and I hated that. But later she realises she is sick, and I actually felt sorry for her. I was sorry that she had been brainwashed by her illness into believing she was doing what was right.

The only reason I'm giving just 4.5 stars to this book is because Annabel was a bitch. Yes, she is a character, and yes, she grows considerably throughout the novel, but her encouragement of EDs just drove me insane. Personal pet peeve, I guess.

Adam Silvera recommended 100 Sideways Miles in Books (curated)

100 Sideways Miles
100 Sideways Miles
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"Andrew Smith (Winger; Grasshopper Jungle) pens a phenomenal novel about life's many detours, told in the unforgettable voice of an epileptic teenager with heterochromatic eyes (one blue, one green) and a strange history. When 16-year-old Finn Easton was seven years old, a dead horse that was being transported to a rendering plant fell "one hundred sideways miles" off a bridge and landed on Finn and his mother. The impact broke Finn's back and killed his mother. His epilepsy, which he may grow out of, is a "souvenir" of the accident, and if he does grow out of it, he suspects he may miss the way the seizures empty the words out of his head. Finn measures the world in miles instead of minutes, because he believes "distance is more important than time." His crush, Julia Bishop, a Chicago transplant living with her aunt and uncle because of a devastating secret, admires Finn's perspective on life. The moment he meets Julia, Finn wonders "how many atoms from the same calamities out there in the universe our body shared.... Maybe my right hand and her left hand both came from the same supernova." Julia, ever astute, gets why Finn named his dog Laika, is patient with him during his wild mood swings when he's returning from a "blank out" (seizure) and, most importantly, she loves Finn back. Which makes it crushing for both Finn (and readers) when Julia must return to Chicago--the very place where she was victim of a tragedy that makes Finn wish he "could push the world back all those miles with my bare hands and make it change direction," even if it means they'd never have met. Throughout the novel, Finn suffers from an identity crisis as he questions whether or not he's the product of his father's bestselling cult-classic novel, The Lazarus Door, starring a protagonist with the teen's name, heterochromatic eyes, seizures, and scars identical to the ones he has on his back from his post-accident surgery. So Finn sets out on a road trip with his best friend, the memorable Cade Hernandez, to figure out the ending to his story, when an unexpected accident rewrites their future. Smith's sly commentary on today's school system ("designed to make us all the same," in Cade's words) intertwines with the story of Finn's desperation to break out and be different--not a reproduction of anyone's expectations. The well-rounded supporting characters and the Southern California setting make for a welcome departure from the usual glitz of Los Angeles life. Hilarious and wise, 100 Sideways Miles is an addictive and panoramic read about the intersecting--and divergent--paths that lie ahead. Breathtakingly good."

A delightful read! I loved this story from start to finish. Ms. Delamere hooked me instantly and kept me turning the pages long into the night. The Heart's Appeal is a story that will make you smile, make you think, make you want more of this fabulous author's work.

Julia and Michael are complex and wonderfully chiseled. The interactions between the two were beautifully done, and the story line was rich in historicaly detail. The way that Ms. Delamere pieced Julia and Michael's story together, was captivating and delicately done.

These characters, this story line, the history, the inspirational messages woven throughout, all made this story one that I will turn to again and again. It played out like a movie, and the characters all came to life, bringing me into the heart of the story right along side them all.

This is a 4 star novel that I recommend to all! If you want a book that will suck you in, and keep you hooked until you're reading the last page, then look no further than the talent of Ms. Delamere and The Heart's Appeal. It's sure to leave you wanting more!

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
Desert Moon by Susan Page Davis is a wonderful historical fiction. The story takes place in Arizona. There is a sweet romance throughout the story with a little bit of danger and mystery added. The story begins fast with a stage coach robbery and then blames of the crime are made and with evidence.

The main character, Julia Newman, is a young lady that makes the difficult decisions. Julia receives double bad news in a short amount of time. First she learns of her mother's death, then she learns that her brother is accused of robbing a stagecoach and the person who informed her is the man that Julie has always love, Deputy Adam Scott. 

Julie left home to go to school to become a teacher because she could not stand to be near the man she loved, Deputy Adam Scott.  On her way home, Julie learns that the stagecoach she is riding in has been robbed. Deputy accused Julie's brother of the crime, which frustrates her. Julie tries to convince Deputy Adam Scott of her brother's innocence but then finds out that her brother has gone mission.  During this exchange, Julie discovers that her feelings for Deputy Adam Scott has not gone away as she hoped would happen when she went away to school. 

Thank you to NetGalley and Barbour Books for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Mastering the Art of French Murder
Mastering the Art of French Murder
Colleen Cambridge | 2023 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Chef’s Knife of Crime
Tabitha Knight has decided to live with her grandfather in 1949 Paris as she tries to decide what to do with her life after the end of the war. One of her new neighbors is Julia Child, and the two quickly become friends. After a party at Julia’s apartment one night, one of the guests is killed with Julia’s chef’s knife. Naturally, the police think she did it, but Tabitha knows it had to be someone else at the party. Can she prove it?

