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Titane (2021)
Titane (2021)
2021 | Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi
Titane is a truly mind bending experience, with several layers to work through to get to its core. It's been marketed as a sex fuelled body horror, which it certainly is to a degree, but beyond that, it's a fascinating character drama between two people who are coasting through life with their own separate issues. It's a love story that explores grief to an uneasy level, and dives headfirst into gender fluidity in the modern world. It's a bold vision that uses horror to great effect. To delve into the details any further would defeat the whole point of how the narrative unfolds - definitely recommend going in as blind as possible.
Agathe Rousselle is a revelation in the lead roll, an actor who certianly comes across as steadfast and fearless in her first feature length project. I'm excited to see what she brings to the table in the future. Vincent Lindon by comparison is a veteran of the industry, and the two of them share a chemistry that is equally electric as it is uncomfortable.
It's wonderfully directed by Julia Ducournau, who has crafted a visually striking and vibrant piece that will worm it's way into your brain and stay there for a while. Between this and her last film Raw, she surely has a big part to play in the future of the genre.

Titane isn't an easy watch, and is sometimes challenging, but is ultimately rewarding, and certainly unique. A modern body horror that gets under the skin in more ways than one.

Bo Burnham recommended Raw (2017) in Movies (curated)

Raw (2017)
Raw (2017)
2017 | Horror

"A recent one would be Raw, the Julia Ducournau film. I love that film. I had sort of finished my movie so… Or no, I hadn’t finished it — maybe I was just about to shoot my movie — but I watched it three times in theaters. I can’t believe that’s a debut. It only feels like seasoned masters are able to really manipulate an audience, beat to beat, to really feel like you are being so perfectly manipulated, and you’re just in the hands of someone who has complete control of you. It’s just unbelievable to have out of the gate. But also, she does an incredible — and it’s something I was trying to do in my movie — she is able to just really ground all of her stylized sequences really perfectly in the felt naturalism of the movie, and she does it in such incredibly sly ways that are so, so smart. Like, you know — spoiler — the finger eating scene. The fact that the beginning of that scene is all about them waxing. Like, the waxing is an incredible way to ground the physical reality of their bodies in something we can all relate to, in terms of, you know, none of us have ever eaten a finger, but we all know the feeling of hair being pulled out. It’s a really relatable and yet traumatic pain that we’re seeing and thinking about. It’s similar in the way that the animals are put in in the beginning. Because the bodies are treated so real and so relatably, then when this surreal stuff starts happening, it feels so goddamn real. She’s just eating half of a finger and people were traumatized by it. You know, it’s actually not that gory of a movie. It’s not that extreme of a movie, but she slyly grounds it in realism. And then there’s just these beautiful images over the whole thing. It’s such an economic use of set pieces. The blue paint and the yellow paint, and getting together and turning green. Even her under the covers, that feels like a set piece. She’s so economic with her use of action and framing, and it was something I really wanted to try to do. I felt like I didn’t have a good reference for “How am I going to integrate the stylized sequences I have in my mind into this natural world?” Then when I saw her movie, I’m like, “Oh man, this is exactly what I want to do.” She just has a really incredible eye for what is significant, and all the set pieces are just very muscular. Knowing the set pieces are made from simple clean action that is understood with iconic, and icons are simple. To know that things that are iconic are often very, very simple."