While I know little about Julia Child, I did feel what we saw here rang true to her personality. But she is just one of many enchanting characters we meet here, and I can’t wait to see them again. The suspects were strong, and the mystery kept me guessing. I thought I’d picked up on a clue early on, but it turned out to be a red herring that got me. I did feel one aspect of the plot was left up in the air, but the rest was explained to my satisfaction. While there are no recipes in this book, there is tons of talk about food. You’ll definitely be hungry when you read. I’m glad I finally read a book by this author, and I’ll be looking for more.
The Addams Family (1991)
The Addams Family (1991)
1991 | Comedy, Horror, Sci-Fi
"They're creepy and they're kooky
Mysterious and spooky
They're altoghether ooky
the Addmas Family!"

(Very) Early 90s live action take on the Addams Family with Raul Julia and Anjelica Huston impeccably cast as Gomez and Morticia Addams, alongside an equally impeccably cast Christopher Lloyd as Fester Addams.

The plot? Fester Addams has been missing, presumed dead, for decades until a man arrives at their house claiming to be the same, but with no memory of his childhood.

No, this is NOT the one where Wednesday Addams learns to smile (that would be the superior sequel: The Addams Family Values), but this is still an enjoyable enough diversion.
Street Fighter (1994)
Street Fighter (1994)
1994 | Action
5.1 (9 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Character costumes, Cast, smooth comedy (0 more)
Lack of fighting & abilities (0 more)
A cult classic that's better than legend of Chun Li
1994 saw the release of street fighter, a live action take on the videogame phenomenon.
Starring Jean claude van damme as colonel Guile, a man leading the United nations army against evil dictator General M.Bison (Raul Julia)& his forces.
Guile convinces ken & Ryu to join/infiltrate
The United sides of both Bison and Sagat which becomes problematic.
Chun li & colleagues Balrog & E.Honda are planning on taking out bison themselves.

Although there's more comedy than action, the amount of effort put into the character portrayals, costume designs and character's actually in this is brilliant considering it's only about 90 mins long.

Each character looks near perfect to their videogame counterpart & Raul Julia is no doubt the stand out actor.

Fun from beginning to end, 1994s street fighter is one for die hard quick, change the channel!

it is an American/Japanese action film written and directed by Steven E. de Souza

 Byron Mann - Ryu
 Damian Chapa- Ken Masters
Kylie Minogue - Cammy
Ming-Na Wen - Chun Li
Wes Studi. Sagat
Grand L bush - Balrog
Roshan seth - Dhalsim
Miguel A Nunez jr - Dee Jay
Robert Mammone - Charlie/Blanka
Peter tuiasosopo - E.Honda
Gregg Rainwater - T.Hawk
Andrew Bryniarski - Zangief
Jay tavare - Vega
Kenya sawada- Captain Sawada

Based on: Street Fighter; by Capcom
Production company: Capcom
Country: United States; Japan

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2099 KP) rated A Murder Most French in Books

Apr 25, 2024 (Updated Apr 25, 2024)  
A Murder Most French
A Murder Most French
Colleen Cambridge | 2024 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Murder Most Rare
When this book opens, Julia Child is excited about a demonstration that a famous chef is going to be doing that afternoon at Le Cordon Bleu, and she insists that her friend and neighbor, Tabitha Knight, go with her. However, the demonstration ends abruptly when the chef dies after taking a sip of a rare and expensive wine he’d received just before the event started. Despite vowing to stay out of it, Tabitha can’t help but wonder what is going on. Can she figure it out?

As I was reading this book, I couldn’t help but wonder why the characters, who are speaking French, are throwing French words into every line of dialogue. But that writing quirk aside, this was another great book. I loved getting to visit the characters again, and Tabitha was just as smart and resourceful as in the first book. Meanwhile, the new characters lead us on a merry chase in a well-constructed mystery. I was satisfied when everything was explained. As with the first book, there is a smattering of foul language. Once again, Paris in post the World War II era came to life, and I enjoyed this look at the time period. Don’t read this book hungry since all the talk of food will make your mouth water. I enjoyed getting to spend more time with Tabitha and Julia and look forward to their next adventure.
I recently had the opportunity to do some editing on this book and here are my thoughts on it:

If you are looking for a wickedly sexy paranormal romance read with lycans, vampires and even a witch or two then look no further. Julia and Seth will captivate and tantalize all of your senses as you can feel their chemistry jump right off the pages. I was immediately tangled up in the steamy web that the author weaved. The story line is well developed and all the characters are strong and full of individual characteristics. You will quickly find yourself choosing a side to root for and I cannot wait to get my hands on the next book.